Katie Couric

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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : On a serious note, I wanted to bring attention to what’s been going on in #venezuela. Currently, Venezuela is in the midst of a massive political and economic crisis, caused largely by Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, who is a socialist dictator. For years, Venezuela has faced a devastating economic collapse that has created a humanitarian crisis and caused millions to flee the country. Maduro has hijacked the country and kept the Venezuelan military loyal through extortion and fear. Information is restricted and a lot of people don’t have access to the internet or social media. Maduro was reelected last May, but many citizens and international observers claim the process was rigged and that Juan Guaido, the head of the National Assembly (and Venezuela’s legislative body) is the rightful (temporary) president of the country. President Trump along with other world leaders, have officially recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, which has angered Maduro and caused him to sever diplomatic ties with the US. Right now, inflation in Venezuela is more than 1 million percent and most people cannot buy food or medicine - and lines to get into grocery stores wrap around the block. To put it into perspective, salaries are less than $5 USD/month, and that is what 12 eggs cost if you are lucky enough to find them on the black market. On top of that, a five-day blackout began last week which has affected about 70% of the country and plunged some of the largest cities - including the capital, Caracas into complete darkness. At least 20 people have died during the blackouts - mainly due to the fact that there is no power in the hospitals. In addition, people are getting sick because the river in Caracas (which is heavily polluted) has become one of the only reliable sources of flowing water during the power outages. “None of us have ever lived through something like this - not my generation, not my parents, not my grandmother,” Anna Ferrera, a student from Caracas
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