Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : The point of any post of mine is to inspire you to believe that you can take the reigns of your life, tap into the divinity that is already inside you and make the most out of what you've been given. You are love! I am a black, trans woman, born in Mobile, Alabama to a single, working class mother. With God's help, a lot of hard work, a lot of preparation that met opportunity (what Oprah calls luck), some privileges, (mainly a mother who valued education) in this moment I am getting to live my dreams. This process involves tons of therapy and ongoing spiritual work as well. I also try to be of service as well. I never want anyone to feel badly about themselves. I want to lift you up and celebrate you. Walt Whitman in "Song of myself" writes, " I celebrate myself and sing myself And what I assume you shall assume For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you." For Whitman the self was both individual and universal. When I post selfies, both photos and videos it is to encourage you to know that as I celebrate the uniqueness of myself, my journey and accomplishments, that can also be a celebration of you and your journey and perhaps a possibility model. And as always I declare that #TransIsBeautiful to celebrate those things about me that make me uniquely, noticeably and beautifully trans. As I celebrate those things about myself, I celebrate those things about you. Love is the message!
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