Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : I just sat and watched this about 20 times with tears in my eyes. I have seen this video before but with @gabunion's words attached this hit me hard this morning. I sat in therapy yesterday working through another childhood trauma I wanted to pretend wasn't there. I have learned how trauma lives in the nervous system and has to be resolved and worked through and out of the body. I grew up with bullies of various kinds working what felt like overtime to make me doubt myself. My nervous was constantly in fight, flight or freeze. But the good news is it's never too late to retrain our nervous systems. I am slowly and gently learning how to do this............................................................................ Even as there is so much abundance in my life, so many things to be grateful for, my nervous system is often either looking for the threat or triggered to perceive there's one present whether there is or isn't. The reality for a a lot of black and brown folks, women, trans folks, immigrants etc. Is that the threats to our safety and life chances are real, those traumas are real. The nervous system doesn't know the trauma happened 10 years ago. The nervous system experiences the threat as happening now. But living in a constant state of fight, flight or freeze is not sustainable. I have learned this one the hard way......................................................................... And this morning in this video I can sit looking at a beautiful black girl who knew she was the best, having that belief system protected, having the kind of confidence born not from delusion but from hard work, talent and the birthright of worthiness............................................................ That beautiful black girl is now a beautiful black woman and a bonafide living legend, a champion. We don't all have Richard Williams's in our lives but we can learn to be that for ourselves and each other, to do the gentle work to heal. Thank you to ever
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