Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : With everything going on in our politics this is what I needed to read today. Thanks @therealalexandrabillings...............................................................................................................@Regran_ed from @therealalexandrabillings - I was raped in an alley in 1983 by a man who attacked me from behind and then ran off. I remember when I was being chased through the park by an abusive lover and when I saw a police car at a stop light, I screamed for help. They saw me, pointed, laughed and drove off. Being transgender was a joke and a crime and asking for help was futile So I didn’t And throughout my life, since I can remember, I was taught silence. Not to get too loud. Not to make too much noise. And not to to take up too much space. My problems were mine and didn’t need to be shared and so my shame became my home and my soul became barren. So I never reported what happened to me. But just because I never reported it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen I am whole now. I am healing now. I am surrounded by those who didn’t make it, who didn’t survive and I am held by those who did. And so my heroes live in all kinds of bodies and continue on in the stories we tell. And there are still those of us who are silenced and so our job is to be with them. Our job is to stay present. Our job is to believe them No matter how much time has passed Here’s to the heroes we left behind #transrightsarehumanrights #transisbeautiful #metoo #timesup #trumpisatraitor #notokavanaugh #resist #webelongintheroom #webelieveyou #believesurvivors - #regrann
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