Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : This history lesson of sorts from Jon Meachum was very useful for me today to put into perspective what we have been witnessing with these Senate hearings and the likely confirmation of #BretKavanaugh tomorrow. This likely confirmation will be the realization of a decades long project from conservatives to turn an already right leaning court even more so for a generation, perhaps the most conservative court we have seen since Jim Crow. The conservatives who control the government at the moment would let nothing get in the way of this goal. .......................................................................... The past few weeks have brought up so much trauma for me as well and for so many, for survivors and just folks who want to see justice. We know what we have witnessed is not justice. It is not democracy. It has been crucial for me this week to first address the trauma that has emerged in my nervous system from all this. The nervous system doesn't know a trauma happened 20 years ago. When triggered the body experiences the trauma as if it's happening in the moment........................................................... I have have had to remind myself that trauma biologically evokes a fight, flight or freeze response. When I am in fight, flight or freeze I am of no use to myself or the world. But its important when I am there to acknowledge it and be gentle with myself to move to my resilient zone. My mantra for the week, "I will embrace love and not fear today," was one of the tools I used to move into a more resilient zone. I am also engaging somatic therapeutic tools among other things to heal. Today I want to choose to have an historic perspective, acknowledge how traumatizing all this is, actively do the work to heal the trauma while acknowledging how broken and corrupt our political systems are, how invested those in power are to keeping it at all costs and finally how I can be part of a proactive solution while not being reactionary to the many
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