Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : So honored to be featured in @harpersbazaarus's #WomenWhoDare issue on Newsstands Oct. 23rd. The brilliant, beautiful, woke inspiring soul that is @rosariodawson and I have a most invigorating conversation (invigorating for me at least) about #IntersectionalFeminism. The issue also features JANE FONDA, PATRISSE KHAN-CULLORS, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, EDNA CHAVEZ and more . ......................................................... An excerpt from my conversation with Rosario conversation: Laverne: "I think the vulnerability piece that @BreneBrown always talks about is that accountability can only happen when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and to say “I made a mistake and I was wrong.” That is a deeply vulnerable act; to be accountable. And if we can start to be accountable to each other maybe then we can understand what accountability looks like in our politics, in our systems historically. And then we can maybe begin to understand that there is a history, there's a long history of women being disenfranchised in this country. There's a long history of trans people, of undocumented people, of people with disabilities.." #TransIsBeautiful #Vote #MeToo #vulnerability #Love #Empathy click ok the link in my bio for the full conversation
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