Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : Please read this post from the brilliant @mxviv a d have a great day. Love you and miss you V. ......................... @Regran_ed from @mxviv - I’m not sure I ever came out, but I sure do have a lot of gay friends!!! (Hello, @toddthomasnyc, I love you! I found this old picture of us today.). Anyways, In sixth grade I overheard some boys saying I’d done some sex stuff I hadn’t done. I’d thought about it though. Did that make me gay? I was definitely gay as far as they were concerned, that’s for sure. At that point I didn’t even know what gay was! When I was in my 20s my dad asked me if I was gay and I lied and said yes. I didn’t want to say I was bi because I didn’t want to hold out hope that one day I’d find the “right girl.” I wasn’t lying when I came out as trans but no one seemed to pay too much attention, they just went back to calling me “he” until I started screaming at them about it. Being trans is confusing. They don’t call it “dysphoria” for nothing. And people don’t help. Usually it’s the opposite. Suffice it to say coming out is not easy -especially when you’re not sure what you are and your desires and fantasies keep changing. It takes a long time to find the right people to love you and that can make it hard to love yourself. My advice is to just keep trying. Check in with yourself and remember that the truth changes. No one truth lasts a lifetime so being honest with yourself is a lifelong process but it’s worth it. If you’re lucky you’ll find good people who can stick with you through the changes. The most important thing is to stay alive to see what happens next! So I guess this day after Coming Out Day post is my way of coming out as “glambivalent.” I’m everything, but of course, that also makes me nothing. #nationalcomingoutday #glambivalent #nonbinary #wewhoareeverything -
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