Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : When I was on the cover of @time magazine 5 years ago, it was a big deal that an openly trans black woman was on the cover of a major publication. In the 5 years since that cover many trans folks have graced the covers of magazines. In fact, openly trans folks are more visible now than ever before. But as trans folks continue to confront ideological, institutional, interpersonal and internalized oppressions that simultaneously threaten and deny our existence @indyamoore on the cover of @wmag is still a big deal. This unprecedented visibility has taught me that visibility is not enough, that visibility creates backlash and makes a group even more of a target. But I also know that going back to a time when trans folks could only exist in the shadows and on the margins is not an option. We have always been here and now more than ever we are insisting that we deserve equitable places in this world, in the light. I love you my trans siblings insisting on your right to exist. Congratulations Indya ... #TransIsBeautiful #IndyaMoore #Pose #Wmag
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