Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : Thank you @nike. Thank you @cynthiaerivo for sharing this. There are many complicated issues @castersemenya800m's situation brings up about the ways in which gender and biological essentialism intersect with racism. They always intersect. But when I listen to Caster talk, I hear a young woman who just wants to run, train and be the very best. She just wants to do what she loves, what she was born to do. Caster is a winner. Nothing will alow her down. #IStandWithCaster ... Reposted from @cynthiaerivo - Thank you @nike for providing space for those who are brilliant and ridiculed for it. Truthfully I read what was being demanded of @castersemenya800m and was heart broken. I got a knot in my chest and was reminded of all the times I’ve been called manly or have been told I’m not soft enough, had my womanhood questioned because I’m predisposed to being muscular. This felt like the truest theft and violence on the body of a black woman and it hurt....hurts to the core... I didn’t really have the words to express it eloquently enough, i simply felt like crying. Then this came up in my best friends feed.. @caprihakeem you always know what I need, even when you have no clue. @castersemenya800m you are an elegant stream of power, and grace. You were born to triumph and so like this ad says “too bad” if they don’t want it to happen, it always will. I hope to meet you some day and if I do I hope to look you in your eyes and tell you, you are a beautiful marvel and may you always win every race, that’s what you were placed on this earth to do.
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