Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : Opened my ig and this was the first thing I saw. The June 2019 cover of @elleusa, another milestone in your young career @indyamoore. Congratularions!!!. As June approaches and we celebrate the 50th anniversary of The #Stonewall Rebellion, I think about the queens, trans and nonbinary folks of color who fought back against police brutality that faithful night in 1969, to soon be marginalized within the movement they helped to found. Viewing your cover, Indya, in the context of that history makes my heart sing. #TransIsBeautiful ... Reposted from @indyamoore - We don't always have access to the tools we need to break wall, Tumbling down, to break ground & Reconstruct space invading infrastructure that is designed homogenously & exclusivity. so many of us use our hands, arms legs & feet, have died in the process too, Just to weaken these infrastructures enough so that people with tools and break them. I am so grateful for them- all the trans and gender non-conforming people who have attacked these walls, chipped and even broke part of the infrastructure down. I am so grateful for everyone within the infrastructures who have listened, watched, stepped out to see the people around these structures that have been marginalized and locked out for having different experiences & have helped to break down these structures of priviledge. There is so much more work to do- so much more listening so much more intentionality, & vindicational work that must be done for marginalized people. ELLE: @elleusa Editor in Chief: Nina Garcia @ninagarcia Photographer: Zoey Grossman @zoeygrossman Stylist: Charles Varenne @charlesvarenne Hair: Hos Hounkpatin @hoshounkpatin Makeup: Vincent Oquendo @makeupvincent Manicure: Marisa Carmichael @marisacarmichael
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