Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : Thank you for this @qingjaila. This brought tears to my eyes. We won't be erased. Listen to this woman sing y'all. ... Reposted from @qingjaila - Long post alert. SWIPE LEFT Rarely do I do this. But rarely do we live in times such as we do. “These are the best of times, and the worst of times.” As my siStar Laverne , spoke so fervently this past Friday evening in downtown LA, so many thoughts swirled around in my head. Feelings of anger, disgust, shame....Simultaneously coexisted with feelings of hope, community, unity,and above all, I listened eagerly, as she offered words of wisdom to my sisters, and allies. Here we are, 2 black trans women who were given a chance by a black man, that resulted in blessings beyond comprehension. Yet, here we are, 2 black trans women, assembled to mourn the loss of our sister, who was beaten and murdered by a black man.... We can’t gather to celebrate our accomplishments, we aren’t often afforded the opportunity to commune under good circumstances. Instead, we are forced to reckon with the cost of living freely. We are forced to watch fallen angels transition yet again, as they now sit with ancestors, AS ancestors. Gone all to soon. While in that place....being forced.....i had to take in the moment in its totality. Though we are forced, i recognized that we ARE A FORCE. To my sister @lavernecox : i celebrate u today. I give u your flowers while u yet breathe. You have elevated our community to heights that many of our predecessors could only dream of. With all of the accolades, u continue to advocate on our behalf. You’re a gleaming example of what it means to never forget where you’ve come from. I know that it may not be easy at times, to bear all that becoming an ICON entails, but your words, works, and light illuminate many dark days for your Sisters. Keep on shining, ascending, and soaring!!! We WILL be the wind beneath your wings. We love u and will love on u! To my friends, who are able to move and liv
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