Rumer Willis

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@rumerwillis : Self love and acceptance can be a struggle for everyone and it can manifest is all areas of judgements about ourselves. For me a huge struggle has been embracing my natural hair color and texture. My whole life I hated my curls and the color of my hair I thought it was boring and I wanted to look like everyone else. I used to envy girls with beautiful straight hair that was effortlessly wavy or pin straight. That’s all I wanted. I spent years doing keratin treatments, bleaching my hair, straightening it, when I was little I used to think of I cut my hair short I could cut the curls off ( man was that a rude awakening 🤦🏻‍♀️) I have had every color hair imaginable and it was so fun but I was never quite happy with it and constantly tweaking and then eventually frying my hair and having to cut it all off over and over again because it was so damaged. Finally this year after I had an allergic reaction to hair dye that was really brutal I realized maybe the universe was trying to tell me something...I needed to slow down and stop trying to change something on the outside to make me feel good on the inside. I like to call it and outside inside job, it’s something I have gotten really good at in my life and has manifested in various ways but reeked the most havoc on my hair. So in December I stopped dying my hair, let’s all of my greys come in (of which there are quite a few) and started trying to get my curls back. That part was Definitely harder for me. I felt so insecure about them cause my hair is so short and I felt like I looked like a little kid but then I thought maybe that is the point I need to release the judgement about how it looks and just love it. So I challenged myself to wear my hair curly everyday even if my curls aren’t what they used to be yet and even if I don’t feel good just be me exactly how I was when I was little. Let myself be the child I used to be. It has been an amazing exercise in being more loving with myself I am on day 17 and they already
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