Jessica Alba

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Jessica Alba Mom of three, Founder of @honest and @honest_beauty. Terrible speller, loyal friend. I play make believe for a living. | |
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@jessicaalba : You can’t deny the fact that global warming affects EVERYONE regardless of your party alignment. Climate change is a non-partisan issue- we need to fight for humanity and quality of life. Its such a shame that this has to be a political issue. We have failed our children by allowing it to get to this point. 😔“People are dying,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said during an impassioned speech on Tuesday following the Senate’s rejection of the “Green New Deal.” The Democrat from New York was responding to Republican Rep. Sean Duffy, who mocked the proposal to fight climate change as nothing more than an elitist fantasy. The Green New Deal is a broad policy proposal backed by liberal Democrats to battle climate change and other social ills by, in part, phasing out the use of fossil fuels and making steep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions.
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