Lena Dunham

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Lena Dunham I write, direct, and produce.  Amongst other things 🌀📚🛌🎨🐱 #GoodThingGoing Productions 👇My podcast #TheCWord is on @hearluminary | bit.ly/TheCWordPodcast |
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@lenadunham : Today I did something that scared me. Today I did something that hurt. Today I did something that forced me to look at parts of myself that are icky and I don’t like one bit. Today I did something that reminded me of acute moments of pain, but also reminded me of some wild pleasure, but then I felt sad because that pleasure is over, but then I felt happy because it happened at all. Today I celebrated the sacred private part of myself that is always glowing and cannot be extinguished even if the world appears broken in two even or three- or my body feels like it’s built out of feta cheese, or I made a mistake. It’s unexpected and it’s not for any of the reasons I imagined it would be, but today this cunt is happy. Just a touch. That’s all I need. If you feel it, say it- it never hurt anybody. I love you 🌿🍒
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