Lena Dunham

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Lena Dunham I write, direct, and produce.  Amongst other things 🌀📚🛌🎨🐱 #GoodThingGoing Productions 👇My podcast #TheCWord is on @hearluminary | bit.ly/TheCWordPodcast |
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@lenadunham : I’m not considered a fashion icon. Heck, I can barely get on a red carpet without a full exegesis on my lack of care for my appearance. But I have always loved fashion. You know, the way girls who fantasize about being business witches and mermaid mayors love fashion. Fashion as fantasy, escape and expression. Little known fact: the first time I saw @jemima_jo_kirke was in a @voguemagazine article about kids who love designer duds that I was in as well (she was photographed, I was only quoted. The start of a life long trend.) I fell in love with her saucy face and effortless way of moving through the world, and it took years for me to accept that mine was a different kind of style. I am not effortless. In fact, I’m actually effort*ful*! I don’t dress to accentuate a swan-like shape. I don’t know how to casually rock a pair of sunglasses and ripped jeans. My body is ungainly and it bulges and it yells, but it’s mine and it deserves to be draped in clothing that expresses my innate sense that we are living in a cosmic joke, one that is so LOL scream out loud pee ya pants funny and that we should celebrate every day. @christopherkane understands. He lets women be playful and aggressive and powerful and childlike and he demands “more joy!” Yes, sir. And thank you 🎈 (link in bio for more on our adventure in latex)
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