Lena Dunham

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Lena Dunham I write, direct, and produce.  Amongst other things 🌀📚🛌🎨🐱 #GoodThingGoing Productions 👇My podcast #TheCWord is on @hearluminary | bit.ly/TheCWordPodcast |
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@lenadunham : Being body positive doesn’t mean you’re always positive about your body. It means you recognize the ways in which society influences your self image and you choose to love yourself anyway. Like all of you, I’ve been on a journey with my body my entire life- be it with illness, trauma or living in the public eye as a woman with a body that doesn’t conform to the long held (and arguably unhealthy) standards of my industry. It was an honor to write about my continuing journey with food and weight (and how it intersects with mental health and sobriety) for @elleuk. Using a food diary as a frame, I try and understand my appetites. The food diary isn’t my recommended fitness program (spoiler alert: I don’t have one!) but rather a symptom of a cultural obsession with monitoring intake. I hope that the piece will resonate for some people who are feeling the bumps and dips of navigating their own complex path. Link. In. Bio.
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