Jena Malone

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Jena Malone Transformation/What a strange miracle you are. Gifting ease, hand in hand with maladies. Awkward, abrupt, abundant. You turn me into truth every time. | |
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@jenamalone : /the boys of my youth/I wish it had been said how bad you were in bed and how I left you breathless reaching your 5th or 6th climax of the day and how you left me wetting my fingers to feed myself I kept thinking your pleasure was enough that somehow your ecstasy could be transmuted to me what a strong held game of the patriarchy calling bluff on our divinity masking their inadequacy simply by refusing to learn the eloquent language of the female body I refuse to engage with sexually monolingual men I refuse to teach my son the“ drive thru” sex culture I was raised with. And gentleman , now is your time , in so many ways , to shed the clothes that have suppressed your human heart and run naked into that wild forest of true intent. I believe in you. I will stand by you as you crawl out of that cave you were raised into. I will gladly answer any and all questions you have on this journey back to your divine. And I love you. #sacredsexuality #callingyououtwithlove #sexualawakening #notallboysturntomen
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