Jena Malone

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Jena Malone Transformation/What a strange miracle you are. Gifting ease, hand in hand with maladies. Awkward, abrupt, abundant. You turn me into truth every time. | |
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@jenamalone : I speak to you like I long to be spoken to. Softly. Bravely. With patience and love. Transparent to any moods and misunderstandings. In plain tongue. With an open heart. Oh honey, you are a far better teacher then you know. Teaching me that delicate art of loving myself better , being kinder and gentler with missteps and preconditions. As I navigate , you absorb. As I speak , you listen and mirror. The best thing I can give you is an inner monologue that speaks of allowing and acceptance . One that supports and forgives and laughs easily into the evening. One that looks in the mirror and instantly sees worth and gratitude. I’m not completely there yet my love. But that is another lesson you teach me every day , it’s not about completion , but rather a day by day evolution. No other man in the world I’d rather be learning this with my sweet boy. We got this :)
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