Chrissy Metz

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@chrissymetz : I’m learning. I’m learning to be truly open. To see another perspective. To love differently. To change. To evolve. To trudge. If nothing changes, nothing changes.❤️ Thank you for this, @mindfulmft ・・・ And sometimes we walk away and sometimes we choose to allow love to expand into a place often unvisited. Integrated love is messy, and vulnerable, it demands us to see our partners as flawed (ie imperfect) and to allow them to see the same of us. The quirks that were once “so cute” are actually now annoying, you follow? It requires difficult conversations, transparency, a willingness to stand shoulder to shoulder with one another. Integrated love asks us to to do the work to heal together. It asks us to reinvent that which came easily in the beginning, all while asking us to transition through life stages and phases together. It asks us to ebb and flow with the trials and tribulations that life throws our way. It asks us to experience loss together, to grieve together, to celebrate each other together and encourage each other’s growth. The honeymoon phase is a beautiful phase of relationships, ends. It doesn’t mean we can’t prioritize novelty and adventure, but we also ought to acknowledge this shift that happens in all our relationships and begin talking about what WILL happen and how we can prepare ourselves for it instead of romanticizing the honeymoon phase and then not knowing what to do once we have to integrate. So, open up your awareness. If you’re not partnered and find yourself partnered at some point, remember this. If you’re in the honeymoon phase, great...and open your heart to what integration may look like with that person. You won’t want to integrate with everyone, and that’s okay. That’s truly where we choose WHO we want to stand with. And, if you’re deep into a relationship and feel disconnected, explore what parts of your partner you might be rejecting and where you might feel rejected, too. If you can bring that convo forward, or share
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