Ryan Guzman

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@ryanaguzman : Gettin too good at this whole "White lookin Mexican" - ish... Caught a lady off guard earlier and she expressed to me "oh my god... you look Mexican..." My reply, "Ive been mexican..." The look on her face was covered in frustration and embarrassment. All due to not being able to process what she saw; because it was different. This woman wasn't white. Moral of the story, We all judge based on appearance. We've been conditioned to. It's not our faults that we live in a very tense race, gender, and denomination condition. However, there is a difference between being naive to the hatred & understanding and doing nothing to influence changing it. Ask the right questions, get to know the right people, let go of your fears and learn. To have a true life experience you have to truly experience different lifestyles. Imagine how much you don't know right now, that could help you in your daily life already. #Don'tLookUpToAnyone #MeetEVERYONEInTheEyes&SpreadYourInfluence
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