Samantha Ronson

IG Samantha Ronson


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Samantha Ronson 1/2 of @OceanParkStandoff. For Dj bookings contact @skamartist | |
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@samantharonson : I was asleep in my apartment in Union Square when the planes hit the towers but woke up to a nightmare, to a surreal new world. To a new fear. To my phone ringing and instant messages from family in London desperate for a head count. We were the lucky ones. Mark was on a morning flight to LA, late enough that it never took off. We were spread out, but we were all safe. My first ever visit to the twin towers was to “ground zero”- I don’t remember the nyc skyline with the towers standing, from memory, just from photos. I don’t know why. I grew up in this city. I know I saw them a thousand times, from the ground and from above flying in and out of town, but my clearest memory of the towers is the skyline without them as the smoke cleared. 17 years and I still remember every moment of that day. I still feel the ache for those who lost everything that day and the gravest admiration and respect for all of those who ran into the fire and ash to do what they could to help. Words fail to convey my gratitude for the first responders. To all who lost, who gave, who continue to sacrifice- thank you from the bottom of my heart. We will never forget you. #911 #nyc #neverforget
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