Amy Schumer

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@amyschumer : How about today you brainstorm what you can do to help. If you’re paying attention, you must have noticed by now that people of color are treated as 2nd class citizens by much of this country. I try and think of what I can do to help. I used to think because I saw us all as equal that was enough. It’s not. You need to do something. Be creative. Real equality and diversity makes everything better. Instead of focusing on if you think I’m annoying or if anyone cares about not seeing me in a commercial, how about YOU do something and use your privilege for good. Not trying to be a hero. Just trying to be helpful to a situation we should all be obsessed with changing. And no, this isn’t the only way I’m trying to help. I’m doing everything I can think of. I hope more artists join me. And non artists what can you do? We need everyone on the ground. Be brave.
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