Camilla Belle

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@camillabelle : I tend to title my posts with hashtags, strange emoji combos, or a short phrase… but after much introspection leading up to today, my birthday, I thought I’d get a little out of my comfort zone and share some thoughts… This is 33. Not married, no children, still struggling to find my purpose and place in this world… Does that make me a failure? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Recently I have come to terms with the fact that we all have our own individual path. We may look around and see others seemingly succeed, achieve goals, hit milestones we hoped to have hit, notice people who ooze success and confidence…but at the end of the day…is it real? Is it a farce? Does it really matter? Why aren’t we focusing on ourselves and our own growth? We are living in a society that is consumed with instant gratification, fake ideals of beauty, quick exchanges, swiping, clicking, liking, not liking, fast judgements…why can’t we change that. Why don’t we focus more on saying “thank you,” “please,” looking one another in the eye, calling our parents, calling our grandparents, listening, connecting more with our faith and spirituality, hugging a loved one, volunteering, donating, cuddling a pet, spending time outdoors quietly in nature, looking up at the sky, cooking a meal, reading a book, smiling, giving someone a compliment, dancing, breathing… I have a scroll of things I want to achieve, and I am not where I thought I would be at 33. Regardless, I have to find peace with myself, and know that everything will happen at the right time. At the right time for ME. As difficult as it is, we cannot compare ourselves to those around us…it only harms us.  As difficult as it is, we cannot beat ourselves down because of our physical ‘imperfections,’…it only harms us.  As difficult as it is, we have to find comfort in our uniqueness and our willingness to learn and grow.  I am constantly trying to be a better person, and not exactly strive for perfection (since that is impossible), but strive to be so
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