Lady Gaga

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Lady Gaga “Chromatica” ⚔️💓 APRIL 10 “STUPID LOVE” ❣️ OUT NOW ENIGMA ⚡️ @gagavegas HAUS LABORATORIES 💄 @hauslabs | |
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@ladygaga : When I was young, I never felt beautiful. And as I struggled to find a sense of both inner and outer beauty, I discovered the power of makeup. I remember watching my mother put her makeup on every morning, basking in the glow of her power to put on her bravest face as the hard working woman she was. I then began to experiment with makeup as a way to make my dreams of being as strong as my mother become true. It was then that I invented Lady Gaga. I found the superhero within me by looking in the mirror and seeing who I wanted to be. Sometimes beauty doesn't come naturally from within. But I'm so grateful that makeup inspired a bravery in me I didn't know I had. I've come to accept that I discovered my beauty by having the ability to invent myself and transform. They said I was just weird, but really, I was just Born This Way. Love, Lady Gaga
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