Melissa Joan Hart

IG Melissa Joan Hart


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Melissa Joan Hart You may know me as #Clarissa, #Sabrina, or many others... but my boys call me #Mommy!Get your limited T-shirt here for #IWD2020 ⬇️ | |
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@melissajoanhart : #nationaleatingdisorderawarenessweek It’s time we destigmatize all mental health treatment so those who are suffering can seek treatment without any fear of how they will be seen. Eating disorders are far too common, and there are various treatment options available. Please contact @Neda If you or someone you know has (or shows signs of) an eating disorder, or please find another resource that can help you, help is available but you need the strength to start. Call a social worker, contact a help center, do whatever you have to do to get healthy (mentally and physically). You are far too important to the universe to allow life to bring you down. If you are in school you can talk to a guidance counselor (trust me, they know how to help and they WANT to help) whether you’re the person who is hurting or if you need advise to help someone get help. Please don’t keep hurting yourself. ❤️
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