Orlando Bloom

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Orlando Bloom 😊 SAFE SEEN CELEBRATED 🇺🇳 Help UNICEF reach every child in Mozambique | uni.cf/moz |
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@orlandobloom : For those of you interested here’s the speech I gave for GQ man of the year - “Thanks very much I’m honored to receive the GQ man of the year award. To be among so many great men here tonight...to be honest it prompted me to consider my own masculinity and to reflect on what it means to be a man in today’s society. Seems to me we have an incredibly exciting opportunity right now to reinvent what it means to BE a man...I don’t know about you but I keep asking myself: am I brave enough to follow my heart and embrace love, compassion, empathy as a human being , rather than focus on a historical identity of what one’s gender is supposed to represent...and if one is to be a “man”, shouldn’t it mean taking real responsibility, be accountable for our actions towards our fellow men, woman and children...from those on our doorstep and across the globe...to our planet and all creatures that inhabit it...our environment... It’s a lot. I know- and it’s not easy... I’m an optimist and lately I see so many of my brothers attempting these changes in their daily lives...refusing to shy away from the complex and deeply personal issues of say....mental health or sexuality....race... LOVE...we can all do more...I know I can... so I’d like to accept this MAN of the year award on behalf of all those MEN out there who are evolving, and those who want out of the man-box, men who are trying to live their most authentic lives and who are taking responsibility towards a better future for us all...thank you.” And thank you Condé Nast, Tom Gunkersdorf, and GQ for this amazing recognition✊🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼
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