Nina Dobrev

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@nina : Tati. Dad. Pappa. Whatever language you use, the word means the same thing. He’s your main man. Your fearless protector. Your rock. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him, you took your first steps next to him, and you can’t imagine life without him. I’ve never been the stereotypical definition of a “daddy’s girl”, but that’s because my pops taught me to be independent and strong. He was strict but also supported and encouraged me. I didn’t always understand, and often rebelled against his regimented ways but I’ve navigated life in the way that I did because of this man. For that (now, later in life) I’m grateful. It moulded me into the person that I am today. Taught me to work hard, and persist. He probably doesn’t even realize how much he influenced me. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and as sad as I am that we live in different continents, it makes me appreciate the moments we have when we’re together that much more. Shout out to the universe for working it’s wonders in mysterious ways and also to technology, for bringing us FaceTime. Love you poppa selfie taking Shroom. #FathersDay ❤️❤️❤️
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