Katie Couric

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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : If you want to reflect on the past year, look at the moments you’ve preserved on your phone.and you’ll probably be amazed at everything that’s happened in 365 days! The people you’ve loved, laughed with and cried with. (I know this is ending with a preposition but the other way sounded too weirdly formal) Some of the places you’ve traveled or the life changing events you’ve experienced closer to home. The milestones you’ve observed, the challenges you’ve faced and may continue to face in the new year. Here are some of the pictures you appreciate from me in 2018. Every one tells a story on its own of course, but together form a tapestry of a year that had everything-sorrow, joy, generosity, anger, frustration, courage, patriotism and love. Here’s to making new memories in the new year and while it’s been a trying, exhausting 12 months on so many levels, take a moment to appreciate the good things that happened in 2018. I’m grateful for all of you. ❤️❤️❤️#happynewyear #2018bestnine 🍾🎉🎊
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