Katie Couric

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Katie Couric New episode of #NextQuestion: I find out what it’s like to give birth in the time of #COVID19 from the perspectives of mothers, doctors, and doulas. | apple.co/3cp14XH |
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@katiecouric : 20 years ago, two teenagers opened fire at Columbine High School, killing 12 of their classmates and a teacher in one of America’s deadliest school shootings. The next day, with this close-knit Colorado community deep in mourning, I sat down with Craig Scott, 16, who lost his sister Rachel, and Michael Shoels, who lost his son Isaiah. I’ll never forget that morning: It was early in the morning, pitch dark, and snow had just begun to fall. Everyone was in tremendous shock, but witnessing Craig, holding Michael’s hand, mustering the strength to speak about waiting for Rachel to walk out of the building as well as what he witnessed on that day…it was unbelievably powerful. In schools alone, in the years since Columbine, more than 223,000 children have been exposed to gun violence during classroom hours. Over the last 50 years, more Americans have been killed by guns (about 1.6 million through homicide or suicide) than in all United States wars combined (about 1.4 million.)
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