Kathy Griffin

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Kathy Griffin Mayor of Zero F**Ksville. 2-Time Emmy & Grammy Award Winning Comedian. 2-Time NYT Bestselling Author. 23 Televised Specials. 1 Feature Film. | instinctmagazine.com/kathy-griffin-reveals-she-debra-messing-made-up-after-her-2017-trump-incident/ |
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@kathygriffin : I lost a friend today. The one and only Gloria Vanderbilt. I loved her so much. She let me call her “Glo Vandi” and I would be so flattered when she would refer to me as her daughter. When we would have our alone time, we would sit on this sofa and talk for hours. No topic was ever off-limits and believe it or not I would even shut up for a while because, oh the life that woman lived. I’d always plan on wearing something ridiculous to get her to laugh from the moment she opened the door. She would invite me to a book event, where I know I would be surrounded with so many intellectuals, I would always get overdressed and try to learn a new big word for the occasion! The dinner parties! I was so thrilled to be invited and spend more time with her. Often at these events I would be quite intimidated and Glo knew what to do. She would stop the conversation and say “Kaaaathy, WHAT is going on with the Lohans?” She would open up about her early life. The trauma she went through as a little girl & a grown woman. The ups, downs of her life. Her candor was extraordinary. I have no photos of those private conversations. “Kathy, there’s always more and we’re never done”. I love you Glo💔
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