Kathy Griffin

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Kathy Griffin Mayor of Zero F**Ksville. 2-Time Emmy & Grammy Award Winning Comedian. 2-Time NYT Bestselling Author. 23 Televised Specials. 1 Feature Film. | instinctmagazine.com/kathy-griffin-reveals-she-debra-messing-made-up-after-her-2017-trump-incident/ |
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@kathygriffin : OK folks I wasn’t kidding. Day one of self imposed, choosing to be proactive in a self imposed #stayathome #coronavirusquarantine. Based on information coming out primarily from The horror that is happening with #Covid19 from China to Europe, the consensus seems to be that, lives can be saved when folks are in a position to be able to literally stay in a room or their residence without letting anyone out or anyone in at all. True #SocialDistancing can’t work if there are curfews or folks are still mingling around, so the warnings loud and clear of those countries screaming at us that asymptomatic people, which is what Randy and I are right now and hope to continue to be, can be the most effective at not spreading it to other people because more people are getting it from folks who are convinced they couldn’t possibly have it and show no symptoms until it is too late. This may seem extreme to some of you. And I am not going on Information I’m gathering from Facebook and other social media, we are not leaving the house and my employees are not entering the house nor is anyone else for at least the next two weeks. In fact one of my full-time employees gets an entire floor of my house, as he is willing to be proactive in this way full-time night and day as well. In fact when we interact with him, we stand about 20 feet apart from each other. Trying to keep a sense of humor about that whole scene. Wish I could live stream the whole house like a very bizarre Truman show, but wanted to let you guys know we are looking at the advice from the most serious epidemiologists and governments that are learning the hard way, that by staying in your room or your residence, you could actually be saving lives. And yes they are getting full-time pay and my other employee who is hunkering down in his in apartment with his boyfriend are also getting full-time pay and all that. #staythefuckhome
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