Colin Hanks

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Colin Hanks Actor/Director/Hanks Kerchiefs Maker/Music Fanatic/Record Collector/Possibly that guy from that one thing you think is way underrated. | |
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@colinhanks : So tonight is the series finale of Life in Pieces. It wasn't supposed to be, but it is. Much like last week, there will be two episodes. I still don't know why we got cancelled but it is what it is. Regardless, we were so incredibly lucky to have had 4 seasons and the experience of getting to work with so many talented and funny people both in front of and behind the camera is not lost on me. It's changed my life. So, I am so very grateful. We also have had some of the best fans in the world who helped spread the word even when it felt like no one else was. It really helped keep us around. Like the lego master builder who made this for me. That was the moment I realized we had something special. So thank you all for letting us into your homes. I hope we are able to make you laugh real hard one last time. It's been grand. Once again, it's been an honor being that guy from that thing you think is way underrated.
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