Kristen Bell

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kristen bell #FeaturedTeacherFriday wishlist 📚❤️👇🏻 | |
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@kristenanniebell : Fridays are the best days because I get to feature an amazing teacher. Today’s #FeaturedTeacherFriday is Lindsey Henry, who teaches science at the STEAM lab at Tahoe Valley Elementary School in CA. Here’s her story: “My door is always open for kids to come and just be. With the daily pressures of life the kids in my school know they can trust Mrs. Henry to listen to them & love on them no matter what. Tahoe Valley has a student population of 75% free & reduced lunch. Out of 397 students 54 of them are McKinney Vento kiddos. This means they do not have a stable living environment & sometimes are moving around monthly or even weekly. 30% of our school population are English Language learners. Our school science program has been trying to get off the ground for some time now & finally, we have gained the STEAM (pun intended) necessary to incorporate a science program at each of our 4 elementary schools in our small district. Some schools have more than enough others schools have hardly anything. Our school unfortunately, is one that has less. When it come to the science lab my dream is to allow my students to freely discover why science is so cool! I’d love to see my kiddos be able to play with items that most of them wouldn’t be able to experience otherwise. I want my kids to feel comfortable to learn without shame of making mistakes. In my room mistakes are welcome. I want my kids to be able to have a FAIL: First Attempt In Learning! That way they can feel confident to KEEP trying & to stay curious. Unfortunately, our science lab lacks in tangible tools for the kids to use for discovery. My wishlist has some simple things that will allow for uninhibited learning! Thank you!” Her wishlist will be in my bio and I wanna hug and kiss everyone who reads and helps our amazing teachers! 📚💗💪🏻🧠
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