Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : I was so honored to get to attend and speak at #womensmarchla today. It was wonderful to see and meet so many of you and feel your energy.the backlash is real and happening but you showed up and showed out. Thank you! An excerpt from my remarks today: ... The achieving of basic human rights, dignity, justice or equity for one group of people does not mean that something is being taken from another group. That's scarcity thinking and scarcity thinking will always drive us further from each other. Divide and conquer is one of the primary tools of the oppressor to control marginalized people. And when I say oppressor let me be clear, each and everyone of us has the capacity to be an oppressor,  no matter who we are, where we are located on social hierarchies or how we identify. And each of us has the capacity to be liberators for ourselves and each other.  We have seen the tool of divide and conquer be used to attack this very march... Mary Pipher in her book "Reviving Ophelia" so beautifully writes, "Social change is a million individual acts of kindness.  Cultural change is a million subversive acts of resistance." It is subversive to choose love in this fear mongering cultural environment of us vs. them. It is a subversive act of resistance to choose love today. #TransIsBeautiful #womensmarch #love #resist
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