Laverne Cox

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@lavernecox : I have found it's easy for me to believe everything happens for a reason and is part of a divine plan bigger than my understanding when things are going well. But when they aren't, when disappointment, grief, mourning and dispair overtake me, it's really easy to fall back into familiar stories of "woe is me", "why me?" and "God, why has though forsaken me." But grief, disappointment, mourning and dispair are also part of a larger plan above my pay grade. My work is to feel the feelings, remind myself the pain won't kill me and eventually get to a place of acceptance so that I can fully receive the lesson. And perhaps biggest of all for me is that I don't have to go through it alone. I so want to go it alone. But I was able to get to the wisdom of this post today not because I asked for help (which I still need to work on doing) but because it was offered out of love. I am so grateful for my support systems. You know who you are. I love you! ... Photo by @cpizzello #TransIsBeautiful
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