Michelle Obama

IG Michelle Obama


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Michelle Obama Girl from the South Side and former First Lady. Wife, mother, dog lover. Always hugger-in-chief. #IAmBecoming | becomingmichelleobama.com/ |
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@michelleobama : Chicago is the city that taught me what it means to give back. I was a few years into my career when I decided to leave my law firm, diving into city government and nonprofit work. Over the years, I ended up visiting parts of the city I hadn’t been to before, spending time with elderly residents, supporting promising young leaders, and working to bridge the divide between a hospital and the community it served. It was all so inspiring and motivating—some of the work I’m most proud of to this day—and it gave me skills and lessons that I’m still applying every day. That’s why I was so thrilled to hear about this week's first-ever Civic Action Awards, where the @ObamaFoundation and @ChiPubSchools honored those who’ve made a powerful impact inside and outside of school. Congratulations to all the winners—and it’s great to see so many of you getting an earlier start than me!
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