Matt McGorry

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Matt McGorry (He/Him/His) Maker of feels & procurer of LOLs. Activist & intersectional feminist. Asher/#HowToGetAwayWithMurder Bennett/ #oitnb 📸 by @hfdavis | |
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@mattmcgorry : "The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings" by James Baldwin # Baldwin's birthday was August 2nd.  His magnificent writing is unfortunately just as relevant as it was when he was alive.  This book is a collection of essays, reviews, and other writings, that give insight into the mastery of his writing and also his ability to name white supremacy...and how it is perpetuated and upheld by "well meaning" and liberal white people.  What often sticks out to me, as a white man who believes that one of the main purposes in my life is to engage other white people in anti-racism, is his ability to name the problem. # I believe that overwhelmingly, white people who denounce racism in its most extreme and obvious forms, refuse to look inward in a deep way.  We refuse to learn about and recognize the white supremacy in ourselves and in our own liberal communities.  And as a result, we give ourselves credit for not being White Supremacists, without actually dealing with the root causes of of the issue.  We overwhelmingly refuse to invest in anti-racism as a life practice and understand that this is our responsibility.  We love to talk about Trump, but we are severely lacking in ability to understand *ourselves*. And as a result, the whole country continues to be destroyed by racism. White people, we must summon the courage to truly look within. (Thx for the book @amberconey ) # "I am tired not only of being told to wait, but of people's saying, 'What should I do?' They mean, 'What do I do about the Negro problem; 'What should I do for you?' There is nothing you can do for me.  There is nothing you can do for Negroes. It must be done for you. One is not attempting to save twenty-two million people.  One is attempting to save an entire country, and that means and entire civilization, and the price for that is high.  The price for that is to understand oneself...It is time to ask very hard questions an to take very rude positions.  And no matter what the price.  It is time, fo
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