Matt McGorry

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Matt McGorry (He/Him/His) Maker of feels & procurer of LOLs. Activist & intersectional feminist. Asher/#HowToGetAwayWithMurder Bennett/ #oitnb 📸 by @hfdavis | |
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@mattmcgorry : We were not raised in a culture of consent, let alone enthusiastic consent (Google the term is you’re unfamiliar). Most of us were not raised learning to value body autonomy and most of us are woefully inept at talking about sex in a real nuanced way. As men, we have been taught that we should always be confident and be knowledgeable about sex...which often goes against how we can ever create a culture of consent and normalize it in our relationships. As a man, I will attest that using a model of enthusiastic consent as we approach new levels of physical intimacy can feel clunky at first, but only because we were never taught it and rarely ever hear about it. We need to have the courage to lean into our discomfort and feelings of is the only way to create a world and relationships where we are truly honoring other people’s bodily autonomy. We must resist our conditioning and create a new way. Not to mention, being able to have conversations about our wants, needs, and boundaries and learning to honor other people’s, is essential to creating a world of equity and justice. # Repost from @givingthetalk - “How do you ask for consent? . Because at the end of the day, whomever you’re with should be excited and enthusiastic about saying Yes! . Asking for consent isn’t unsexy and doesn’t have to be awkward. We simply need more examples that model this type of exchange and that demonstrate direct respectful communication in order to normalize it. Asking for consent can be flirtatious, sexy, funny, silly, kind, loving, not just formal and stilted. Find your own way to communicate your desires and to check in with your partner(s) about their comfort, desires and boundaries. . 📷 @givingthetalk . #normalizeconsent #expectconsent #consentissexy #consentisrespectful #givingthetalk #allthetalks #sexed #sexeducation #sexualhealth #reproductivejustice #communication #healthyrelationships #consent #sexualhealth #pleasureispower “
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