Minka Kelly

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Minka Kelly ABLE is a lifestyle brand focused on ending generational poverty by working with women who have often overcome extraordinary circumstances. | www.livefashionABLE.com/pages/about |
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@minkakelly : Oh what a night! I’m overwhelmed with love and gratitude for so many reasons. Thank you, @rp1313 for making sure every birthday is always the most special. To be loved by you is to be a very lucky human. Thank you @whatsgabycookin for my favorite most special and most delicious birthday cake! My only regret is that we didn’t take more pictures because there are so many people missing from this photo! My non regret is that it’s only because we were all too busy connecting and having such a good damn time. • And thank you to every single person who donated to my birthday fundraiser for RAICES. I can’t believe we not only met the 10K goal but we passed it by $763!! I’m so inspired and heartened by all of you deeply kind hearted, compassionate and generous friends of mine. Especially so of the friends here that I’ve never even met. That was really fun. Birthday made. Thank you!!! ❤️
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