Minka Kelly

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Minka Kelly ABLE is a lifestyle brand focused on ending generational poverty by working with women who have often overcome extraordinary circumstances. | www.livefashionABLE.com/pages/about |
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@minkakelly : I’m so excited to continue my partnership with @DOVEchocolate for a second year. I had the privilege of traveling to Ecuador last year to spend time on the cocoa farms with the farmers and learn about the entire bean to bar process. I also learned about the work they do with @CAREorg to empower their female farmers in W. Africa. CARE is a non profit organization fighting to end global poverty. They help to develop financial skills so these women can apply for micro-loans so they can start their own companies! What excites me about that is that they’re not just employing female farmers they’re empowering them to be in positions of power themselves! When women have more income it’s spent on their children’s education and healthcare for their family. The entire community thrives! • Come visit the DOVE Chocolate Cocoa Farmers Market to not only taste for yourself but learn more! It’s in LA at Santa Monica place June 26-27 from 10am-6pm. #WhatMakesDOVE #ad
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