Olivia Wilde

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Olivia Wilde Miniature enthusiast | www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX2MvB0kyA0 |
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@oliviawilde : @booksmart soundtrack diary #6: LIZZO - BOYS. I cannot think of an artist who embodies the Booksmart spirit more than @lizzobeeating. Her ferociously feminist mind continues to gift us anthems that dare us to celebrate our complexity, our sex, our swagger, our politics, our independence, and our bodies. I knew I needed her in the movie. It just had to happen. Of course there were so many songs I played with. “Coconut Oil” was originally playing in Ms Fine’s car, but that song deserves a scene without as much dialogue. BUT there was no question in my mind that we needed “BOYS” for the moment when the party kicks in to high gear. Too many spoilers to go into detail but if you know you know, you know? Needless to say, Lizzo has turned into a cultural phenom, and I’m very much here 👏 for 👏 it. I should also mention we played her music a LOT on set so she’s basically in the movie. Thank you for everything you do. We danced our asses off at your show at Terminal 5 the night before the movie came out, and it was perfect.
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