Amanda Seyfried

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@mingey : I’m with you. #Repost @catielaffoon ・・・ Natasha // Upstate NY | I’ve thought a lot about whether of not to post this story, but, I think it’s important. So, fuck it. Here’s the story Natasha’s Photo. Natasha is my Godsister. I was visiting her and her family at their farm in upstate NY and one afternoon she and I were in a field, listening to music, shooting, talking and this moment happened - a young woman who was completely lost in her own world, not performing for any “gaze,” but rather, celebrating her womanhood and embracing her own power as a women. In 2016 I posted this image on Instagram. And it was censored. I was stunned, and then outraged, especially considering some of the imagery that shows up in my feed and in the discovery section. To each their own, but naked women posing for men are fine, but this image, this needs to be censored? It felt like Instagram was telling women that their bodies are shameful, unless they are being used for the purposes of male satisfaction and that their womanhood should not be celebrated. And I reposted the image saying just that. The image was removed again and my account was immediately blacklisted and buried in the algorithm. Overnight my account became invisible. It’s been that way ever since. Now, I have never really put a whole lot of stock in the whole Insta fame world and I don’t particularly care. However, Instagram is a publishing house now and like it or not, as a photographer a lot of my jobs come down to clients looking at my Instagram - brands will or will not hire you based on your follower count and interactions. So, I’m calling you out Instagram. I’m not the only one you’ve buried. And I’m tired of you telling me what I want to see in my timeline, because your algorithm sucks. If I follow someone, I want to see their images, not the same 5 people and nobody else. Show me my damn friends and stop making women feel like only images a frat boy would wanna jerk off to is what the beauty standard of a woman
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