Lucy Hale

IG Lucy Hale


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Lucy Hale Katy Keene premieres Feb 6, 2020 @cw_katykeene🌹 Fantasy Island out in theaters Feb 14, 2020 @fantasyislandmovie | |
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@lucyhale : My Libra birthday girl. So many things could be said about this chick right here. Obviously she’s adorable-She works her ass off-she’s funny- smart and the list goes on...Not many people know Annie the way I do. This girl has been my lifeboat at times. I could call her anytime,anywhere and I know she’d be there with an iced coffee in hand. Life has thrown us some speed bumps in our friendship, but we always find our solid ground time and time again. This last week Annie was preparing to leave town and dealing with her own life, but stayed with me every night and let me vent because she knew I was having one of those weeks. We’ve seen each other at our worst and still see the truth and best in each other. We’ve also been through some ridiculously awful fashion phases and questionable boyfriends. She’s selfless, resilient and full of magic. She’s my chosen sister and one of the best people I know. Thank you Universe for making sure I have an Annie in my life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANAN. You are deserving of all the best things my Queen ❤️
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