Rowan Blanchard

IG Rowan Blanchard


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@rowanblanchard : My dear @chrishoran20, I love you more than words can express 🌺Thank you for everything you give, from vision to confidence to just helping me figure how to not freak out over not getting a text back from Trade lol 🖤 you mean the absolute world to me, to have had you as a partner to help guide me in this very bizarre world I have been in since I was only eleven is something so impossibly unbreakable, reassuring, and brings me back down to earth every time this world gets a little too jaded 😝🙆 I am so grateful for the security you have made me feel in my body through how you have taught me that clothes can be armor, a way of manipulating other people’s gazes to your advantage, and a way of helping me feel safe in my body which as a young teen girl with a lot of eyes on me has felt so foggy. I adore you forever. I feel so lucky to get to be by your side while I watch you blossom. You’re unstoppable. Happy birthday Chris, from Paris to London to Milan to New York to our little iPhone photoshoots on random street corners in the valley, I love you!!!!!!!
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