Rowan Blanchard

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@rowanblanchard : Hi, Star 💘 Last weekend, I saw @amandlasponsored shine in her new film The Hate U Give. Her performance is heart stopping. I️ am so proud of her. This person has had one of the biggest influences on my life, I will always look to her as my big sister, ever since we first met as baby weird child actors when I was nine and she was eleven 😳💔 getting to see her meet herself and then be inspired by her and meet myself and my various identities following her and excitedly tell her about them as I was realizing things about my queerness, my teenhood, my coming of age, (Amandla was the first person I ever came out to as queer/bisexual😉) has made our friendship and her spirit a true treasure to me. Getting to see her on the big screen as Starr in this film is so surreal, as her sister and as a fan. And she’s on the cover of fucking @time! Go see her movie if its out in a theater near you, or see it when it wide releases on the 19th. I love you @amandlasponsored. 🌹
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