Jason Momoa

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@prideofgypsies : Believe in the ones that believe in you. Support those that support you. 7 years ago I walked into @schaeffersgarmenthotel convinced the owner to sponsor us on the first movie I ever directed road to Paloma. He gave me a discount and I walked out with a couple pair of jeans and two life long friends Robert and @mrgunnerfoxx Till this day they’re the only jeans I wear. They’ve been in the red road. Justice league to Aquaman they’re my armor. Like my carhartts These pants were only made in small batch and he’s never had this fabric again. Until now. I have to share Because I’m excited and my mama raised me that way. So here it is they’re back. The official PALOMA’S. Link to the YouTube episode is on my stories Get yourself a pair Ps don’t sit on anything white for awhile. Got to let the black bleed off And don’t wash till it’s time. Ask Robert 😂😂😂😂 Show your marks aloha j
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