Jena Malone

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Jena Malone Transformation/What a strange miracle you are. Gifting ease, hand in hand with maladies. Awkward, abrupt, abundant. You turn me into truth every time. | |

Jena Malone Posts

2,632 Likes | 1734 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
This is an alter of high fives for us. Somehow we have transcended the younger sister/ older sister relationship and have evolved into a true friendship of equality. And this is almost my favorite picture of you. I love you so much.

1,940 Likes | 1736 days ago | 9

Jena Malone post on Instagram
But maybe , The worst thing that he can do is quite probably the best lesson he could learn. Tiny heart ruminations on freedom and what a teachable lesson is vs. a learned one.

1,777 Likes | 1736 days ago | 8

Jena Malone post on Instagram
A human heart meeting its match stick to burn. Or rather the delirious beauty of Venice on any given day.

2,421 Likes | 1736 days ago | 11

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The myth , the moth and the mountain.

3,665 Likes | 1746 days ago | 17

Jena Malone post on Instagram
A port, an entry from the abyss , a portrait , a likeliness captured in a sea of moving reflections , a portal , an opening into another dimension. My definitions // not Websters

2,195 Likes | 1746 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Head rush straight to the heart // somewhere in the Italian alps

3,329 Likes | 1746 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Morning child

10,083 Likes | 1748 days ago | 80

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When a mountain woman meets the grand canal , her every limb becomes a ladder to the sky.

4,281 Likes | 1754 days ago | 22

Jena Malone post on Instagram
// out of the threshold// The adventure you seek Is sewn sweet Into that fearful first step Out of the current Of your mind One push against threshold Renders the mountain A different mountain In time.

15,540 Likes | 1762 days ago | 207

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Caption baby me

6,170 Likes | 1765 days ago | 36

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Humans in hotel rooms and other caveman re-enactments

9,414 Likes | 1768 days ago | 47

Jena Malone post on Instagram
An eyebrow diphthong, between bleach and color. But really we wrapped the Bowie project and hell yes. Felt Inspired. Might delete later. From want of more cohesive bliss.

3,645 Likes | 1770 days ago | 32

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Letters to a young woman coming of age on social media // Take my hand Darling And rest your restless need Of showing For your shape Still forms With the itch of feathers Wanting angel wings My love There is no shame in Letting Time stand Still... Until Your heart Glows camera-ready And naked In your own revealing. #riffandrefine #lovepoemstostrangers #askmeanything

1,414 Likes | 1772 days ago | 14

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I get pretty excited when artists I love release new material. Listen. Yes. And soon. @julianunesmusic album is UGHWOW , songs no sudden moves ¬ true , a solo duet dance edited on iPhone. ( the rest in stories )

1,915 Likes | 1772 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Just a tiny thing learning giant things , like how to love and care for another. My first puppy litter and the tending that naturally bloomed from my heart. Age 5?

8,196 Likes | 1773 days ago | 59

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Let’s get horizontal with our fears , face down belly deep in the mud type of releases. There’s a real rebellion in letting true rest overtake your body. Choosing to be collapsible and still before a fall overtakes you. I have tendencies to stay constant on the tips of my toes and run myself down into more perpendicular alignments. But when I choose stillness in a storm , oh my , the natural strength that rises from my body. This stillness was captured at first light, in the English countryside , not another soul in sight.

9,724 Likes | 1775 days ago | 70

Jena Malone post on Instagram
A woman who travels with a camera and the camera that travels with the woman. Or rather what I see and what is seen of me. Utah , Rome, Myanmar, the eastern Sierras and Big Sur.

1,410 Likes | 1776 days ago | 8

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Boots and the blur of the balletic , last summer in a twirl with our feet in the grass. Old heartsongs on the Bluetooth and a newly formed verison of you can kiss my ass.

1,761 Likes | 1781 days ago | 4

Jena Malone post on Instagram
She served me flower petals each morning , buffet style down my arm. A shower of what’s to come in the long day between us. A marriage of yes and arrangements. Or rather the first time I’ve truely felt supported and seen. When tenders tenderize together , ohhh the army we make with our willingness to disarm eachother with ease. An ode to my sister wife, @gracehazelart , and her ability to make a home out of anything. Love you babe. Excited for your new chapter

2,971 Likes | 1782 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Honey, your shadow suits you. You wear it well

3,777 Likes | 1783 days ago | 31

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Heart explosions that put everything , perfectly , back together again.

2,459 Likes | 1785 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The last time I was in Italy or rather the last time Italy was in me.

2,327 Likes | 1785 days ago | 11

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Speed dating destiny and landing on the absurdly divine. Myanmar on a hot day. And the prayers it made of my body.

1,843 Likes | 1786 days ago | 7

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Take the time for time outside of your own damn mind. The oldest church in Amsterdam. Beholding the glory of an installation art piece by my hero’s of sound #janetcardiffandgeorgeburesmiller

1,808 Likes | 1786 days ago | 3

Jena Malone post on Instagram
There, in the shallow pond of our beginnings , is the ease in which we both long to return and swim. Holland on a good day. A woman and her many recording devices

2,829 Likes | 1789 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The art of surrender or rather the gift of mediation. If you would like to hear me ramble in a spoken word kind of way about this wild world of parenting and how a single mother prepares for that old art of medation , there’s a link in my bio. Freestyle is a wild thing to engage in when trying to understand truly your present moment. I can’t help but want to encourage all those carrying hearts and tongues to push into a soft practice of spoken word riffing to help in understanding your own divine mechanism of thought and feeling. It helps, I think , to process your experiences in a free and holy way , open channeling and allowing whatever comes to come. I’ve learned a lot about a great many things using this practice. Just a soft recommendation on this chilly Thursday evening. Lots of love to the parents out there in court battles , oh lovelies , I see you and feel you. Not enough is spoken about these turns we must take as parents struggling to come to whole understandings despite actually standing on broken ground. All I know is things always change , and somehow for better or worst , we actually are learning such wild abilities of strength and grace. That truly every step is worth it.

5,728 Likes | 1793 days ago | 31

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Happy Father’s Day to every human whom steps into the role of parent in their own radical way. I was raised with two woman but still had a mother and father in my heart. Debra , your courage of self expression astounds me to this day. Your strength lighting up your beauty in a holy and different way. It was a gift to witness your own expression of love, ebb and flow in both masculine and feminine. How you were the man of the family. You were whom I brought sticky glue Father’s Day cards home to. You were my first mold of what a father looked and smelled like. And you didn’t stop there. You became both parents to me when I need you the most. I honor you today. And every woman , man or child that steps into that paternal space with courage in their heart. I love you. Also I riffed a little something about Father’s Day. Link in bio. If you wanna listen. It’s a word with great meaning to me as of late.

5,993 Likes | 1793 days ago | 49

Jena Malone post on Instagram
You are never raised without a father. Whether there is presence or absence that word holds and imprints a shape on your tiny growing heart. Father’s Day was always a different kind of celebration for me having been raised with two mothers whom were lovers. My father was a father 6 times over before I even entered his world. He was always there tho with kindness, just busy on his own path in life. And for me , with a tiny acquiring heart , I felt full and balanced from having two tenders that seemingly expressed both a masculine and feminine form individually. Edward, my father , was always circling near by. I knew I needed him back in my life when I was about 16. Felt ready to jump back into that narrative with a relatively clean and open heart. He never held a bad or foul place in my mind, just one that was less defined and endorsed through real connection. But I become really hungry for that in my teenage years and gathered the courage to reach out ( he had reached out before but I had never find the right foot to enter with him ) and all he had to do was answer the phone and I fell in love with him. We became instant friends and slowly fellow mirrors and finally father and daughter in our own damn right. And my the stories this man has to tell. He inspires such bold truth out of me , such acceptance of transformation , as he has been so many different men in his life. But oh the man I get to embrace today. The gentle showmen, the fussy cook , the retired man taking money for dressing as Santa clause, the young hustler at heart. I love him. I’m happy our journey together and apart has been so damn rewarding.

11,098 Likes | 1798 days ago | 160

Jena Malone post on Instagram
It’s not that I don’t give a fuck. But rather it’s that I allow myself to enjoy the process in my own damn way. Now , as a woman that knows the ins and the outs of a red carpet , I simply allow myself to have the kind of fun that makes me smile. I dress a thousand ways, collaborating and being inspired by a team that I respect and feel fully seen by. I step into the space of metamorphosis like a child does with a new word that opens the imagination. I play. I create. I allow. I don’t judge myself nor do I allow the weight of not always being perfect to smudge the taste of borrowed perfection for a certain evening. I paint my face , I oil my body , I have a glass of wine , I surrender to simply being a body in a frame. I talk to the photographers, I take my own damn time , I angle my body to create the kinds of images I wanna take of myself. As a photographer, I try and bring my own camera and when I step on to the carpet , I make a small agreement with myself , the first shot is mine. I teeter tottered on to this black carpet and instantly saw this holy sun streak. I did not meet the eyes of the other photographers yet, I set my camera up and put the self timer on and walked into that golden beacon of light and posed for my own damn self. Something , I imagine , I would share with my child’s child someday. Some secret part of me that not everyone gets to look at. I walked back to my camera , handed it over to my lovely handler, and then introduced myself to the line up. Eyes up and open. Inviting them in. Saying, without saying , this is your time my loves , ask what you want of me. Be gentle and kind. And I’ll give you everything I can without dropping my own self advocacy . Because honey, if your not looking out for your self love then nobody else knows where to look either. Whom ever caught this very tender and sacred act of mine, I appreciate that. For my 35mm film will not be developed for weeks. #ramblingsofanactor #redcarpetselfcare

4,577 Likes | 1801 days ago | 27

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Just heading out for work , honey. It was supposed to be an off day and then the sun came and I felt my heart shutter. My work called. I have to go in today. There were words that needed describing, things that needed to be seen and stories that needed to be collected and retold. I’ll be home soon , honey. This type of work doesn’t take very long. // says the single artist mother to her child trying to describe her need for a long walk in the middle of the afternoon struck with inspiration.

2,344 Likes | 1807 days ago | 41

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Learning to dance with myself in a thousand which ways. Or rather an actor’s ritual of playing with downtime in a wigcap.

9,325 Likes | 1808 days ago | 41

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Naked cucumbers on a hot Louisiana afternoon with space cartoons // hoping for Kodachrome but letting that digital blur be sweet enough //

13,931 Likes | 1808 days ago | 37

Jena Malone post on Instagram
My life as a cocoon or rather the sweet pillow I’m finally allowed to become. Thank you @jenmanusmelly for this capture and the surplus of love that created this cuddle pile.

2,935 Likes | 1811 days ago | 26

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Stillness is not an acquired taste

2,166 Likes | 1811 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Last year , I played a white witch , a cat and a mermaid. Oh the wild wave of what comes and how we search for meaning in what is left behind on the shore. This year is shaping up to be another wild imprint of characters , seemingly unrelated and yet , somehow , they sit next to each other. And feed one another. Acting is the only thing I’ve ever been hired to do. Oh the divine comedy of working so hard for something that still feels so untethered and free. My knees ache from gratitude exercises. And my heart is always thirsting for another story to tell. Just sort of in awe today. At what nearly 25 years of work feels like on the shoulders that still remain soft and ready to play. I’m lookin for more spoken word / installation/ voice narrative projects. Please let me know if you got something that is real and in need of a untrained master of tone. Just a child looking for a play area. Let me know ❤️👶🏼❤️🙏🏼 Photo taken behind the scenes of the #janetcardiffandgeorgeburesmiller video installation piece currently up at the Walt Disney Music hall.

1,959 Likes | 1814 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
A stream of consciousness poem about labor and the aftermath of birth. A fine share on this Labor Day weekend. Also my sons 3rd birthday, my birthing day. A holy and never complete transformation of the body , mind and soul. For all the mamas and the papas out there. I love you.

9,552 Likes | 1815 days ago | 57

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Here’s to the off shoot. The side matter. The rare form. The once in awhile , the almost nearly and the blue moon. All Children’s accessories worn by me in the middle of such a moment.

1,354 Likes | 1818 days ago | 26

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Self contact / body improv / body contact / self improv /I have no idea what I’m doing// is this freedom? Song “ race you to the light” by the @masonjennings #iknowiknowtoomanythighclaps

10,263 Likes | 1819 days ago | 47

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Whomever brings softness To your heart Make room For they are our teachers as well as our friends And whomever brings you hardness As a challenge to your heart Make room For they are our teachers bringing the tender lesson of amends. In the most holy room with my fellow tenders of softness Photo by super woman @shelbyduncan & my main flame @jsuskin

1,867 Likes | 1819 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
He is teaching me that every letter is a question. And every question has a thousand answers. And in those answers is always a choice to remain soft. How many times I left my words out in the sun , forgotten and under cared for. He is teaching me to gather my letters like flowers , to see the shapes as stories and that divine gift of seeing one another thru language. Thank you sweet boy.

2,928 Likes | 1824 days ago | 14

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Ring the bell Of your own surrender There is nothing sexier Then laying your armor down

1,958 Likes | 1837 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I could be the death of me Pushing towards a new bloom I could work harder for More space I could build a bigger room

1,466 Likes | 1838 days ago | 14

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We share the same waist line My grandmother’s Grandmother Didn’t have to write her History with a pen This petticoat Holds enough space For a thousand whispered secrets An army of grace Sewn within Our shared waist line.

3,424 Likes | 1845 days ago | 35

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Waking in the canyon, with dreams as old as the sun. The young , unseen birds singing fluidity back into my quiet heart. Yes. Chapters end. Yes. Newness rises each morning out of the swell of the mist. Yes, I too, can have my image change , my body bend and my purpose lost a thousand time on everything but the mountains. For they have always held space for me and my reclaiming. Standing near me , mirroring our shared divinity —————- Speaking with the Santa Monica mountain range

2,555 Likes | 1846 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
But child There is a song In every egg you break

2,978 Likes | 1850 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Today was a day for the heart records. The rock records. The earths memory. Today is a day I’d like to run back too , when I need to feel loved and full and free and like a wildly amazing mama. This day will be held and remembered. A day of feeling all of my many parts I play come together with glory and light. The soft woman , the loving mother , the honored daughter , the wild sagebrush mountain poet. Today was a great day.

5,814 Likes | 1852 days ago | 32

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Melting into my mama puddle. The oldest and most beautiful held space in my heart. I love you both so much. @debzen55 @grandmalamadingdong

2,082 Likes | 1858 days ago | 17

Jena Malone post on Instagram
It’s not just That I know I can It’s simply just That I am Musings on power/water/heat outages and being tender to my flock

4,693 Likes | 1859 days ago | 24

Jena Malone post on Instagram
You are that sliver of light That breaks between the curtains And wakes an army With warmth You gather your courage with ease Like a long skirt, by the fistful And dance your body between The concrete And what can’t be seen It’s beautiful What you create in this world. /// a poem to your future from your former

2,324 Likes | 1860 days ago | 6

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Here’s to another ten years of performing the best music of our lives for no one but the birds and maybe a voice memo. Love you @lemjayig

4,445 Likes | 1861 days ago | 20

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Heaven is a blue only found in a chemical equation

7,470 Likes | 1865 days ago | 74

Jena Malone post on Instagram
An ode to the mother I want to be as I lay on the kitchen floor dreaming of the child I had been ——— I know now why my mother woke at dawn She was curing the darkness With bacon and eggs Poured puffed grains And maple syrup A hot plate To fry the heat back into our hearts She was unwrapping the day for us The breaks in our bodies The fear of the future And our cowboy inclinations to remain hard She was preparing softness as a home Like the womb her body prepared for her To carry us Slicked fingers smoothing the static of our hair She moved thru the kitchen Waking up our wildness With berries and toast Settling our stomachs With soft demands To be human The sounds of breakfast And her hands wringing out The towels To allow A fresh start

2,236 Likes | 1875 days ago | 24

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When my breath leads me back to the astonishment of you.

2,610 Likes | 1875 days ago | 26

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Working with my art hero , @janetcardiff ,on a sound installation piece for the Walt Disney music hall. The piece is up now for the next five years. It’s an audio journey where you put headphones on and interact with the absurd beauty of the building and me as a cat. Enjoy this amazing piece. Might be my favorite role to date.

10,250 Likes | 1878 days ago | 35

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Just a silly divine moment between sisters that always reminds me to laugh at the complexity and invite in more joy continually. And more cuddles please. When my hair was shorter and their hair was not pink. I love you monk.

3,078 Likes | 1883 days ago | 22

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Come here spring I don’t want evening to fall And look like the face of regret For not having spent A thousand moments touching My lips to your neck

2,681 Likes | 1886 days ago | 22

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Now is the time to shake ————— My love your life is unraveling Like a garment That no longer holds its weight In covering your shame Or supporting your beauty Do not hold on to the threads Like some golden strands Of a child’s first hair cut Do not pause In considering what muscles would allow Your body to stand still And unseen You are getting free From the tangle Now my love Now is the time to shake

1,608 Likes | 1887 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
And again In the garden I’m reminded To love you more In all your rashness Of growth And need to spread Over the smaller More delicate blooms It’s my job And my job alone To allow you The space to flourish And when to say no more Not here This is where Something small And intricately Mine grows

3,384 Likes | 1888 days ago | 32

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Can I Be Your spring bloom That eternal color You wait for No matter the darkness No matter the dirt Can I be My own Inner noon That breaks The bleakest morning Into two Can we Be The patient Seed Holy small and awakening That life that we get to lead Despite the frost That covers Our lawn.

3,802 Likes | 1889 days ago | 42

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Can we Just stop And thank the universe For sending us Those that touch our deepest nerves They may not have brought flowers Or poems Or chocolate But they , being who they beautifully are Brought the lessons We couldn’t teach ourselves.

2,628 Likes | 1900 days ago | 17

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Careful what you pursue And what you call out to And the figures you shape with your mind What you read into And what you dream out loud to And what you will It will All these things They will Become you ——————————— Some words from my travels thru Myanmar. Happy to share these images again with the world. Excited to be a mama bear artist , swinging my tiny babe on my hip while I put the final touches on my photo show , opening today. Excited to follow the universe to my next adventure that strikes fear in my heart and wisdom down my spine. Just fucking feeling alive and full today. And also can I please get a tiny nap before this evening? Thanks ( info on show in my stories )

2,133 Likes | 1907 days ago | 23

Jena Malone post on Instagram
New work like soft kisses sending shivers down my spine. Any Seattle/Tacoma based gallery /space/ entity wanna help house my next art experiment? Slip into my dms. Let’s chat. Mamas got that creative fever again. (( finally!!))

9,259 Likes | 1907 days ago | 49

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Happy holy well fed and well loved. Thank you.

2,446 Likes | 1908 days ago | 41

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I wanna share my dance playlist with you all. It’s been deeply feeding me this past year. Come and listen and dance with me at @vashonsnapdragon March 1st starting at 8pm til late. My favorite bar is letting me take over the dance floor and share my musical medicine for you to shake your bodies too. So excited for next weekend and to see your shining faces there. The song is the video is called “Time” by @grettaray

8,479 Likes | 1909 days ago | 77

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When I was 29 years old I woke every day to what felt like horses pounding in my heart. I felt there was so much to see and so much to express before I crossed the imaginary threshold of 30. I was working like mad , I think I filmed 5 films that year and was still touring and promoting my last album with @theshoeperforms and still felt this desire for more. Some invisible pulse that was aching. On a good friends recommendation I ended up taking a couple of weeks off from my life and went traveling thru Myanmar. I was a solo traveler but sought the help of a travel agency that works with local women in the country and ended up spending the most beautiful time getting lost and getting to know a deep part of me that was aching to be found. To be guided by a fellow woman , who spoke the language and could let me stumble step in awe and fumble for my camera in each town square , to know I could actually sit down and communicate with people instead of the three minute charade of smiles and gestures changed everything for me. We hiked up mountains together and thru tiny ancient villages where grandpas cooked me lunch while the kids chased me thru their hidden spaces and shared a can of soda with me . I slept on the floor in old temples , were the novice monks allowed me to join their games of soccer and movie nights of National Geographic on vhs. I was embraced and given so much love that just came mirroring right back out of me. By the end of the trip my feet were light and my face ached from that incredible gift of being human, smiling so damn much. One of my last days on the journey I visited a small temple to sit and allowed myself to fall into a deep mediation. This was where I was given the vision that my life would change. I would become a mother to a beautiful boy. And he and his father would point me into the direction I had been longing to go but never had the words to articulate. I left their sobbing, just giant wet face and nose and ears and hands wringing my

3,654 Likes | 1909 days ago | 29

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Jena Malone and her bloodstains , my OG creation space since I was 21 years young. I’ve been slowly working on new music , haven’t released a project under this moniker since I was 24. It’s coming. Don’t worry. Haha. Until then ....IM PLAYING A RARE SHOW on March 3. Link for info and tickets in my bio. I’m opening for the fucking cellist from nirvana and I also have a special guest sitting with me for the set . It’s going to be all types of wonderful and strange. I LOVE YOU AND AND MORE CREATIONS OH SO SOON. X

5,911 Likes | 1916 days ago | 37

Jena Malone post on Instagram

18,255 Likes | 1923 days ago | 123

Jena Malone post on Instagram
My son’s first picture of me!! and as you can see he captured my heart melting into a thousand tiny droplets of love. I am a silly, emotional and proud mama. Every first of his is just the beginning of a new intimate conversation I get to have with my beautiful boy. I ache and dream and await each and every one. Love you baby b.

2,945 Likes | 1928 days ago | 29

Jena Malone post on Instagram
That unversed narrative in your mind. That exists only in a few words. Further that narrative. Fill in the blanks. You will quickly see if it has purpose. Now change your scene. And fill in the verse that makes you happy. That makes you feel seen. It might be that easy.

2,018 Likes | 1928 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Flowers for men or rather my small steps to reclaim the divine masculine in us all.

5,026 Likes | 1930 days ago | 38

Jena Malone post on Instagram
and the world isn’t ending, its just growing up and over us and our constant need for making it a park. all that wild and dark is pissed and teething. we, the blip and the speck, may be the smallest thing that ever fantasized so large.

2,912 Likes | 1932 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Breaking the 4th wall of winter.

10,405 Likes | 1935 days ago | 46

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Love letters that can possibly out live your physical body.

2,663 Likes | 1937 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
@theshoeperforms at echo park lake. Who took this ?? And @lemjayig where the f are you ?

3,308 Likes | 1937 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We landed on the moon/ In my golden orbit When Light reflected simply And perfectly from my own I will always remember Where I was Who I was For your first landing When life and a million dancing Angels Gave me to you. ---------------

2,861 Likes | 1942 days ago | 17

Jena Malone post on Instagram
My body is more than a field map Which can only speak in prayer But can not kneel In kindness To its own being

1,888 Likes | 1942 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
“ I got saved by poetry. And I got saved by the beauty of the world “ Mary Oliver /// Real kinship is one where two hearts find a sacred belonging in the same point of view. Mary Oliver was kin to me. A mother figure who allowed my forest to be a church and my everyday moments a prayer of astonishment. Real family cant always give you permission to be holy and be yourself. Sometimes it’s the kindred spirts that come to you in many forms that bring permission into your life. Permission to love what you love. Freedom to seek joy where your spirit craves it. In honor of Mary , I’m allowing 2019 to be the year of kinship for me. Bringing more people into my life that mirror my light , spending more time and care with the people that give me permission to be myself. I’ve been desperately building this image of family since I gave birth to my son , a lineage I want to pass down to him and surround him with. But it’s been hard because I’ve been missing the higher understanding that real kinship is not always about blood ties . Thank you Mary for awaking in me a new found strength and giving me permission to build the image of family in my own light. And I love you. Thank you.

3,697 Likes | 1944 days ago | 28

Jena Malone post on Instagram
You know the feeling

23,182 Likes | 1945 days ago | 197

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I like this ten year challenge. Ten years feels like such a chunk of time, impossible to fathom in the middle of a long month or a hard day. But here it is. I’m pretty much the exact same person , ten years later. 24/34 2008/2018 except looks like I’ve finally let my eyebrows be the thick wildness they were meant to be. I also guess I chop my hair completely off every ten years , or rather I allow myself to be completely fucked over by a man and chose the fine art of hair transformation as my alchemy of healing. Also I’m stronger, sexier, healthier, happier and more dedicated to my personal expansion that mirrors the divine light of the universe then I ever was. So hell yes.

4,371 Likes | 1947 days ago | 31

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I speak to you like I long to be spoken to. Softly. Bravely. With patience and love. Transparent to any moods and misunderstandings. In plain tongue. With an open heart. Oh honey, you are a far better teacher then you know. Teaching me that delicate art of loving myself better , being kinder and gentler with missteps and preconditions. As I navigate , you absorb. As I speak , you listen and mirror. The best thing I can give you is an inner monologue that speaks of allowing and acceptance . One that supports and forgives and laughs easily into the evening. One that looks in the mirror and instantly sees worth and gratitude. I’m not completely there yet my love. But that is another lesson you teach me every day , it’s not about completion , but rather a day by day evolution. No other man in the world I’d rather be learning this with my sweet boy. We got this :)

2,152 Likes | 1949 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The boulder problem // At risk of crying He stands down It’s so effortless This look of thriving Amongst the boulders and smaller men He loves the edge The paper thin membrane Of no return With wild abandon Where did he learn it was ok to abandon Children and animals And young women Who’s hearts were on the verge Of giving everything He disconnects so well This is why he likes the edge He was taught everything human and broken belonged in the distance He could shoulder Only the view That was so picturesque But grotesque Because Nothing grows well At his elevation

1,359 Likes | 1951 days ago | 8

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Island expiration. Scouting pirate cabin building pads and found this falling down cabin near the water. The squatters had amazing taste in music and reading. Old tapes of the pretenders. I found the likes of Jack Kerouac , Walt Whitman and much more. So many ways to live in this wild world. All temporary and all sacred. Blessed to have souls that seek adventure and reverberate light near me on my journey thus far. Thanks @argonautphoto

2,241 Likes | 1952 days ago | 13

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Musing on my main muse. I’m so glad we get to be imperfectly divine together. We have the chance of growing something so beautiful together.

4,753 Likes | 1952 days ago | 39

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Unearthed creative play! Circa 2013?? @shelbyduncan behind the lens recreating our ode to Věra Chytilová’s masterpiece in feminist new wave filmmaking #daisies @nicoledisson and myself stepping into the roles of zany , strong, unapologetic women for the day. A dream come true on all fronts.

5,709 Likes | 1952 days ago | 37

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Permission walks into a room like they know they are welcome. Empowerment sits alone on a bench and feels the community of humans that came before. Compassion sits down before it collapses in the corner. Love allows before it ever defines. Walking into the new year with some old friends I haven’t seen for awhile. Whom are you walking with today? #walkingwithpermission #walkingwithempowerment #walkingwithcompassion #walkingwithlove

29,087 Likes | 1954 days ago | 181

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Throw back to 12 year old me at my first golden globe experience. I was nominated for best actress in a mini series/ made for television film. Along with Vanessa Redgrave , Meryl Streep , Ellen Barkin and Alfre Woodard ( who won!) . I was sort of in shock the whole time. But funny how shock comes off as composed as a youngster. I had these angels ( Goldie, who directed the film I was nominated for and Kurt )to guide me thru the night. Thank goodness for the allies and angels I’ve had around me to help navigate such shark infested waters. I don’t remember whom I was wearing ( didn’t seem to matter as much then). I do remember I was shooting stepmom at the time and Julia Roberts was also nominated and she was kind enough to let me and my nanny fly in with her on her private plane ( she was also nominated for best actress in a comedy for “ my best friends wedding”) What a wild thing it is to sit in the nostalgia of my youth briefly and unpack such once in a blue moon memories. Life is a trip. Especially since just 4 years prior I was dumpster diving for food and proof of purchases with my mom and siblings. Gratitude is too simple of a word to describe how it feels to look back at my trajectory. I feel such deep love but maybe something more like purpose is a better word. The gifts I’ve been given have given me a purpose that resonate in every moment of my being. I’m so happy I’ve followed my own path ( and so happy I was such a self aware and stubborn child ) it’s an honor to sit back and watch the circus now. Having experienced it in such an innocent and important way. But for those that have never been or in reality will prob never go to en event like this , it’s really not the giant myth it’s made out to be. More like being in a circus for a night of your peers. A roast , a toast , a grand facade of belonging in an industry that’s deeply isolated from one another. But fun as hell. Yes. So much fucking fun. And terrifying ( but that’s simply another layer of fun i

3,962 Likes | 1955 days ago | 13

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You and our mountain. Things that sustain me no matter the distance.

10,414 Likes | 1955 days ago | 95

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Replace the magazines with seed catalogs and the high heel boots with bare feet and this is still pretty much me after I put my kiddo to sleep.( joking but not really ) I like using my hour or two alone as a time to tap back into my maiden self . Taking off my sweatpants and putting on a lace onesie with soft thigh highs or some nice 1930s satin pajamas. I drape myself in pillows and throws and dive deep into whatever moves me. It’s such an important time of resetting. I use to use this time for dishes and preparing for the next day but I realized that doing chores with my child was so much more rewarding for us both and there is no preparing for tomorrow with a toddler. Not directly. You wake everyday to a million possibilities, each one requiring different levels of preparation in the moment. And I really value following both of our compasses on how best we will thrive that day. Yes, I still do dishes but in lingerie. Yes, this is when my dance practice takes hold of my body. But mostly this is a sensual hibernation time. Of being lazy af and deeply self driven. This is my time for self love, masturbation, writing poetry, reading books, planning my garden, mediation , editing little art videos , FaceTime dates with girlfriends. And then I crawl back into our tiny little bedroom and let sleep offer me that final recalibration parents so desperately need. Fellow parents ? Single mamas? I’m interested in your night time rituals after you put your little ones to bed ? Photo from the cover shoot with @asifmagazine shot by mama extraordinary @tatijanashoan

11,673 Likes | 1956 days ago | 370

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When you find yourself in a low state. In a space where it’s overwhelming to determine your true worth or ability. Reach out to someone. A third party. A counselor. A friend. It helps to have someone who can see you clearly and help you reconfigure your gentle capacity of life. Building you right back up to where you belong. Hey , can we all tag someone that helps us feel seen when our eyes have gone weary from being overlooked. And I love you.

7,446 Likes | 1962 days ago | 53

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I bleed in public, what do you do ? Photo by my darling mated soul , @jordanpaynee

2,037 Likes | 1962 days ago | 10

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Forgiveness is so fucking hot ( or rather how warmth feels now on my diet of not thinking negative thoughts )

14,133 Likes | 1962 days ago | 66

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My heart didn’t have a name until I named you. Photo by @jordanpaynee

20,261 Likes | 1968 days ago | 114

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Your light is the only gift I want from now until eternity. No wrapping necessary

3,469 Likes | 1970 days ago | 27

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Let it go child.

9,836 Likes | 1972 days ago | 38

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Beside every person that shines is an army of light that mirrors that brightness. I stand beside an army of creators, Mothers , teachers, farmers and fathers that reflect such light in the world. Proud of @aliyanaumoff and her powerful work as a director( check our her reel on her page , just incredible !) This image taken by another incredible creator @lemjayig , is from her directorial debut. And the most beautiful music video I’ve ever seen. It also happens to be for a song created by my band @theshoeperforms called His Gorgeousness. It was a mirror dance piece choreographed by another powerhouse creator @celiarowlsonhall ( follow this woman’s journey!! She has created such magic in the world!!)(( I miss you lady!!)) I’ve learned that as I traverse my journey of evolution , when I’m considering letting a new person into my heart, the most important thing you can do is get to know their friends. People tend to surround themselves with people that support their current state of being. If you see fellow light seekers and compassionate beings you can rest assured that the person is on a similar journey. If you see small minds, gossip makers and stagnant beings then you can know for sure that that is their current state of evolution as well.

3,393 Likes | 1972 days ago | 17

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I see rainbows on every tongue Wet with truth

2,592 Likes | 1980 days ago | 21

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“ if grief can be a doorway to love , then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again “ #robinwallkimmerer #braidingsweetgrass

4,795 Likes | 1986 days ago | 142

Jena Malone post on Instagram
(personal prayer// don’t take this personal) This year has been the hardest/ most important of my life Leaving california ,my friends and my family to seek a new life of balance &sustainability for me and my son Navigating the ever changing waters of being a single mother in a way that feels authentic to me Learning how to create space for myself as a woman and artist Starting to put one foot back in the door of picking up where I left my work and passions pre pregnancy Buying a tiny house and starting a life in a place where I didn’t know a soul Healing and tending my relationship with my mother Healing and tending my relationship with my ex partner and building the light we want to exude for our son Rediscovering my sexuality after having a child Falling deeply in love with a man whom spoke of marriage and his deep love for my son only to be completely discarded by him almost overnight ( that was a rough one ) Started smoking cigarettes again ( the worst addiction I’ve ever known) Finally completely quitting them ( almost two weeks strong now! accepting light and love and all forms of support) Discovering I have an auto immune disease with no cure ( psoriasis) Just battling and loving and learning and giving and feeling so empty only to wake with my heart so full again and again. My work this year has been learning to be open to my own suffering. Overcoming my fear of the mess pain causes. Looking into the lions mouth and realizing that it’s actually the truest path towards my higher self. Pain is the fast track towards human evolution if you can find the courage to accept it. I’m still learning this/allowing this muscle to flourish. I wake every day to the light of my beautiful son and in the next moment hear stories of the earth burning and people deeply hurting and toxic old paradigms still having a strong hold on the human heart. It feels like too much sometimes. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed by your inability to change anything in this world. Just the

7,301 Likes | 1989 days ago | 27

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I have more to learn from the tide than from telling time. ————

4,084 Likes | 1990 days ago | 32

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The practice of using a camera allows me to constantly be considering what is holy and what is in front of me. Regardless of how time dresses my experience in loss or gain. The flesh of the matter , the naked truth will always remain. And I think this is what pushes me to use a camera , or my words or my body to dance light/ meaning into the moment. To help me see what is holy and what is really there in front of me. I’m glad I can share these things but in reality it’s a deeply personal practice of trying to be present. Not just to my human body or it’s limited experience here but present to my own divinity and grace. So I guess thank you for being part of my practice and witness to my journey thus far.

5,746 Likes | 1998 days ago | 38

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The tide A natural conversation Between us Filled with crescendos Tongue flicks And a thousand Restrung Broken hearts.

3,595 Likes | 1998 days ago | 12

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Honey , this is heaven.

6,855 Likes | 2000 days ago | 209

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It’s my birthday and I can be reborn if I wanna.

2,058 Likes | 2003 days ago | 28

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// our creation story is simple. And I like it that way// ——- Somewhere in all that dirt Is you and I Crawling out of the earth Looking towards the sky

4,912 Likes | 2003 days ago | 13

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I’ve never felt more at home. Side of the road. With the ones who lift your heart up like it was their own.

3,678 Likes | 2004 days ago | 18

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Speak softly into this space. Choose words with intent and grace. This digital translation doesn’t sing as sweetly as your breath near my face.

2,633 Likes | 2006 days ago | 25

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It’s pretty easy to know me. Just take off your shoes and sit on the floor with me. Or dance with me with your eyes closed. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.

1,054 Likes | 2012 days ago | 8

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When I am weak from the bleakness that surrounds , I always fall back on the warm bed of poetry to help lift me back into the dance of being truly seen and heard. This poem is from the human fire #adriennerich #iwantawholenewwayofbeinginthisworld #guncontrolandmentalhealth #youcantseparatethetwo #nooneisabovethelaw #fuckingscoundrals

3,184 Likes | 2018 days ago | 24

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Just this. The innate being expressed in the infinite. That’s all I will ever need.

1,619 Likes | 2026 days ago | 14

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A long lost @theshoeperforms song made when we first met that we never released and one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever captured. My queen at her fullest @bethanymccarty @lemjayig on piano and me on tap shoes and voice.

9,422 Likes | 2027 days ago | 78

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Mailed in my ballot today and this photo pretty much describes my pure and utter joy of making my voice heard. #thisadministrationcankissmyass #vote 📸 @jennyparking

11,713 Likes | 2028 days ago | 59

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Not only are you powerful, you are prestigious. Not only are you prestigious, you are beautiful. Not only are you beautiful, you are consciousness. Not only are you consciousness, you are the spirit. Not only are you the spirit, you are the security of the future, the most bountiful beauty ever created. Men call it ‘woman.’ #YogiBhajan photo by the divine @neilkrug

9,996 Likes | 2028 days ago | 145

Jena Malone post on Instagram
/the boys of my youth/I wish it had been said how bad you were in bed and how I left you breathless reaching your 5th or 6th climax of the day and how you left me wetting my fingers to feed myself I kept thinking your pleasure was enough that somehow your ecstasy could be transmuted to me what a strong held game of the patriarchy calling bluff on our divinity masking their inadequacy simply by refusing to learn the eloquent language of the female body I refuse to engage with sexually monolingual men I refuse to teach my son the“ drive thru” sex culture I was raised with. And gentleman , now is your time , in so many ways , to shed the clothes that have suppressed your human heart and run naked into that wild forest of true intent. I believe in you. I will stand by you as you crawl out of that cave you were raised into. I will gladly answer any and all questions you have on this journey back to your divine. And I love you. #sacredsexuality #callingyououtwithlove #sexualawakening #notallboysturntomen

3,535 Likes | 2028 days ago | 46

Jena Malone post on Instagram
An ode to the memo my son will never read I open a book I see what I use to see a shape that looks like a man In a children’s story It says “ he is wearing a red hat” But I stop And look toward my son And I see two eyes That have yet to define That simple shape And it hurts my heart And confounds me How immense the unlearning of oppressive languaging Can be So I look again And what I see is a person With clothes on And I tell my son They are wearing a red hat They are looking at a cat They are wearing blue jeans Together We are learning a gender neutral vocabulary That can allow all of the world to be seen. These are the small steps I’m taking as a single white cis mother of privilege to free the human heart from any and all means of oppression . I know it’s not a lot. But I wanted to share. Because every little piece counts in this grand equation of changing the world together. #nonbinary #gnc #trans #intersex #transrightsarehumanrights #protecttranskids #iwontletyoubeerased

5,822 Likes | 2030 days ago | 39

Jena Malone post on Instagram
—how did I get so lucky— to be this little golden hearts number one lady —— he swings his arms tightly around my neck and tells me “ mama I’m so proud of you , your so brave “ and then runs off and allows me time to melt into a thousand puddles. I must have said that to him a hundred times but he says it to me like it’s his original creation. Like his mind cooked up something so beautiful for me he can hardly find his breath to share. And it never gets old. All we both do is grow and grow and grow and still , he stops time with his being , every time.

7,659 Likes | 2031 days ago | 73

Jena Malone post on Instagram
If I had to write an epitaph in this moment it may be this. Or what I want to press deeply into every growing human heart. This equation is always balanced from the inside out. Not from depleting your own precious self. I’ve literally torn my heart open from the inside out just to keep giving to people and situations that didn’t respect my worth/ my heart/ my being. I wish someone, a little birdie had whispered this into my ear as a 14 year old girl on the wild journey of becoming. So here I am. Think of me as a tiny bird that lands for three seconds on your shoulder and sings something sweetly into your ear. A melody you won’t have to try and remember because your body will naturally do that for you. Such is the wild art of innate medicine. All you have to do is listen.

4,667 Likes | 2031 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Let me rest here with you while the world wiles away into its chaotic dream. We have always been each other’s resting points. We are each other’s landmarks of ease that even from a million miles away dispel disharmony just from being seen.

2,260 Likes | 2033 days ago | 40

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Today was a beautiful day. Also discovering new music is a gift from the universe. @sashaspielberg aka @buzzytunes made a beautiful EP. This track is called “facepaint” and it really brought something out of me today. Shall I post the whole dance on my IGTV? Does anyone watch those things ? Can I just start doing improvised dance pieces as an actor ? Will it become my next street corner gig ? Oh dear hearts I hope so.

3,769 Likes | 2034 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I’m writing every day on set. Writing as many words that come to me about the strange beauty of my everyday life as an actor on set. I think it’s meaningful for you all , for we all, for everyone , to invite the world into our lives and dispel the myths that get created without consent. Tell your story with compassion. It’s all we can do. Photo taken by @domwolczko Layered photo and edit by me.

4,525 Likes | 2036 days ago | 25

Jena Malone post on Instagram
It takes courage to be an absolute weirdo. Oh thank goodness for true love. When you set down the shame and pain of who others need you to be. Where you can wear nipple tassels and sequined undies and a cape and still be deeply loved and supported and seen. I love you Monk and Skye and Aspen so much. Can we please find time to get lost together soon? This was taken during a photo adventure or rather a life adventure, using cameras to express our purpose . Or really just four women wearing their own color of the human condition on their sleeve or cape for that matter.

9,181 Likes | 2037 days ago | 58

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3,465 Likes | 2038 days ago | 31

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Self less no more. Self ish is not a sore word you apply to a wound but a salve to the burn of non reciprocal giving. Selfie with my phone. The phone a device I hold like a sword to my own tending. It’s clumsy. And occupies too much of my time. It’s sharp in the way it cuts invisible lines inside of me. And yet and still , I wield. I wield. And bend. To allow it room to point me in the direction of my own healing. A social virus. A tool of my own lifetime. A lifeline in the open sea of the human condition. I feel like my time with it is almost done. Selfish. Self love that puts the phone down when I’m looking for connection. And I simply look within. Almost my love. Almost there.

13,594 Likes | 2045 days ago | 195

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My dream dance partner finally emerges. This is my practice before bed. This is my ritual. And now it’s ours , whenever he graces me with those tiny spinning curls. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ gosh I love you baby boy.

9,388 Likes | 2045 days ago | 43

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Throwing back to the time I transformed myself into a sitting flower nude at the funeral parlor of my own glorious heart. From a music video directed by @alia_pop from a song by my band @theshoeperforms entitled “Dead Rabbit Hopes” online in every place you wanna find it.

3,889 Likes | 2046 days ago | 9

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Diving deep and well into that open hole of creation. Nearly 24 years of working in film. And this next project might be the closest to my heart. Underwater til 2019. Lots of love. #lorelei

5,090 Likes | 2046 days ago | 14

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4,027 Likes | 2048 days ago | 25

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Becoming a mother is mostly about learning to mother yourself. Which has taken me 2 and half years to truly realize. Caring for yourself in such a deep and authentic way that there is a natural surplus in how it extends out of your body. When I mother for others there is always a depletion that doesn’t get addressed. It’s a wild and holy practice. Letting my maiden grow into her own mother. Loving myself so deeply that loving others is simply a reverberation of that self love. A practice. A constant exploration where curiosity thrives and conclusions fall away. I’d love to hear from others on this journey. 📸 by @aliyanaumoff a million years ago in nyc.

7,731 Likes | 2049 days ago | 34

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A young bloom that wore an old tune. 21 years old. Photo by my brother from another mother @mblash

3,268 Likes | 2051 days ago | 19

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Reclaiming the art of falling apart.

2,380 Likes | 2051 days ago | 20

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I want to hear your story. Your silence is a wound worth healing. The world is listening. Finally. We , the people, have the power to change the collective story we are passing down to our children. I’ve recently learned about a website that is collecting stories you share ,anonymously or publicly , however you want to tell it. Amassing a narrative of truth that can change the world as we know it. If you are survivor of sexual assault and have lived with that weight too long I wanna offer you safe space to reclaim your voice. Please follow the link in my profile. #hearusnow Thank you @amberheard for making me aware of such important and timely movements.

3,479 Likes | 2053 days ago | 16

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4,954 Likes | 2054 days ago | 17

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2,647 Likes | 2054 days ago | 22

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Depression, sadness, hurt, pain, loneliness , fear..... all these are only words that carry half of the real definition of what it means to truely live in these states of being. The real all encompassing word we are searching for is : AWAKENING. Be gentle with your processes in this. Honor the greater teacher in these temporary states that are only pushing us into a higher state of being / awakening/ becoming.

2,846 Likes | 2055 days ago | 14

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Mama, how do I learn to forgive someone? Oh my darling , first you must begin the journey of loving yourself. That’s where you can truly learn how to forgive another, by forgiving and really loving yourself. —— With tears just falling and falling down my face , it’s with love and grace , that I can finally let my own forgiveness touch my own face. Swaying here , in the only arms Ive ever needed , love is just pouring out of me and on to all the ones that I’ve let hurt me. And in turn I have hurt so greatly. I see you. I love you more now then I ever have. And I forgive you. I accept where you are. And I’m rooting for your light in whatever form it takes you on the journey ahead. I’ve had such incredible teachers this year. Thank you for being such clear mirrors of the work that had been left undone. I love you and this journey back to my center.

5,846 Likes | 2056 days ago | 88

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#ibelievesurvivors #christineblaseyford #anitahill #beyondbeliefisaction

4,648 Likes | 2057 days ago | 28

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Ohhh I love myself so damn much it burns my muscles to move mountains into light. Or rather why I dance. Or how not giving a fuck is really all about self love. And yes , I dance with measuring tape all the damn time.

3,091 Likes | 2057 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
“Judgment is blaming the character for the condition being noticed, compassion is noticing the condition while forgiving the character." Beautifully said by @mattkahn1 Holy yes , the wind and leaves on my back and mama awakenings while her kiddo naps.

2,668 Likes | 2058 days ago | 10

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To be so present in your process, in all of its shifts and turns, is in itself an act of self-love. Quote from my moon bride @jennyparking

2,196 Likes | 2060 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Come like the rain and whisper your wounds to me with a clumsy tongue. I love you for your broken. As the leaves reach the height of their beauty as they too become undone. Graceful #autumequinox to each and every light out there. I love you.

2,442 Likes | 2062 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
You are that sparrow that closes the same loop in every flight , despite your freedom. Despite your mouthed choice of what you feel is right.

3,036 Likes | 2063 days ago | 5

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You are my witch and my moon. Your light never leaves my side no matter the tide. I love you and happy bday.

3,415 Likes | 2063 days ago | 11

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Grateful to each and every soul I’ve encountered on this journey back to my center.

1,378 Likes | 2063 days ago | 14

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—watch till the end for the cutest surprise visitor ever—-I’m so obsessed with @6lack new album #eastatlantaloveletter I posted a whole song of dance on my IGTV. These are mama sun worshiping outtakes of another incredible song called I’m sorry from the album. Listen , spread , support , REPEAT!!

3,858 Likes | 2064 days ago | 29

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Stay curious. I guess that’s all I could say. Curious enough to want to press yourself deeply into the wet parts of the earth. Into the spiders’ web that may lead you to a higher nook in a tree. Into the woman seated next to you. Into the hard part of the chair. Press and ask questions. And share. Share. Share. You are the only person capable of telling your story. Stay curious and tell that tale beautifully well.

11,754 Likes | 2065 days ago | 61

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When my mama bear engages ( watch out ) 📸 @jennyparking

4,638 Likes | 2066 days ago | 14

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Sitting pretty. Mourning death causally. Listening to you describing your love for me. Letting me cry openly. You gently taking my heart out of my body. Sending it down the river. Let the spineless and senseless go my love. Let’s sit simply and mourn love authentically . Just being the best you can be is enough.

4,804 Likes | 2066 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Oh the body I became to help you remain.

10,547 Likes | 2070 days ago | 45

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What I love is easy to see, as real love just comes pouring out of thee. And I loved being working with these strong , sexy bad ass women that inspire me greatly. Our film #thepublic has such an incredible ensemble. Couldn’t be happier to stand among them as Co - creators. Thanks #emilloestevez for writing and carrying the weight of such an important film. Thank you @raybouderau for these awesome captures in the madness and producing our film.

3,533 Likes | 2070 days ago | 17

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I can be fully clothed and yet stand naked before you. Such is the delicate weight of wearing your heart on your sleeve.

1,148 Likes | 2073 days ago | 9

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Fuck momentum This solace Is not a mountain I need to climb To get rid of you I see your brutal leaves with the bedsheets And I’ll wake and find My own peace in the night After math The pulse returns And science is not a cure for the heart Simply the written wisdom Of your truth being good enough.

8,597 Likes | 2073 days ago | 39

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We are simply custodians for the debris of the universe. Take care of what you care for. And let the other shit simply and beautiful go. 📸 @zoeygrossman

5,926 Likes | 2073 days ago | 20

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The last time my band @theshoeperforms was in Toronto , we got to freestyle and musically explore @thompsontoronto from basement to rooftop lounge. Such an amazing experience. Photos taken by our right hand man @eliastahan

8,536 Likes | 2076 days ago | 30

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Oh happy silly blur of summer. You end where true warmth begins. The sweater that comes. The fire that is lit. How we spend the rest of the year recreating your ease. Taken by the golden hearted mama child , Eden. A Polaroid for the alter of what fall brings.

3,155 Likes | 2078 days ago | 22

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How to resurrect the holy / by memory alone Be gentle with me darling. You were a sudden taste of the extraordinary that turned my whole being to bloom.

5,119 Likes | 2080 days ago | 36

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9,758 Likes | 2081 days ago | 44

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Let ___________ Close the loop Of your open wound #grief #radicalselfhealing #insertyourowncure 📸 by the mystic @jennyparking

20,422 Likes | 2083 days ago | 117

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Oh tender tending the true. I love this moment between my forever and you 📸 @jennyparking I love you

6,209 Likes | 2085 days ago | 26

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Invite in tending. Invite in care You could have a warm hearth from friends you keep near.

10,657 Likes | 2086 days ago | 63

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It’s not permanent. It rinses out a little more each day.

2,476 Likes | 2086 days ago | 3

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Empathic guide lines

8,303 Likes | 2086 days ago | 59

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Tomorrow we can talk about equations Tonight we must feel the moon. Photo by my beautiful mama @debjenmad12 and the mirror she creates. (( me trying to desperately to keep my chin up while buying a mattress. ))

9,895 Likes | 2087 days ago | 51

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Between meaning . Breathing

10,616 Likes | 2088 days ago | 48

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You are that leaf Let go by your holy tree To land and make a home Out of every tumbling

10,555 Likes | 2089 days ago | 182

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It’s causal. This precarious dance of life. Chew more gum and give less shits. Do more work to tell your story honestly. With compassion. It’s really all we can do. Thanks #edsheeran

4,800 Likes | 2090 days ago | 27

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It is a different river that flows in August then the one that flows in December. And you are a different woman as well.

3,381 Likes | 2091 days ago | 10

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How to let go and stay afloat. Or really just the most beautiful photo I have ever taken.

18,812 Likes | 2092 days ago | 92

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True love

3,894 Likes | 2094 days ago | 20

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Good grieve and real release. Honoring what conditional love may mean.

6,788 Likes | 2094 days ago | 23

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Dear me, there in the slight part of your knee is the hunter you were meant to be. And the gatherer has always been , naturally in your lean. You don’t have to worry about making a choice between strength and vulnerability. You were both equally before your you came into being. #radicalselflove #iamhumanhearmeroar 📸 by an angel that finally released me

18,560 Likes | 2095 days ago | 61

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I’m so proud of us and the journey we are on together of radical healing , emotional honesty and learning to set boundaries out of love and respect. I love you and see you mama. Forever and always holding your light.

8,736 Likes | 2097 days ago | 74

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Alone time or rather time well spent on a hotel floor.

3,472 Likes | 2098 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
One strand is the wind , the rest is glorious and unabashedly my sons everyday hair style. All filter , no shame, taken by a mama learning to get over social expectations and loving the self that remains at the end of the day.

6,002 Likes | 2098 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I think I’ve been waiting for this moment your whole life. The moment the bubble bursts and you somehow become the adult you have always been. I’ve seen your tiny moments growing strong. I’ve seen you fight your path bravely , walk it kindly and meet each new turn with such grace and ease. I’ve seen the wildness of your heart and your curiosity and courage grow into dear friends. Ive counted your fingers and freckles and bruises with you. I have cried with you and fought with you. And I have loved you deeply before you were even born. The world is not just a better place with you in it but it is a world that will be changed by having you in it. Forever and always your ally in this. Happy 21st dear woman. I hope you get shit faced with those that can mirror that gorgeous light. I love you. Your big sis.

7,627 Likes | 2101 days ago | 40

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Morning comes to those who wake and embrace it. In another life I woke early for the sunrise to capture it with my camera. Now I wake early to make tea and waffles for my little one. My Mornings are still spent tending the things I love. And always naked somehow. At least that hasn’t changed. Photo by @shelbyduncan

5,733 Likes | 2102 days ago | 28

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A tide pool of hurt or rather how not to drown in your tears but bath in your own salt water cure.

15,648 Likes | 2104 days ago | 72

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When your heart explodes and matches the sky , you thank your lucky stars and kiss every single one his fingers and toes. Photo by our captain for life @domwolczko

4,520 Likes | 2105 days ago | 36

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Los Angeles , you have watched my private moments closer then I have. You have tended them by pretending not to care. You created an exile for my wall flowers to bloom. I left you so many times and still , the strange lover that you are , welcome me with nostalgia and golden light. I love you more when you are a poem to me. Lucid and captured on my tongue. Then when my shadow becomes your mockery. Comparing my beauty to billboard just for fun. ——————————— an old photo I took , like an old flame ———— taken in an abandoned house in la.

6,770 Likes | 2107 days ago | 26

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My reciprocal place #myfirstmountain#laketahoe

3,574 Likes | 2107 days ago | 9

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In the bedroom of my youth #kahleforever

4,781 Likes | 2109 days ago | 12

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You and I Caught In that passing perfect Light Across the sky How you easily fill Each moment With eternity And I’m forever yours And you my darling Are forever a light.

22,521 Likes | 2114 days ago | 207

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When my arms were the size of my head or rather what a whole stunt/ film crew does when they stand behind you and believe in your inner strength. Or really I’m never gonna stop standing up for myself no matter what. And I’ll never stop believing I’m stronger than I look. In other words, don’t fuck with me. Self portrait taken with photo booth on a laptop while shooting and vigorously training / living / breathing the film #suckerpunch . Thank you @cruelfilms for seeing something in me I didn’t know was there ( and now will never shut off )

6,487 Likes | 2115 days ago | 21

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where i knew i could lean back into you , without looking being carried by a deeper pulse than just flame Photo collab with @mblash

7,021 Likes | 2115 days ago | 30

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I am fragile , breakable , fallible , momentarily incomplete and eternally whole. Photo by my beautiful boundary teacher and bestie @mblash

5,307 Likes | 2116 days ago | 16

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One part remedy. One part memory.

5,302 Likes | 2118 days ago | 30

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It’s no small miracle. The simple act of being seen and understood. This human expression of love may well be my favorite gift to receive. In awe of how powerful we can be together while living in such a separate society. I love you so much.

11,062 Likes | 2118 days ago | 104

Jena Malone post on Instagram
These were photos I took casually , as I most often do. All of these images were shot on the same roll of 35mm film in my film camera. I’ve included a few others from the roll to show you whose eyes were behind the lens. They are currently posted on Ethan Delorenzo’s professional website claiming that they are his work. Unfortunately he won’t credit me as the rightful owner nor will he take them down. I don’t understand the need to post other artists work as your own. Though I do understand the delicate process of two people coming together and sharing moments and then deciding to end their relationship. I paid for every roll of film he shot, developed them for him, we used each others cameras occasionally and I most definitely asked him to take images of me that I couldn’t take myself. No matter the reason of his for posting them there is no shame in this action. Only in the lack of action once the mistake has been brought to his attention ( 4th time just this year). Please rightfully credit these photos and many other photos ( not posted here but I can if clarification is needed)that are mine on your website. It’s the very least any artist deserves. Thank you.

6,103 Likes | 2119 days ago | 111

Jena Malone post on Instagram
With love and respect I gotta ask you to stop posting images I’ve taken and telling people they are your own. There are few photos on your website which I took with my own fingers and hands and heart. I don’t mind you posting and giving credit. But trying to sell them and say they are yours is just wrong. Thanks Ethan.

5,992 Likes | 2122 days ago | 25

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Amen on film.

5,100 Likes | 2124 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Kind hearted tenderlings and other magical moments spent beside the ones you love. #strawberryfestivalforever

10,160 Likes | 2128 days ago | 54

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I love you here , there and yesterday// You are not afraid to wear your underwear to the beach Or stand tall and silent Or laugh at anything that comes your way Your hands are always tending and mending And when they reach for me I too benefit From their healing Your eyes are not just windows To your soul But a vessel whole and complete You don’t take up any of my room And yet You always make room For me. ————

8,667 Likes | 2131 days ago | 94

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Looking back thru all my behind the scenes photos from film sets. This taken on location at Shiprock , NM. On a strange and wild film called “ Bottom of the World”. Shall I make a small book of my girl gaze behind the cinematic lens?

17,831 Likes | 2132 days ago | 307

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I don’t want a summer bod , the abbreviation sticks to the roof of my tongue and chokes out my own good taste. I want a mountain body. I want hair that brushes itself by the wind. I want legs full of landmarks . I want a belly full of food. I want my skin like a small farm that chops and drops and trusts the dirt and the chaos and leaves the beauty to the birds. I want soft moss growing where it can , when it can. I don’t want to be bare , with no hair that holds water in the hot parts of the day. I want rocks that crumble around me and edges that require discipline out of me. I have no need for managed perfection. i look towards heaven growing in my back yard and I lay down in my mud and accept each grass laceration on my skin. I don’t want a summer body. I want four seasons of flesh as I grow stronger and freer within.

4,414 Likes | 2134 days ago | 16

Jena Malone post on Instagram
You are dirt. You are the flower of the season and the thorn of the past. You are flesh and blood and bone. You are human and you act inhumane. Today is dying and tomorrow will always remain.

14,097 Likes | 2135 days ago | 51

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We 📸 by @domwolczko

5,277 Likes | 2136 days ago | 15

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Enjoying my huckleberry Finn (( oh the glorious time spent within)) and out of count with paces of culture

3,354 Likes | 2139 days ago | 10

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When the heat melts the line between physical pain and physical beauty. My dear metaphysical partner in crime @jennyparking , I love you!!

5,916 Likes | 2144 days ago | 33

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Mamas new ride. Our dump truck , Dottie,named after Gina Davis’s character in a league of their own.

4,976 Likes | 2144 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Stay weird and keep pushing into your holy places of fear. This is me collaborating on a performance art piece with @lolarosethompson Terrified and alive and creating is my favorite triangle of time. photo by a dear friend I havnt seen in a long time @fstop_fitzgerald

14,630 Likes | 2144 days ago | 39

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Traveling poets or rather don’t forget to squeeze the one you love and drop to your knees in admiration to the divine. Or really just take the picture that helps you remember what is good and golden in the world. This shiny one taken by @shelbyduncan

5,029 Likes | 2145 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Bearing witness to the magic of the cosmos everyday . The untethered light where we all began. Our children are our natural given teachers. We are their natural born protectors. We must do all we can to allow them to be all they can. #familiesbelongtogether

9,269 Likes | 2148 days ago | 135

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Get down on the floor, not just to clean , but to celebrate the precarious victory of being alive. Mama rituals. End of the night. Old school fleetwood. YES

2,313 Likes | 2149 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Today on the stem, tomorrow on the ground. We all have our simple place in the moment of time.

7,925 Likes | 2149 days ago | 32

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Occasionally, do me a favor, leave me completely and beautifully alone. Photo in an aspen grove before a thunder storm by my wild hearted @shelbyduncan

5,666 Likes | 2149 days ago | 20

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In awe of the simple act of standing near you That even this small act Was a wild gesture of true love

2,601 Likes | 2158 days ago | 10

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Heaven is in the tall grass with his toys and your legs laying bare. Thank you for jumping head first into our tiny miracle of a life. We love you so much.

5,914 Likes | 2158 days ago | 26

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I love you

3,702 Likes | 2160 days ago | 18

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I’ve never been afraid to dive into the deep end. It’s with age and grace that has lead me back to swallow waters , toes first, ankles, knees , slowly entering, mid thigh , whole thigh, my hips ,my belly , slowly now , with my breath and my breasts , my shoulders , my lips , my head and now my hair wet. Slow is the new mode of reckless abandon. Slow and steady.

9,042 Likes | 2165 days ago | 41

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We are best intimate and raw and walking on your toes and playing with your hearts and glasses and interacting with you on an eye to eye human to human level. Our next show in Napa valley will offer us a chance to get intimate in a new way. Please don’t miss your chance to spend the weekend in wine country with us , on a beautiful vineyard @ashesxdiamonds and listening to modern haikus by @mrjohnathanrice. Tickets come with a free book of his new written work and glasses of wine and a chance to get your heart interpreted by us , @theshoeperforms tickets in bio. And I love you all. Photo by @eliastahan

4,869 Likes | 2166 days ago | 31

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Between my son and the moon There’s no kindness in forgetting The hard rock we are all living on We have lost too many to the silence Of suffering while selling This cover up Of a life worth living We have gained nothing From showing our constant best face The knife of politeness Has done well to shield And shame our pain And yet and still There is always the simple miracle of breathing Life Back Into the cracks Of being human One seen and shared moment at a time I’m here for you You are here for me Ask anything of my empathy And I will try and meet you there With understanding /// small thoughts on hidden suffering and making emotional trauma cool again

4,998 Likes | 2168 days ago | 44

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My happy place

11,280 Likes | 2174 days ago | 47

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Mama needs a vacation.

2,445 Likes | 2175 days ago | 26

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Ladies and gentlemen, we continue our journey of improvisational shows in June. This time in Napa valley at @ashesxdiamonds . This one is gonna be PURE MAGIC. Johnathon Rice on dystopian haikus and we, The Shoe, on poetical heart murmurs. Napa valley bringing its finest in tastemakers to delight your palate. Gosh, I’ve never been more excited for a performance. Thanks @kashyk for always being the mad wizard behind the curtains of magical collaborations. Link in bio.

4,965 Likes | 2177 days ago | 22

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Hashtag momlife

6,628 Likes | 2178 days ago | 46

Jena Malone post on Instagram
If I gave you the moon , it wouldn’t be enough to light the path we are on together. If I gave you the sun , it would never be enough to describe the simple warmth that spreads between our finger tips. And If I gave you my everything, even that wouldn’t be enough to show you how much of mine is yours. So instead my sweet boy I will give you my word. That my heart is yours forever. To seek comfort and rest in , to break boundaries and mend your bones within. A mother’s vow of eternal love. That invisible cradle that holds you no matter what. Happy birthday Ode. I love you.

4,136 Likes | 2179 days ago | 15

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I love you for you. For you. For you.

6,176 Likes | 2180 days ago | 52

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I see your human. No matter how bad it gets. I will always try and see your human. Not just your hurt or outbursts. Or the constant verbal punishments. Or the mom shaming. Or even when you threaten to not let me see my son on his own birthday. I see your human. And I am trying to love and respect you no matter what.

1,607 Likes | 2186 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
We have a special live performance in the next 15 mins we are sharing on insta live. Friends, lovers, animals and all the sweet babes playing with your mamas phones .... join in and let us all try something new together.

12,408 Likes | 2188 days ago | 54

Jena Malone post on Instagram
—-INSTALIVE SHOE SHOW ON SATURDAY AT 5pm PST —-Free. Freestyling. Improvisation. Getting away for a moment from the preconceived and getting lost in the unfolding moment of your tongue. I love this holy space so much. Gearing up for some very special shows this weekend ( tickets and info in bio) I’d love to hear from you about stories and words and ideas that you need help articulating into the world. An improvisational writer uses what is around them to create. I’d love to be surrounded by you all. Share! And I’ll pick a few to write a song about. Dm me ❤️❤️❤️

6,448 Likes | 2190 days ago | 29

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Yes I try to lead by example but mostly I just follow without expectation. And yes this is my child naked except for a wind breaker at the beach.

9,510 Likes | 2193 days ago | 19

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The shape We make To create Their world Photo of my lovely @bethanymccarty mama in crime shot on film Happy mothering day !!!!

5,857 Likes | 2193 days ago | 20

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Heaven , maybe, is only seen in the aftermath.

14,663 Likes | 2199 days ago | 70

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And so it begins again..... #newalbum #theshoeperforms

6,115 Likes | 2200 days ago | 8

Jena Malone post on Instagram
@jsuskin Your new book of poetry “ At The Edge of the Continent “ arrives today. In hands and hearts and screens. In person, with your spontaneous prayer in mouth. Today, at @skylightbooks at 5pm, let’s all sit and listen to the new visions you’ve brought back from that edge. I’m so proud of you. And love your way in this world so very much.j

5,037 Likes | 2201 days ago | 12

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Just a bunch of sea dragons. Or how you explain the perfect arch of a lean.

3,119 Likes | 2206 days ago | 13

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I’m happiest Rugged And amongst the giant boulders I am a woman of the mountains And I’ve always been Better for the wear Of the wind Against The ancient parts of my skin. /// home , again

30,211 Likes | 2209 days ago | 259

Jena Malone post on Instagram
I am trying sweet boy. Sometimes I feel like they should have given you to a monastery or a flock of wild birds or a better cook. Sometimes I feel so unprepared. So uninspired. It’s very easy to not feel good enough for your magical and testing spirit. You, my gorgeous boy, are almost two years old. And this time between us is full of challenges I’ve never known. Full of the purest joy I have ever felt. You make me a better human being, just having experienced being yours. Be patient with mama. I love you so much. Photo by our magical photo goddess @jordanpaynee

5,280 Likes | 2212 days ago | 62

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Sooooooo we, the shoe , have been patient with the mystical return of that pulse from above. That mystic muse that grabs you by the panties and won’t let you sleep. She has been calling me closer to create new music. But in a new way. So we are doing some shows in May. All of which will be “ song writing sessions” of a sort. Trying to record a fully live album, pulled straight from that unknown madness that keeps us all woke and hungry. Some in Los angles of course, where my band husband lives. And some on a tiny island in the Puget Sound. All will be telestreamed somehow. So keep watching , listening, staying attune. Send me ideas. I’d love to collaborate across screens. So much love. As big as mountains. #theshoereturns Check out the link in my bio for show info

4,950 Likes | 2212 days ago | 16

Jena Malone post on Instagram
Little pieces of heaven. Or rather how you fall in love with your own back yard

3,782 Likes | 2213 days ago | 16

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The earth, or so I envision, deeply values obstacles to grow against. Somehow she always finds her way , no matter how strange things have become around her. I’ve always been called to industrial ruin. It’s deep in my Nevada blood I suppose. I realized today that’s it’s not the man made structures that have caught my eye but rather the delicate coil that nature creates despite the ruin. And always she has been my greatest teacher when I’m lost to my true self , my greatest mirror to real beauty and awe and forever and always my adventure partner , leading me deeper off the path and closer to divine. Happy earth day y’all. Thanks @domwolczko for capturing me in my happy place.

4,151 Likes | 2217 days ago | 28

Jena Malone post on Instagram
In a field of plenty , you grow with ease ,close to the things that feed you .Growing closer to the ones you love. Allowing what nourishes in and what diminishes to pass through. Find your field and grow there. In bloom and in dormant wait, I’m over the moon I’ve found my place. With you by my side. I love you.

9,944 Likes | 2220 days ago | 47

Jena Malone post on Instagram
There’s something so small and simple about sharing genes and blood and trauma and experience with some one. So simple it blows my mind the depths that grow there. Today my sister told me she was proud of me and the person I’ve become. These words were like a holy balm to my soul. Roles reverse. And age is meaningless when you share the same emotional landscape.i love you monk. And the amazing woman you have become.

8,667 Likes | 2221 days ago | 28

Jena Malone post on Instagram
When spring is at its best. The earth receives. The sun shines. And you, the glorious human that you are lays in love and gratitude for all that you have and all the love that is given so easily. #momlife #raisinginreverance #iloveyou #andyoutoo

6,329 Likes | 2221 days ago | 32

Jena Malone post on Instagram
The story of the shoe in my stories this evening.