Leonardo DiCaprio

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Leonardo DiCaprio Actor and Environmentalist Follow @EarthAlliance to get involved | ealliance.org/ |

Leonardo DiCaprio Posts

386,858 Likes | 1528 days ago | 1,468

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
When it comes to conserving the world’s oceans, we have work to do, a new study co-authored by @TheWCS in the journal One Earth says. 🌊🐢 According to the study, a full one-third of all marine species have less than 10% of their range protected. In addition, conserving a portion of habitat for all marine species would require an additional 3.2 million sq. miles of new conservation areas or an area about the size of Brazil. “The international community needs to rapidly increase the scale of marine conservation efforts if we are to maintain the health of our oceans,” said lead author Dr. Kendall Jones of WCS’s Conservation Solutions Program. Read the full study via the link in @thewcs bio.

215,975 Likes | 1529 days ago | 3,169

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
@presidenciaperu @martinvizcarraperu, creating the Nazca Ridge Marine Protected Area will be your powerful legacy and secure the future of the Peru’s ocean abundance for generations to come. Right now, less than 0.5% of Peru’s maritime territory is under legal protection, far from the 10% goal to which the government committed to achieve by this year. More than 1,000 species can be found in the Nazca Ridge, including blue whales, humpback whales, orcas, marine turtles, sharks and tuna. It is also home to deep-sea species such as cold-water corals and cod. By protecting this area, we can help maintain its abundance for generations to come and in turn, ensure neighboring fisheries thrive. Join @Oceana @oceana_peru in urging Peru’s President Vizcarra to create the Nazca Ridge Marine Protected Area and have his action celebrated at the UN Ocean Conference in June. Visit OCEANA.ORG/NazcaNow. #NazcaNow #NascaYa #30x30

439,219 Likes | 1530 days ago | 2,884

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
There are less than 500 Hirola in the world and those that are left are understandably skittish. Hirola are among the most elusive and least known antelopes in the world, which makes this photo by @global_wildlife_conservation’s @robindmoore especially rare. Their loss would represent the first extinction of a mammalian genus on mainland Africa in modern human history. @tsavotrust is among those groups making sure that this doesn’t happen on our watch by protecting and restoring the Hirola throughout its range in Kenya, including Tsavo East National Park, where this image was recently taken. #ExtinctionEndsHere #WildlifePhotography #ConservationOptimism #WildlifeConservation #EndExtinction #stopextinction

325,347 Likes | 1531 days ago | 2,020

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From the @guardian: Did you take part in Friday’s #FridaysForFuture strike? @gretathunberg made an appearance at the march in Bristol, UK. She addressed a crowd of about 25,000 people and praised the way climate activists in the city had managed to delay plans for a new airport. Protests were staged in other parts of the world, from Australia to Nigeria. Swipe right for highlights. Photos: Dylan Martinez/Reuters +@fff_Sydney + @FridayNigeria + @Fri4FutureSea + @fff_tui + @lizwathuti + @MakichyanA & @brothadestin via Twitter

249,024 Likes | 1533 days ago | 2,432

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From @cnnclimate: Twice as much food as previously estimated is wasted, with people in wealthier countries wasting more, according to a recent study published in the journal PLOS One. Climate experts have identified food waste as one of the top sustainability problems worldwide. "Globally, if food waste could be represented as its own country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter, behind China and the US," according to the United Nations environment program. The UN estimates annual global food waste at 1.3 billion tons. (📸: Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images)

299,764 Likes | 1534 days ago | 2,596

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Scientists are warning that the Great Barrier Reef could be heading for major coral bleaching. From The @Guardian: If high ocean temperatures in the region do not drop in the next two weeks, the reef is set for a third major coral bleaching outbreak in the space of five years. “We are down to the wire,” said Prof Terry Hughes, director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University. Coral bleaching is a stress reaction caused when corals spend long periods in warmer than average water. Rising ocean temperatures are caused by increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In August 2019, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority downgraded the reef’s longterm outlook from “poor” to “very poor” for the first time.

304,492 Likes | 1536 days ago | 1,782

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From the @UNEP: An invasive species of seaweed blighting tourist beaches in Mexico 🇲🇽 has become more aggressive due to #climatechange. The Sargassum weed is spreading, filling coastal waters and blocking sunlight essential to the growth of indigenous sea grasses and other plants. There is some good news though. Efforts are underway to hold back its advance and protect local ecosystems. #biodiversity2020 📷: @UNDP Mexico

335,175 Likes | 1537 days ago | 2,899

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From @cnnclimate: The Colorado River — which provides water to more than 40 million people from Denver to Los Angeles — has seen its flow dwindle by 20% compared with the last century, and scientists found that the climate crisis is mainly to blame. Without any cuts to emissions, the report says the river's discharge could shrink by between 19% and 31% by the middle of this century. "Without this river, American cities in the Southwest would dry up and blow away," said Brad Udall, a senior climate scientist at Colorado State University. "The science is crystal clear — we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions immediately." (📸: Rhona Wise/AFP/Getty Images)

166,144 Likes | 1540 days ago | 1,740

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@nowthisnews takes a look at how divers are restoring Florida's coral reefs in this underwater nursery 🌊

304,001 Likes | 1541 days ago | 1,484

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From @yaleenvironment360: The economic and health costs of air pollution from burning fossil fuels totaled $2.9 trillion in 2018, calculated in the form of work absences, years of life lost, and premature deaths, according to a new report. The cost represents 3.3 percent of global GDP, or about $8 billion per day. The study, the first of its kind to quantify the global impacts of air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels, focused on the health impacts of three specific types of pollutants: Nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and fine particulate matter. It also included a regional breakdown of air pollution impacts. The researchers found that the most premature deaths from fossil fuel-related air pollution in 2018 were in mainland China (1.8 million), India (1 million), and the United States (230,000). As a result, those three countries also faced the highest annual costs: $900 billion in China, $600 billion in the U.S., and $150 billion in India. To learn more, click the link in @yaleenvironment360’s bio. Photo credit: Ulet Ifansasti / Greenpeace

381,700 Likes | 1542 days ago | 4,295

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From @cnnclimate: Polar bears rely on sea ice for nearly every aspect of their survival, and with ice beginning to melt earlier in the season, these animals are becoming thinner and having fewer cubs, according to a new study. Polar bears “are an icon of climate change, but they're also an early indicator of climate change because they are so dependent on sea ice,” writes Kristin Laidre, the study’s author and a professor at the University of Washington. Polar bears are considered a vulnerable species, one level below "endangered." Their future, the researchers write in their findings, depends on scientists' ability to predict how climate change will continue to impact the bears. (📸:Paul Souders/Getty Images)

193,356 Likes | 1543 days ago | 1,913

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Last week @EarthAlliance shared updates from the #AustraliaWildlifeFund and how you have helped to make a difference. Watch some of these stories of hope and recovery unfold in this new video. Thank you to our partners on the ground @wireswildliferescue @aussieark and @bushheritageaus and to everyone who has made a difference by supporting the #AustraliaWildfireFund

127,506 Likes | 1545 days ago | 1,229

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From @cnnclimate: In these “very dark times,” Jane Goodall explains to CNN’s Becky Anderson why she is still hopeful. To watch the full interview, tap the link in their bio.

215,633 Likes | 1546 days ago | 3,122

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From the @worldeconomicforum: MISSING: 77% of Antarctica's chinstrap penguins. Read more by tapping the link in the @worldeconomicforum’s bio #penguins #climatechange #ice #birds #antarctica

466,349 Likes | 1547 days ago | 6,466

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From The @WashingtonPost: Construction crews began blasting sites within Arizona’s Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument as part of the construction of President Trump’s border barrier, and the affected areas include sites sacred to Native American groups, according to a congressman from Arizona and advocates. The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is an internationally recognized biosphere reserve — meaning it has plants and animals so rare that the United Nations has given it a special designation. It includes about 330,000 acres of designated wilderness and is home to ancestral grounds sacred to the Tohono O’odham Nation, one of at least a dozen Native American groups that claim connections to grounds within the monument. Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), whose district includes the reservation, said crews this week began blasting through parts of Monument Hill, which includes a burial site for the Tohono O’odham Nation. Click the link in the @WashingtonPost’s bio to read more. (Photo by @vanhoutenphoto/The Washington Post)

789,444 Likes | 1549 days ago | 4,281

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
A pangolin’s natural defense is to roll into a ball when threatened, which is why they’re such easy targets for wildlife traffickers. Today on #WorldPangolinDay, I'm supporting the @PangolinCrisis team with their #RollWithUs campaign to protect these gentle creatures from the trafficking crisis that is putting them at risk of extinction. Share this post to help raise awareness for pangolins and follow @PangolinCrisis for more information.

741,079 Likes | 1550 days ago | 3,540

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Amidst the devastation wreaked by the recent bushfires in Australia are inspiring stories of compassion and solidarity. These photos from @global_wildlife_conservation capture some of the incredible stories made possible with support from the @EarthAlliance #AustraliaWildfireFund. From rescuing and rehabilitating kangaroos whose homes have burnt to the ground to providing food for Critically Endangered Brush-tailed Rock Wallabies, from resettling turtles whose pools have dried up to building a sanctuary for wild koalas, the tireless work of @wireswildliferescue @aussieark and @bushheritageaus in the field is inspiring. To lend your support to Australia, please click link in bio. @earthalliance @global_wildlife_conservation @oxygenseven

159,223 Likes | 1551 days ago | 1,196

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Ahead of #WorldPangolinDay this Saturday, find out more about the critically endangered Sunda Pangolin, the most illegally trafficked animal in the world 🌍 Via @racingextinction, Artwork by @_undertheskin/undertheskin.co.uk #IllegalWildlifeTrade #RacingExtinction

289,060 Likes | 1552 days ago | 3,700

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
From @cnnclimate: 🐝 Bumblebee populations are rapidly declining across North America and Europe, according to a study from the University of Ottawa that examined 66 bumblebee species across the two continents. The study’s findings highlighted that as climate change causes temperatures and precipitation to rise beyond what bumblebees can tolerate, their risk for extinction increases. “The things [we] grew up with as kids are fading away very fast,” said a senior author of the study. “It’s not just that we’re looking at what our kids will experience; it’s that we are looking back not even a full generation, just to when we were kids, and saying, ‘Could we take our children to places we loved and find what we found?’ What our study says is that that answer is no across entire continents.” (📸:Natalia Fedosenko\TASS via Getty Images)

444,409 Likes | 1553 days ago | 2,738

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Xavante children from the Tsiba’adzatsi village in the Brazilian Amazon help plant seedlings at a nursery established to help with the recovery of degraded areas in the state of Mato Grosso. This is a project led by @EarthAlliance Amazon Forest Fund recipient Operação Amazônia Nativa to help with food security for indigenous communities while reforesting places that have been damaged by fire and other threats. 🌱

436,684 Likes | 1732 days ago | 4,388

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#Regram #RG @cnn: Earth faced unprecedented heat in July, its hottest month on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.⁣ ▫️July's temperature across land and ocean surfaces worldwide was 1.71 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th-century average of 60.4.⁣ ▫️ It was the highest for July since records began in 1880, besting the record set in 2016 by 0.05 degrees.⁣ ▫️Sea ice set a record low for July, appearing 19.8% below average, beating the record of July 2012, according to an analysis by the National Snow and Ice Data Center using data from NOAA and NASA.⁣

383,463 Likes | 1734 days ago | 3,152

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Global warming in the Arctic doesn't only mean ice sheets melting. Here are 4 other unexpected and terrible consequences of the rise in temperature.

418,752 Likes | 1735 days ago | 2,918

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Wildlife trafficking is the fourth-largest illegal trade in the world, worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually. It’s a key component of the unfolding biodiversity crisis causing ecosystem collapse, which is dangerous for humans, too. We can be a part of stopping trafficking in its tracks. Take action: https://on.nrdc.org/2Yw0jJV[Artwork by @experrinment]

573,252 Likes | 1736 days ago | 5,745

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @ladzinski: Disgustingly unacceptable. I have no other words for this scene, an algae bloom on Lake Erie’s south western shore. The leading contributor of these blooms is excess phosphorus and nitrates from agricultural fertilizer that’s washed into streams as well as distributed via wind during winter months. Pollutants from industrial and pharmaceutical factories are also a link. High temperatures and still air create perfect conditions for algae to proliferate and accumulate at the surface. Photographed on assignment for @natgeo

243,126 Likes | 1738 days ago | 6,220

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#Regram #RG @ajplus: "It's toxic to us.⁣" ⁣ ⁠ Plastic bags and toilet seats. Hundreds of discarded fishing nets. All of this was stuck to the seabed of Greece’s Andros island.⁣⁠ ⁣⁠ Volunteers collected over 660 lbs of plastic waste. But some say the microplastics leave an invisible imprint on the environment and even ourselves. They can be consumed by fish that then become a part of our diet.⁣⁠ ⁣⁠ #environment #pollution #plasticbags #coralreefs #greece #seabed #fishingnets #microplastics #coral #plastic #ocean #sealife #sea #fish #trash #zerowaste #plasticfree #recycle #reef #underwater #oceanlife #marinelife #rubbish #reef #sea #miroplastic #underwaterphoto #saveouroceans #conservation

121,675 Likes | 1739 days ago | 1,225

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#Regram #RG @IPCC: IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land: Land is under growing human pressure. Land is a part of the solution. But land can't do it all. #SRCCL #climatechange #GlobalGoals

577,575 Likes | 1741 days ago | 4,748

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @guardian: Ethiopians have planted about 350m trees in a single day as part of a national effort to tackle the climate crisis and deforestation. The aim is to grow 4bn new trees by getting every citizen to plant at least 40 seedlings over the summer. Public offices reportedly closed to enable civil servants to take part in the initiative, which broke India's record of most trees planted in a day (50m). Ethiopia's forest coverage shrank from 35% in the 1900s to just 4% in the 2000s.

883,149 Likes | 1746 days ago | 5,383

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The more we learn to connect with and appreciate the natural world, the more we realize we need to protect it. #Serengeti, narrated by @lupitanyongo, premieres August 4 on @discovery.

329,119 Likes | 1747 days ago | 9,280

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @sealegacy: A young sea turtle drags a tangle of fishing nets and other debris through the open ocean off the coast of the Canary Islands. This is just one example of the danger that #plasticpollution poses to the health of marine wildlife. Seabirds and whales are found dead with their bellies full of #plastic. Coastal communities the world over are suffocated by plastic waste that comes from far-off shores. And in America, the plastics industry intends to expand production at least 35% by 2025 - with no plan for preventing more #plasticpollution from entering our ocean, or protecting frontline communities from toxic pollutants. Current #US regulations are decades old and we think it's well past time for @EPAgov to update them. Will you join us and stand up for our ocean, our communities and help #StopPlasticPolluters? Join us and start #TurningTheTide by signing the petition (link in our bio and in our stories) to make sure the #EPA knows you want new standards for protecting our #ocean. #BreakFreeFromPlastic and join the 275+ organizations standing in support including @SeaLegacy @BlueSphereFoundation @lonelywhale 🎥 : @francisperez000 UPDATE: Hi everyone! Several of you asked what happened to this little sea turtle, and we are happy to be able to tell you that she was cut free soon after this video was taken. Thank you for your concern for her safety and well-being. 🐢🌊🙏

282,160 Likes | 1748 days ago | 1,356

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This #WorldRangerDay, I stand with the world’s rangers, who are on the front line of conservation, bravely giving their all to protect planet Earth. Link in bio to learn more. @thingreenlinefoundation

400,874 Likes | 1748 days ago | 1,862

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
THESE EYES. They belong to Save the Rhino Trust Namibia trackers and Rhino Rangers. They risk everything, everyday to protect the last free-roaming population of Black Rhinos left on earth. Today on #WorldRangerDay, let’s show them we see them and help them do their job for rhinos, for us and for the future of this planet. Join me, @savetherhinonamibia, and @wildnetorg by sharing this picture and donating at https://donate.wildnet.org/srt and spread awareness using #eyeseeyou.

311,809 Likes | 1749 days ago | 12,043

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#Regram #RG @guardian: The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. Huge blazes in Greenland, Siberia and Alaska are producing plumes of smoke that can be seen from space. The World Meteorological Organisation has said these fires emitted as much CO2 in a month as the whole of Sweden does in a year.

738,147 Likes | 1750 days ago | 4,677

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In Thailand's Huai Kha Khaeng (HKK) Wildlife Sanctuary, tigers are roaring back thanks to a major long-term effort by the government of Thailand, supported by @thewcs. As a result, tiger numbers in the sanctuary have risen dramatically, from 41 in 2010-11 to 66 today – a more than 60 percent increase. In addition, tigers moving beyond boundaries of the sanctuary are providing a foundation for a recovering population across the entire Western Forest Complex of Thailand, with benefits even spilling over across the border into the Taninthayi region of Myanmar. #GlobalTigerDay

297,812 Likes | 1751 days ago | 3,378

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @ashlukadraws: WE ARE MAUNA KEA. Standing in solidarity with protesters on Mauna Kea, protecting the Sacred ‘āina from scientific imperialism. It breaks my heart to see indigenous people and land continue to be dismissed by the state of Hawaii and its wealthy developers. Words from @kanielaing: “You don’t have to be Hawaiian to understand the dangerous precedent this sets. Mauna Kea impacts all of us. It’s an environmental struggle against wealthy developers who seek free reign. It’s a microcosm of what’s happening across Hawaii and the world: profiteers exploiting fragile places without regard for the future. We’re not concerned about how many passive dollars this will bring our economy. We are concerned about whether we will be able to breathe in 20 years, or be out of fresh water, or have any space left in our sacred places, or if the beaches we grew up in still be there. Some things are more important than a quick buck—like our planet’s and peoples’ survival. That would be $1.3 billion well spent. #maunakea #wearemaunakea #kukiaimauna” To support, visit kahea.org / donate to Hawaii Community Bail Fund (link in highlights) ❤️ ———————- This image was drawn using stills from my friends at @standingabovetheclouds, a beautiful, powerful portrayal of the mothers and sisters at the forefront of the fight to protect sacred land on the Big Island.

475,568 Likes | 1753 days ago | 10,043

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Now playing. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

387,580 Likes | 1759 days ago | 12,083

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#Regram #RG @cnnclimate: By 2050, London will feel more like Barcelona, Seattle will feel like San Francisco, and New York will feel like Virginia Beach, according to a new climate change study conducted by the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich university. Drawing these city-to-city comparisons can "help people visualize the impact of climate change in their own city, within their lifetime," said Jean-Francois Bastin, lead author of the study. Most European cities are expected to become 3.5 degrees Celsius (6.3 Fahrenheit) warmer in the summer and 4.7 degrees Celsius (8.5 Fahrenheit) warmer in the winter. These might not sound like significant shifts, but warming temperatures could encourage the spread of infectious disease, endanger food security, and lead to water shortages, said Alex Lo, a senior lecturer in climate change at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

401,458 Likes | 1760 days ago | 12,113

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1 week. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

540,057 Likes | 1761 days ago | 14,742

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593,201 Likes | 1762 days ago | 22,976

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#Regram #RG @worldeconomicforum: A grassroots solution. #environment #trees #agriculture #climate #kenya

336,642 Likes | 1764 days ago | 16,637

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @cnnclimate: Environmentalists have removed more than 40 tons of plastic from the Pacific Ocean. And while that might seem like a lot — equivalent in weight to about 24 cars — it barely made a dent. Members of the Ocean Voyages Institute said the cleanup mission was the "largest and most successful ocean cleanup to date" in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Located between California and Hawaii, it is the biggest concentration of floating debris in the world. The crew removed trash including detergent bottles, plastic furniture and children's toys, and also collected fishing gear called "ghost nets" — massive nets of nylon or polypropylene that drift and accumulate plastic debris. “What we’ve done out there is small compared to the magnitude of the problem, but it’s scalable and can be spread,” said the founder of the group. It's estimated that 1.15 to 2.41 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year. (📸: Ocean Voyages Institute)

467,970 Likes | 1766 days ago | 3,368

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An incredible win for the Amazon. The Waorani have succeeded in protecting over 500,000 acres of rainforest from oil drilling. Proud to support the #WaoraniResistance. #Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: Today, Waorani leaders gave a symbolic press conference outside Ecuador’s first oil well explaining what this historic victory means for the Waorani People and neighbouring indigenous nations across the Ecuadorian Amazon: “The court’s final ruling states very clearly that our territory is our decision and that our forest is not for sale!" said Nemonte Nenquimo Waorani leader. “This is a victory for all indigenous nations that have been manipulated and deceived by the government, and whose rights have been violated. The Government has to listen to us and respect our decisions, and the lives of all Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon.“ Now, let’s build on the Waorani's precedent-setting victory in order to defend 7 million acres more of rainforest under threat from oil extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon! Link in bio #ResistenciaWaorani #waoraniresistance

130,675 Likes | 1767 days ago | 822

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Join the fight for the vaquita. @SeaofShadows exposes and combats the criminal enterprises driving the world's smallest porpoise to extinction. Now playing across the US. Link in bio for tickets. #SeaofShadows

450,667 Likes | 1767 days ago | 2,313

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#Regram #RG @gretathunberg: School strike week 46. The climate crisis doesn’t go on summer holiday, and neither will we. We go on. #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike

332,760 Likes | 1768 days ago | 4,471

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by Marcio Pimenta @marpimenta for @everydayclimatechange . Amazon, Brazil 🇧🇷 . Yesterday I flew over part of the Amazon and saw how the current Brazilian government is against environmental policies. The National Institute of Space Research detected an increase of 88% in Amazon deforestation comparing June 2019 to June 2018. Since the beginning of the extreme right-wing government of President Jair Bolsonaro, there is an expansion of economic activities in the region that clear the forest for mining, agricultural expansion and livestock. #everydayclimatechange #climatecrisis #brazil #amazon #rainforest #stressnexus #leicam10

656,221 Likes | 1769 days ago | 3,600

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#Regram #RG @paulnicklen: All that a grizzly bear from Alaska should worry about is its next meal, saving energy, the whereabouts of other bears, and gaining weight for the long winter hibernation ahead. What they should not be worrying about is human encroachment, mining activity, who is going to put a bullet in them from a cowardly distance, roads being built through fragile habitat, toxic mining chemicals flowing down its salmon bearing streams, harassment by low flying mining helicopters, excessive noise and overall destruction of its habitat. Thank you to everyone who weighed in on the Pebble Mine. We need you and so do these bears. Thank you for lending your voice, power and might in this cause. Go to the link in my bio. #nopebblemine With @ericnixonphoto and @liannanixon

1,596,478 Likes | 1772 days ago | 9,210

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: The Waorani communities thank everyone standing in solidarity with their struggle: “In the name of our forests, our rivers, and our ancestors we the Waorani People thank you for standing in solidarity with us in this struggle. Our children and future generations will remember your commitment to safeguard the lungs of the earth, the Amazon. Our struggle continues and your support will continue to be vital! Now, we need more signatures to reach our goal of 500 000! ” - @waoresistencia Sign the Waorani's urgent letter! (link in bio) #WaoraniResistance#ResistenciaWaora

260,664 Likes | 1773 days ago | 2,060

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The endangered vaquita is on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 15 remaining. Take action and sign the petition via the link in bio and watch the incredible fight to save them in @seaofshadows, premiering ‪7/12‬ in select theaters. #SaveTheVaquitaDay

337,991 Likes | 1780 days ago | 3,257

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: The climate crisis is altering seasonal patterns and fueling disasters across the nation. 🚨 In California, this means hotter days and more severe weather events, including wildfires. 🔥 As a result, Californians face a variety of increasing health problems, from asthma to heat strokes. California residents have much to gain from climate action—and lives to lose if we fail to clean up climate-damaging pollution. Learn more via the link in our profile. - #california #climatechange #health #asthma #publichealth #wildfire #climatechangeisreal

240,065 Likes | 1781 days ago | 2,392

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The government of Ecuador is still trying to auction off the ancestral lands of the Waorani for oil drilling. Link in bio to sign the petition and protect the Amazon. #WaoraniResistance @amazonfrontlines

363,880 Likes | 1782 days ago | 1,827

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#Regram #RG @financialtimes: 🚨 Temperatures are rising, the glaciers of the Himalayas are melting — and here’s why this is particularly significant: because the area provides water for about 800m people across Asia. 🚨 A forthcoming study surveyed decades of satellite data and found that the glaciers have been losing the equivalent of 50cm of ice vertically each year since 2000, melting twice as fast as they were during the 1975 to 2000 period. Several factors contribute to melting in the Himalayas, including settled soot and changing precipitation factors. However, the new study suggests that temperature is the single biggest factor that drives the rate of melting, underscoring the impact of climate change on an area that is a critical source of water supply for India and China. 🔸 The research comes as global carbon dioxide emissions hit a record high last year, and as the earth’s average temperature has warmed about 1C compared with pre-industrial times. 🔸 Read more at the link in our bio. 📸: PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images

155,808 Likes | 1783 days ago | 1,090

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#Regram #RG @greenpeace: We’re on an epic voyage from Pole to Pole, campaigning for a huge network of ocean sanctuaries. If we win, it might be one of the biggest conservation efforts in human history. . Everyone has a part to play. Are you on board yet? www.greenpeace.org/protecttheoceans . #Oceans #ProtectTheOceans #blueplanet #greenpeace #activism #nature #instagood #Earth #environment #water

635,665 Likes | 1784 days ago | 7,716

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#Regram #RG @bbcnews: "Only rain can save Chennai from this situation." A well completely empty, and a city without water. The southern Indian city of Chennai is in crisis, after the four main water reservoirs ran completely dry. The acute water shortage has forced the city to scramble for urgent solutions and residents have to stand in line for hours to get water from government tanks. As the water levels depleted, hotels and restaurants started to shut down temporarily, and the air con was turned off in the city's metro. Officials in the city continue to try and find alternative sources of water - but the community continue to pray for rain. Tap the link in our bio to read more about Chennai's water crisis. (📸 Getty Images) #chennai #watercrisis #india #bbcnews

271,882 Likes | 1786 days ago | 5,167

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#Regram #RG @worldeconomicforum: 65 metres high and rising 10 metres every year. #india #tajmahal #environment #pollution #health

263,912 Likes | 1788 days ago | 1,959

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#Regram #RG @mongabay: Logging and hunting have decimated a population of Bornean orangutans in Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park in Indonesia. Help has recently come from a pair of unlikely allies: an animal welfare group and a human health care nonprofit. Cross-disciplinary collaboration to meet the needs of ecosystems and humans is becoming an important tool for overcoming seemingly intractable obstacles in conservation. Read about it on www.mongabay.com #orangutans #apes #greatapes #primates #animals #wildlife #conservation #environment #nature #indonesia

218,471 Likes | 1790 days ago | 1,687

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#Regram #RG @oneearth: How Belize saved it's coral reefs with grassroots action and government collaboration. . . . #OneEarth #biodiversity #Ecology #coralreefs #belize #ocean #conservation #oceanconservation #pristine #coral #water #nature #Environmental #environment #caribbean #coastal #coast #marine

408,569 Likes | 1791 days ago | 1,610

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#Regram #RG @time: The long journey to the Fijian village of Vunidogoloa leads to a #ghosttown forced into retreat by #climatechange and the rising seas that come with it. Once home to more than 100 people, Vunidogoloa has been overrun by the tropical forest. Plants cover the town square. The stench of rotting rodents wafts from abandoned homes, and salt water seeps up through the soil as far as 300 ft. from Natewa Bay. A few times a year, king tides inundate the village with knee-high waters; locals were forced to place precious possessions on tall surfaces and run for the hills. And so, five years ago, Vunidogoloa was abandoned. The Fijian government built a new town about a mile up the hill at a cost of half a million dollars. Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama tells TIME he plans to move 40 Fijian villages in the coming years to cope with rising sea levels. “Every day," he says, "I think about climate change." Read this week's full cover story—Our Sinking #Planet—and see more pictures at the link in bio. Photographs by @cgregoryphoto for TIME

284,574 Likes | 1793 days ago | 1,650

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#Regram #RG @abcnews: Massive 223-ft. shape of a whale made of plastic waste collected from the ocean, in event in China raising awareness of sea pollution. #pollution #environment #ocean #whales #beaches

179,240 Likes | 1795 days ago | 1,272

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#Regram #RG @cnnbusiness: Climate change is likely to cost the world’s largest public companies nearly $1 trillion over the next five years. But the opportunities for new products and services to reduce environmental damage could be worth much more. A survey published Tuesday suggests that growing demand for low-emission products and shifts in consumer preferences could generate over $2 trillion for leading businesses. Hit the link in our bio to learn more.

329,725 Likes | 1796 days ago | 1,719

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: The Makame Wildlife Management Area in northern Tanzania is rich with the Maasai culture and abundant with wildlife. But living alongside lions is not easy and creates many challenges for traditional pastoralists to keep their livestock safe. LRF Director @petelindseyafrica recently made a trip to this area to visit our partner @honeyguide_tz to see how they are tackling these issues. Click the link in our bio to learn why we're hopeful this area will become critically important for wildlife. Photo: @jackdswenson #lions #lionrecovery #tanzania #conservation #wildlife #bigcatsofinstagram

365,199 Likes | 1798 days ago | 2,117

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#IceOnFire is now streaming on @hbo. I hope audiences will be inspired to take action to protect our planet. Special thank you to director Leila Conners and everyone that helped bring this project to life.

987,514 Likes | 1798 days ago | 10,846

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
In theaters July 26th. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

196,529 Likes | 1799 days ago | 1,609

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#IceOnFire, which I produced and narrated, highlights the firsthand accounts of the experts on the forefront of the climate crisis. Premieres tomorrow June 11 on @hbo.

193,041 Likes | 1800 days ago | 1,047

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#Regram #RG @extinctionrebellion: This is Mia, she's a 13-year-old climate activist. You may have seen her at the @xr_youth Heathrow action during #InternationalRebellion 'I joined XR Youth during Rebellion Week as I realised we are the ones who can make the change. Being part of XR Youth has given me so much hope, as there is so much passion and care shown. We have a voice, and together we are louder.' Photo from #FacesOfTheFuture series by @taltakingpics Reposted from @xr_youth #xryouth #ExtinctionRebellion #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate #youngactivist #humansofxr #xrinternational #climatestrike #climatejustice #globalwarming #ecologicalbreakdown #ecologicalconsciousness #climatecollapse #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #rebelforlife #xr #extinction

169,251 Likes | 1801 days ago | 1,209

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Follow a team of scientists, activists, journalists, and undercover agents as they fight to save the vaquita from extinction. Watch the official trailer for @seaofshadows, a Terra Mater production in association with Appian Way. In select theaters 7/12/19. #WorldOceansDay

191,953 Likes | 1801 days ago | 1,317

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Studies show that 35-50% of the ocean must be protected to meet biodiversity protection and sustainability goals, yet only 2% of the world’s ocean is currently in fully to high protected marine reserves. On this #WorldOceansDay, use the link in bio to sign the #GlobalDealForNature to demand increased protections for our oceans.

155,763 Likes | 1802 days ago | 1,066

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It has become clear that beyond 1.5⁰C average rise in global temperature, the biology of the planet becomes gravely threatened as ecosystems begin to unravel. Sign the #GlobalDealForNature petition by clicking the link in bio to urge world leaders to protect our ecosystems for generations to come.

182,430 Likes | 1803 days ago | 1,398

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Did you know that only 15% of the world’s lands are protected? We need nature for our continued existence on the planet. Link in bio to sign the #GlobalDealForNature petition urging world leaders to protect half of the Earth’s lands.

119,056 Likes | 1804 days ago | 1,028

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: Green 🌳 is Gold 🥇 ⁣ The Green Rural Revival Program is working to improve lives, livelihoods and the environment. Instead of relying on heavily polluting industries, the focus is on win-wins for people and planet like eco-tourism. Explore more in our Stories ☝️ #BeatAirPollution #WorldEnvironmentDay

290,617 Likes | 1807 days ago | 1,399

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by Paul Nicklen @PaulNicklen | An Antarctic fur seal relaxes atop a cliff overlooking the Subantarctic landscape of South Georgia. Having reached shore after a winter spent at sea, this seal arrived with the intention to breed among the thousands of seals that inhabit the island’s beaches. Although the species was once in severe danger from overhunting, their population has rebounded significantly in recent years, with their numbers now likely in the millions. #FollowMe at @PaulNicklen for more photos of wildlife from around the world. #furseal #SouthGeorgia #conservation #ocean

234,027 Likes | 1808 days ago | 3,235

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#Regram #RG @care2: If we don't act quickly, giraffes could disappear forever. Link in bio.

166,020 Likes | 1810 days ago | 954

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#Regram #RG @int.anti.poaching.foundation: Our wildlife is a global responsibility. We're all in. Why should you be? Read the article in National Geographic to find out. Link in bio.

190,110 Likes | 1811 days ago | 2,246

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#Regram #RG @worldeconomicforum: East Timor is a tiny country with huge dreams. #plastic #waste #recycling #environment #asia

148,438 Likes | 1812 days ago | 1,040

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Daze Aghaji is a 19-year-old-student running to become one of the youngest ever members of European parliament. "I am trying to do something. To be part of a new politics, part of the new world that I want to see. “She is also a member of climate activist group @ExtinctionRebellion and is seeking to make the environmentalist space more inclusive. “There is such an image here of black people not being involved in environmental stuff. We need to break that stigma of it being so white [in the UK].” Photo: Graeme Robertson . . . . .#climatecrisis #MEPS #extinctionrebellion #activism #student #europe #elections #race

292,010 Likes | 1815 days ago | 1,692

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Monarch butterflies migrate annually from Mexico and California to the northern US and Canada. Multiple facets of climate change are contributing to the variation in migratory patterns and population size. Global warming adversely affects monarchs’ reproductive cycles and development at all stages of life, and delays the butterflies’ natural instincts to make moves. Coupled with increased storms, rain, and high winds, the migration is greatly disrupted. This great journey is further impeded by the declining availability of the monarch’s main food source and breeding place: milkweed. Increasing temperatures and periods of drought are making it harder for this plant to grow. Illegal logging and land-use changes are limiting the space where it can flourish. Farmers' use of herbicide-resistant varieties of crops allows for more liberal spraying of herbicides and pesticides. This helps control weeds in their fields but also depletes the natural habitat for butterflies. Monarchs pollinate plants, like milkweed, and allow them to flourish. Without these pollinators the natural food web and human food systems are damaged. This unique migratory process is not only a spectacular sight, but has far-reaching effects on larger ecosystems. #everydayclimatechange #monarchbutterfly #mexico #biosphere #Michoacan #mariposa #ReservadelaBiosferadelaMariposaMonarca #SantuarioElRosario

193,743 Likes | 1816 days ago | 1,496

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#Regram #RG @time: The world is listening to @gretathunberg. Organizers estimate that on March 15, a remarkable 1.6 million people in 133 countries participated in a climate strike inspired by the 16-year-old Swedish activist’s solo action—mostly students who walked out of #school for a few minutes, an hour or a full day of #protest. Since then, the walkouts have continued, with students around the world united by the #FridaysForFuture and #YouthStrike4Climate hashtags. Thunberg attributes her determination to her diagnosis of Asperger’s, a mild form of autism spectrum disorder. “It makes me see the world differently. I see through lies more easily,” she says. “I don’t like compromising. For me, it’s either you are #sustainable or not—you can’t be a little bit sustainable.” Her openness about her diagnosis, and willingness to share about her experiences of depression, anxiety and eating disorders, are another reason why many see Thunberg as a role model. “To be different is not a weakness. It’s a strength in many ways, because you stand out from the crowd.” Thunberg is in the 2019 class of Next Generation Leaders, featuring rising stars in politics, technology, culture, science, sports and entertainment. Read more, and see the full list, at the link in bio. Video by @streiffert for TIME.

224,065 Likes | 1817 days ago | 2,482

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#Regram #RG @worldeconomicforum: Mexico City produces 13,000 tonnes of waste every day. #mexico #waste #pollution #environment #nature

945,928 Likes | 1818 days ago | 7,765

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Focusing on never-before-seen solutions to the environmental crisis, #IceOnFire, which I produced and narrated, premieres June 11 at 8PM on @hbo.

597,986 Likes | 1819 days ago | 9,824

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
In this town, it can all change…like that! Link in bio to watch the new #OnceUponATimeInHollywood trailer. In theaters ‪July 26.‬

102,096 Likes | 1820 days ago | 763

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Proud to bring #AndWeGoGreen, co-produced by Appian Way, to @festivaldecannes. @fiaformulae #ABBFormulaE

498,187 Likes | 1822 days ago | 3,004

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by Ami Vitale @amivitale | On Monday, @UnitedNations released the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystems. It states clearly that our human activity is taking down one million plants and animals, causing the sixth extinction event on this planet. It’s happening at an incredibly fast and accelerating rate. A million beautiful, ancient creatures like Sudan might breathe their last breath in our lifetime (here, in his final moments, Sudan was comforted by dedicated @olpejeta keeper Zacharia Mutai). Witnessing the last of anything die is something I never want to do again. Witnessing it a million times over may be more than my heart can stand and may be more than our fragile ecosystem can bear. Nature needs us now. Support and engage @conservationorg @nature_org @nature_africa and other orgs working to build a future in which we can live in harmony with nature. In order to protect prevent more heartbreaking deaths like this, we need to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030. @safariparkdvurkralove #rhinos #DontLetThemDisappear #stoppoaching #kenya

293,360 Likes | 1823 days ago | 1,449

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#Regram #RG @theeconomist: Bleaching is bad for coral. It happens when heat-stressed polyps, the sessile animals that construct coral reefs, eject the photosynthetic algae which usually reside within them. These algae are symbionts, providing nutrients to their hosts in return for shelter, so losing them is harmful to polyps and often results in their death. The higher temperatures brought about by global warming have therefore led to worries that more frequent episodes of bleaching might result in the loss of entire reefs. For the full article search "Protecting coral reefs" at economist.com Credit: Getty Images/cinoby #coral #reef #coralreef #sea #nature #photography #underwater #climatechange #conservation

354,185 Likes | 1824 days ago | 1,892

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#Regram #RG @extinctionrebellion:🐝 On Sunday, @xr_families_london and friends marched from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace to hand in letters to the Queen asking her to declare a Bee Rehabilitation Programme on all her land across the UK. Without bees we would be very hungry - they pollinate much of the crops and plants that produce our food. Thirty-five species of bees in the UK are facing extinction because of habitat-loss and pesticides. 🐝 #savethebees #extinctionrebellion #xrfamilies Photo by @jeremyhutchison

281,271 Likes | 1825 days ago | 1,433

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For more than a decade, the threat of North America’s largest copper and gold mine has loomed over the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. This project would directly impact the world’s largest and greatest sockeye salmon run, putting in jeopardy thousands of American jobs, a 10,000 year cultural tradition of subsistence, and a huge sport fishing and tourism economy. Today we have another chance to ensure the Pebble Mine doesn't put this all at risk. Click the link in bio to let the Army Corps of Engineers know that you oppose the construction of Pebble Mine. #SaveBristolBay #NoPebbleMine — Photo by Ben Knight

463,413 Likes | 1826 days ago | 3,757

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#Regram #RG @cnn: For the first time since 1882, when the first coal-fired power plant started running in the UK, the country has gone coal-free for a full week, according to the National Grid Electricity System Operator. "While this is the first time this has happened, I predict it will become the new normal," said Fintan Slye, director of the ESO. "We believe that by 2025 we will be able to fully operate Great Britain's electricity system with zero carbon." For more on renewable energy, follow @cnnclimate (📸: Andrew Aitchison/In Pictures via Getty Images)

214,578 Likes | 1828 days ago | 2,342

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#Regram #RG @tictoc: Over 1,000,000 species on the planet are facing extinction, says the UN's first comprehensive report on global biodiversity.

210,228 Likes | 1830 days ago | 2,731

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#Regram #RG @greenmatters: Officials at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced last week that they are considering adding giraffes to the endangered species list. ⁣ ⁣ The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it was officially launching a detailed investigation to determine if giraffes should be named an endangered species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature labeled giraffes as "vulnerable" in 2016, and noted that giraffe populations had decreased by up to 40 percent over the past three decades. Click the link in bio to learn more. ⁣ ⁣ #livegreen #learngreen #enndangeredspecies #conservation #giraffes #protectwildlife #greenmatters

219,642 Likes | 1831 days ago | 1,074

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#Regram #RG @antonioguterres: Whenever I can, I stop for a moment to take in the view from my offices at @UnitedNations Headquarters in New York. Looking out at this vibrant and diverse city, I remember all the villages and towns the world over, where I've heard people express the same, simple hope -- for a life of dignity and security on a planet that is thriving. The UN belongs to those people -- to all of you. That's why I'm happy to be here on @Instagram to give you a first-hand look at my job as Secretary-General and share what motivates me to strive for a better, more peaceful world for us all. 📷: UN Photo / Mark Garten #FirstPost #UnitedNations

215,613 Likes | 1832 days ago | 2,218

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Link in bio to take action and protect our wolves. #Regram #RG: @defendersofwildlife: Nearly 3,500 wolves have already been killed at the state level without federal protections. With the administration proposing to remove all gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act, that death rate will grow. The work of recovering this iconic species is not done, and we need your help. Click the link in our bio to let the Department of the Interior know that you oppose this disastrous plan to delist gray wolves! #StopExtinction #graywolves #wolves #wolf #EndangeredSpecies #DefendersofWildlife #naturephotography #naturelovers #natureonly #natureshots #naturegram #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeconservation #conservation #wildlifeaddicts #animals #animallovers #animallover #animalsofinstagram #instaanimal #animalsofig #graywolf #conservationphotography #conservationist #environment #animalsco #animalsaddict

366,041 Likes | 1833 days ago | 2,825

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: 🚨 A new report from @ipbes_ warns: Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history — and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣⚠ 1,000,000 species are threatened with extinction, many within decades.⁣🔺Transformative changes are needed to restore and protect nature.⁣ ⁣ #ipbes7

424,583 Likes | 1835 days ago | 3,337

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#Regram #RG @greenpeace: This week, thousands of Indigenous People gathered in Brasília, the capital of Brazil to to share experiences, traditional knowledge, support each other and, most importantly, demand the government protect their rights. Indigenous Peoples are the guardians of the forest, fighting to protect it from a greedy industry. We can’t afford more deforestation. Go to the link in our bio to save the Amazon. 📸: Christian Braga/MNI - @christiaanbraga . . . . #SavetheAmazon #NoForestNoLife #greenpeace #IndigenousPeople #IndigenousRights #TerraLivre2019 #TerraLivre #ATL #Brazil #Brasil #Brasilia #AcampamentoTerraLivre

180,996 Likes | 1837 days ago | 1,076

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Thousands of people around the world have been taking part in @ExtinctionRebellion's international "climate rebellion" week. Organisers say demonstrations were planned in 33 countries. In the UK, the movement has been criticised for being too white and privileged, but it has also drawn support in huge numbers, with 30,000 new backers or volunteers having offered their support to the environmental activist group since the week of action began. Here, activists from around the world tell us why they have taken part. Story: @jessie__mac

187,053 Likes | 1838 days ago | 1,010

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#Regram #RG @pacificstand: Historically, the shoreline of Saint Lawrence Island is sheathed in sea ice that forms throughout the winter and melts in the summer, but the sea ice never formed completely in the winter and spring of 2018-2019, due to the warming climate. ▫️ This has created new challenges for the Yup’ik people, for whom subsistence hunting is a primary source of food and identity. The Yup'ik have been hunting and fishing the Bering Sea for thousands of years, with walrus being a staple of their diet. The walrus herds were decimated by whalers in the 1800s, but have since rebounded, only now they are newly threatened by the retreating sea ice, and the hunting season for walrus has grown shorter as well. ▫️ Photographer @kiliiiyuyan traveled to Saint Lawrence Island last spring to work with indigenous youth on an art therapy project to address suicide in their community. Follow the link in our bio to read more about his work in this remote community. ▫️ Photo: @kiliiiyuyan #yupik #subsistencehunting #climatechange #Alaska #masksofgriefandjoy

165,877 Likes | 1839 days ago | 1,592

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#Regram #RG @brutamerica: London's Natural History Museum was the site of a "die-in" protest by climate change activists, following the arrest of more than 1,000 activists in the week since protests first began in the city. The activists, from the group @extinctionrebellion, have staged protests at various sites around London with the goal of stopping what they call a "global climate crisis." #uk #London #protest #climate #climatechange #nature #environment #earthday #Brut #BrutAmerica #brutmoments

202,089 Likes | 1840 days ago | 1,651

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#Regram #RG @nowthisnews: The @weatherchannel is using immersive, green screen technology to imagine a future devastated by climate change. Learn more about immersive tech by clicking the link in our bio 🔗

812,269 Likes | 1842 days ago | 4,000

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#Regram #RG @sealegacy: Photo by @daisygilardini //The harp seal fur industry has declined drastically in the last 15 years, thanks to conservation campaigns around the world and income from sealing generated in Canada is at its lowest level since records have been kept. Thirty-five countries, including Russia, have enacted a ban on imported seal products. However, the Canadian government still supports the hunt for cultural and economic reasons in coastal communities.

398,094 Likes | 1843 days ago | 2,208

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#Regram #RG @aljazeeraenglish: Fisherman Samwu Ndaye is a volunteer who every morning combs the beach of Ngor, a 400-year-old village on Africa's western most tip in the Senegalese capital #Dakar, to clean up the plastic waste that builds up there. Single-use plastic products of every kind litter the villages along Senegal's coastline along with other waste that gets washed up on the beach. ‘If we don't clean it, no one will,’ said Ndaye, who is one of a growing number of volunteers who dedicate their time to cleaning up what has rapidly become a modern scourge. The waters around Dakar are heavily polluted with plastic and ‘more arrives each day,’ according to the fisherman. The rapid growth of the West African country's population, especially in larger cities like Dakar, has led to a hike in the production of household waste. Photo by Nic Bothma/ @epaphotos We've been nominated for a Webby Award, follow the link in our bio to vote for us

542,908 Likes | 1844 days ago | 4,945

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The Waorani people have won a legal victory to protect 1/2 million acres of rainforest from oil drilling and set a historic precedent for indigenous rights. Let's ramp up the pressure to permanently protect this land. Link in bio to send a message to the Ecuadorian government. @amazonfrontlines #waoraniresistance

184,845 Likes | 1845 days ago | 1,616

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The Waorani people are one day away from saving half-a-million acres of forest from oil drilling and they need our support. Link in bio to send a message to the Ecuadorian government: respect indigenous rights and protect the Amazon. @amazonfrontlines #WaoraniResistance #WeLoveTheEarth

359,670 Likes | 1845 days ago | 1,501

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#Regram #RG @nytimes: It’s “break-up” season in Alaska — the end of safe travel on ice. This year, break-up has come too soon, creating new, sometimes deadly hazards and a host of practical problems. Alaskans depend on hard-frozen winters for transportation, and people traveling on frozen rivers by ATV or snowmobile are falling through; some have died. “The river is our highway,” said Mark Leary, who’s part of a team that builds an ice road each winter. “It’s everything to us.” But climate change is warming #Alaska faster than any other state. Visit the link in our profile to read more. @fremson shot this photo.

190,250 Likes | 1846 days ago | 1,507

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#Regram #RG @oneearth: Tapirs could be key in helping degraded #rainforests recover after destructive human use and may also help increase the amount of carbon that they hold, new research has found. Learn more about this via our partners at @Mongabay here: http://bit.ly/tapirmongabay.

1,033,468 Likes | 1848 days ago | 6,377

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
The Earth needs our help. If we don’t make massive changes to our behavior over the next twelve years, the damage we’ve done to this planet will be irreversible. Link in bio to stream #WeLoveTheEarth – with every stream we’ll generate more profits to donate to various @leonardodicapriofdn partners. You’ll also find many other ways that you can help make a difference. #EarthDay

305,382 Likes | 1848 days ago | 2,246

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
To solve climate change and biodiversity loss, we need a #GlobalDealForNature. Link in bio to sign the petition calling on world leaders to come together to protect and restore half of nature. #EarthDay

271,214 Likes | 1849 days ago | 2,424

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @iantmcallister: Highly intelligent, social and critical to maintaining ecosystem function for both flora and fauna, wolves continue to be managed as vermin by the BC government. Wolves like this coastal one have been found to be genetically distinct partly because they have evolved in an ocean influenced environment but also because they have not been persecuted to the extent that wolves across the rest of North America have. Imagine if every year someone came to planet earth and removed 30-50% of the human population - conservative estimates for wolf mortality where there are active cull and extermination programs occurring. It would not be long before we saw the loss of language groups, races, skin colour - we would become a homogeneous species lacking cultural and genetic diversity. Unfortunately, government wildlife managers do not recognize the importance of genetic diversity with wolves and as each evolutionary significant population is killed through hunting, trapping and other cull programs an irreplaceable living part of this planet is lost forever. With @d.leowinata @pacificwild #SaveBCWolves . . . #wildernessculture #wolvesofinstagram #ig_discover_wildlife #wolfconservation #ExploreBC #wildlife_seekers #wildlifemanagement

490,795 Likes | 1850 days ago | 3,603

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: 🚨Populations of Asian pangolins are estimated to have declined by up to 80% in the last 10 years. As they become harder to find, traders are increasingly moving to Africa to meet the growing demand. More than 50,000 killed pangolins have been discovered in 2 seizures one week apart🚨. Pangolins, the world’s only scaly mammal, are solitary and nocturnal. They roll up into a ball when threatened - making them very easy for poachers to catch. In 10 years, over 1 million pangolins have been illegally taken from the wild due to demand in China 🇨🇳 and Viet Nam 🇻🇳. It is the most illegally trafficked mammal on the planet. Their meat is considered a delicacy, while their scales are used in traditional Chinese medicine as they are believed to treat a range of ailments from asthma to arthritis and difficulty with lactation. Double tap and share this with a friend 👥 to raise awareness and stop the demand for pangolin parts! 📷© Lisa Hywood #wildforlife

330,405 Likes | 1851 days ago | 3,716

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Link in bio to watch “Earth” by @lildickygram. #WeLoveTheEarth

1,127,986 Likes | 1852 days ago | 5,421

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Thank you to @lildickygram and all the artists that came together to make “Earth” happen. Net profits from the song, video, and merchandise will go to many @leonardodicapriofdn partners on the frontlines of implementing solutions to climate change. Link in bio to watch. #WeLoveTheEarth ---- The @leonardodicapriofdn partners that will benefit from this collaboration include: @sharkconservationfund, @100isNow, @globalgreengrants, the Quick Response Fund for Nature, and the Carbon Cycle Institute.

148,493 Likes | 1852 days ago | 1,111

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Pebble Mine threatens Alaska’s pristine Bristol Bay—home to the world’s greatest wild salmon fishery. If fully developed, the massive proposed gold and copper mine could produce up to 10 billion tons of toxic waste. Even worse: That waste would then be held behind earthen dams in a region prone to big earthquakes. A big enough quake could send toxic sludge into the interconnected rivers and streams—contaminating the region’s prolific salmon runs. Speak up to save Bristol Bay via the link in our profile! - #alaska #nature #environment #bristolbay #pebblemine #salmon

314,333 Likes | 1853 days ago | 1,644

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#Regram #RG @janegoodallinst: Thank you @leonardodicaprio for your support, friendship and leadership to help make this a better world. Dr. Goodall makes the #Time100 @time . Link in bio. | #drgoodall #drjanegoodall #inspiration #inspirational #janegoodall #time #environmentalism #chimpanzees #leaders #womenempowerment

157,632 Likes | 1854 days ago | 1,392

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#Regram #RG @grist: In case you missed it: The U.S. Senate confirmed David Bernhardt, a former oil lobbyist, as secretary of the Interior department on Thursday afternoon in a 56-41 vote. . . His work as a longtime lobbyist for the oil and gas industry has led to concerns about conflicts of interest. And as the head of the department, there is a high chance that Bernhardt will oversee businesses he once lobbied for. . Link in bio to read our story. 📸: Zach Gibson / Getty Images . . . . . . #davidbernhardt #oil #bigoil #lobbyist #politics #news #environment #climatechange #climate #climatenews #energy #environmentaljustice

305,720 Likes | 1856 days ago | 1,414

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#Regram #RG @sealegacy : Photograph by @CristinaMittermeier // On expedition in the Bahamas last month our team found remnants of large elkhorn coral reefs hidden under the thin blue line. Elkhorn coral reefs are one of the most endangered coral species in the world. When these coral are healthy, their branches provide shelter for other reef species like lobsters and and parrot-fish. With @moorecharitable and @ceibahamas

251,620 Likes | 1857 days ago | 931

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: With tons of trash burning and consumer goods chugging into its enormous port, Newark, NJ, is choked by a staggering amount of air pollution. Now, residents are fighting back, and they're fighting for clean air. 💪 A local environmental justice ordinance aims to give Newark’s Ironbound community “more say and more control over their own destiny,” says advocate Ana Baptista. Read more via the link in our profile. - #newark #pollution #environmentaljustice #newjersey #publichealth @ironboundccv

284,257 Likes | 1858 days ago | 1,011

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#Regram #RG @alexandriav2005: WEEK 17 of my @unitednations climate strike in NYC, We spent this week planning DIRECT ACTION for our future and we're in solidarity with @extinctionrebellion #RebellionWeek on 4/15, with Canada on 5/3 and we're ALL IN for #GlobalClimateStrike2 on 5/24! I had strikers from all over the country and world at my #climatestrike today! @maryellisstevens from North Carolina, @happy.healthy.andvegan from California, and Rebecca from Germany. Also many visitors showing their support!❣

177,725 Likes | 1859 days ago | 1,537

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: One of the most biodiverse places on earth - in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest - is under imminent threat from oil drilling. This is the home of the indigenous Waorani people, who have protected their ancestral forest lands for thousands of years – and now, on the eve of their high-stakes trial against the Ecuadorian government to stop an oil auction, they need to show authorities that the whole world is watching! Watch and share this powerful video about the Waorani people’s historic struggle in protection of their rainforest home and our climate, and sign the Waorani’s petition to support indigenous rights: Link in bio. #WaoraniResistance #amazon #ecuador #indigenous #IndigenousRights #frontlines #tribes #survival #climatechange #environment #forests #amazonia #waorani

838,879 Likes | 1860 days ago | 17,939

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#Regram #RG @franslanting: Photos by @FransLanting The best way to document endangered animals like the Asiatic cheetah, which occurs only in Iran, is to use camera traps. It took the combined expertise of Iranian scientists and local wildlife rangers along with the permission of Iran’s Department of Environment and the support of an @NatGeo assignment to enable me to make this rare image of a male cheetah crossing a mountain pass. The second photo shows the teamwork that is required in the field. I am thankful to my friends in Iran for their help and devastated that two of the people shown in this photo have been in jail for more than a year now, accused of using camera traps for espionage: One of them may face the death penalty. But camera traps are not spy tools. Houman Jowkar and Amirhossein Khaleghi Hamidi worked with the government, not against it, and local rangers worked with them in the field. They were not operating on their own. They are patriots dedicated to saving one of Iran’s most powerful natural symbols from extinction. Yet they are on trial now along with six of their colleagues shown together in the third photo. Please spread word about this injustice and sign the Care2 petition by clicking on the link in my Instagram bio. @hrouhani @jzarif_ir @hediyehtehrany @Reza_Kianian_Official @mitra.hajjar @raisi_org @richardbranson @leonardodicaprio @hope4nature #ConservationIsNotaCrime #Free_Iran_Conservationists #anyhopefornature #hope4nature⁩⁩ #ConservationNeedsCameratraps #cheetahs #bigcats

134,360 Likes | 1863 days ago | 1,519

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#Regram #RG @bbcnews: A variety of rare animals have been seized from the luggage of a passenger trying to pass through an Indian airport. A horned pit viper snake, five Iguanas, four Blue-tongued skinks, three green tree frogs and 22 Egyptian tortoises were found during a check at Chennai airport. Officials said that the animals would be returned to Thailand. #wildlifetrafficking #rareanimals #endangeredspecies #bbcnews

316,455 Likes | 1865 days ago | 1,602

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#Regram #RG @financialtimes: FT Photo Diary 📸: A crowd gathers to hear Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg address the 'Fridays for Future' demonstration for a better climate policy in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on March 29, 2019. Since December last year, teenagers across Germany inspired by the 16-year-old Thunberg's climate fight have been marching weekly instead of sitting in classes. Tap the link in our bio to read our Lunch with the FT with Thunberg from last month. 📷 MICHAEL KAPPELER/AFP/Getty Images #FT #financialtimes #photooftheday #picoftheday #photo #photography #photographer #onassignment #germany #german #greta #gretathunberg #sweden #swedish #climate #activism #activists #demonstration #fridaysforfuture #brandenburg #berlin #brandenburggate #green #climatechange

75,797 Likes | 1866 days ago | 698

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#Regram #RG @unfccc: Events like #cycloneidai are becoming more frequent, more severe & devastating and more widespread, and this will only get worse if we do not act now. — António Guterres, @unitednations Secretary-General, speaks of the need to mobilize greater #ClimateAction and increase urgent #ClimateAmbition . 🙌💙🌎🌍🌏

337,079 Likes | 1867 days ago | 1,876

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: We believe in uniting across industries to find the best possible solutions for lions. This is why we’re excited to announce the launch of the Lionscape Coalition, our new initiative with Africa’s leading ecotourism operators to support the future of lions. Africa’s tourism industry thrives on the health of its iconic wildlife populations, creating a unique opportunity for tourism to play a pivotal role in lion conservation. This coalition will not only raise funds for lion conservation, but will inspire and inform travelers about the crisis facing these magnificent cats. Click the link in our bio to learn more and support the founding coalition partners: @andbeyondtravel, @ultimatesafaris, @singita_, and @wearewilderness Photo: @singita_ #lionrecovery #travelandbeyond #andbeyondimpact #oursingita #ultimatesafaris #wildernesssafaris #lions #savelions #bigcats

128,759 Likes | 1868 days ago | 1,121

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#Regram #RG @sharkconservationfund: New IUCNShark Red List shows many shark species facing increased extinction threat – including the Mako, the ocean’s fastest fish. The Shark Conservation Fund is funding urgent actions this year to halt the decline. Follow the link in bio to read more.

312,930 Likes | 1870 days ago | 1,632

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by Marcio Pimenta @marpimenta for @everydayclimatechange Misol Morales (7 years old) plays the guitar while waiting for his father to water the wild donkeys. With climate change, a region known as "Norte Chico" of Chile (about 400 km north of the capital, Santiago), has been becoming deserts for more than a decade. And he is advancing towards Santiago. These areas were once rich in olive farming, but water was diverted to mining and large agricultural enterprises. Chile is a unique case in the world. The water distribution system is privatized and the state has no regulatory agency. This model created during the dictatorship of General Pinochet prioritized water for large companies. In 2010, the UN recognized access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right. In Chile it is still totally privatized. There is yet another great dilemma for communities. The government wants to do away with the wild donkeys so common in the region. They feed on the vegetation that still grows in the desert and thus do not allow the biome to recover. But they are also one of the few sources of income for local society. Los Choros, Comquimbo, Chile. The photo was taken in January 2018. This photograph is part of my long-term project, "Stress Nexus - Chapter Americas," - in progress. Stress Nexus is an artistic exploration. An ongoing long-term project that aims to research, testify to and document an important issue in climate change: the relationship between society and its geography, ie, climate, natural resources, borders, energy sources, food, cultural identities, economy and space. Societies in the world that will suffer from climate change before they can adapt. #climatechange #globalwarming #southamerica #latinamerica #chile #coquimbo #water #socialissues #leica #leicaq

318,039 Likes | 1872 days ago | 2,139

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#Regram #RG @gretathunberg: ”A new report published this week shows that 33 global banks provided $1.9 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the adoption of the Paris Agreement.” . Wow. That’s almost as bad as missing a few lessons while school striking for the climate. So how come all those who spend their time making up stories to criticise us never ever mention stories like these?? Oh. That’s right. Because they simply do not care about the climate crisis. (Link to the report in bio) #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate

147,557 Likes | 1873 days ago | 1,939

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#Regram #RG @guardian: A US judge has temporarily halted drilling on more than 300,000 acres of public land in Wyoming after it was ruled the Trump administration violated environmental laws by failing to consider greenhouse gas emissions. The decision stems from an environmental lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which manages US public lands and issues leases to the energy industry. The decision is the first significant check on the Trump administration’s “energy-first” agenda that has made more than 13m onshore acres available for mining and drilling. Photo: David McNew/Getty Images

315,298 Likes | 1874 days ago | 1,927

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#Regram #RG @discovery: “Ice caves are a miracle of nature. I first visited an ice cave in Iceland, which is located on the largest glacier in Europe. I had the feeling that I was in a location from a fantastic world. Unfortunately, this glacier decomposes every year more and more, making it unlikely that future generations of people will be able to see its icy beauty.” 📸 + caption by Alexander Ladanivskyy (@ladanivskyy) . . . . #adventure #travel #nature #photography #potd #photooftheday #ice #glacier #nature

364,224 Likes | 1875 days ago | 2,456

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge remains one of the last pristine places on our planet. The Trump administration is closer than ever to tearing open this precious landscape for destructive oil and gas drilling 🙅‍♀️Help us fight the Trump admin.'s shameful attack on America's treasured lands 👊through the link in our bio. - #ANWR #ArcticRefuge #Outdoors #ClimateChange #Science #MigratoryBirds #USFWS

603,863 Likes | 1878 days ago | 2,933

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Right now, the federal government allows about half of shrimp trawls to operate without Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs). These boats kill thousands of sea turtles in the United States each year. USE YOUR VOICE! Tell Secretary Ross to save thousands of threatened and endangered sea turtles each year by finalizing the proposed TEDs rule immediately. (Link in bio) #TEDsForAllTrawls . 📸: OCEANA / Carlos Suarez #ocean #oceans #turtle #turtles #seaturtle #seaturtles #takeaction

1,149,023 Likes | 1879 days ago | 6,811

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#Regram #RG @cnn: Known as the “big tusker,” these stunning photos 🐘 capture a rare “Elephant Queen” in Kenya. Roaming Kenya’s Tsavo National Park, she’s a unique and extraordinary sight – it’s estimated that fewer than 30 of these animals still exist in Africa. British photographer @willbl made this series of photos for his book “Land of Giants,” which will raise awareness and funds for conservation efforts. (📸: Will Burrard-Lucas)

1,022,990 Likes | 1881 days ago | 22,295

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Experience a version of 1969 that could only happen #OnceUponATimeInHollywood – the 9th film from Quentin Tarantino. Link in bio to full trailer.

601,110 Likes | 1882 days ago | 2,428

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#Regram #RG @unfoundation: We hear the calls of young people demanding action on today's climate emergency. Unless leaders today step up, we cannot create the kind of world where young people can live and thrive. #ClimateChange is a race we can win, but we don't have a moment to lose. . Photos: UN Foundation/ Parker LaCourse . #FridaysForFuture #FridaysForClimate #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate #SDGs #GlobalGoals

3,014,643 Likes | 1883 days ago | 50,713

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Hollywood. 1969. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

578,665 Likes | 1885 days ago | 3,817

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Southern sea otters would be extinct if not for the Endangered Species Act (ESA), but right now, it's under attack. Imperiled ocean animals need you now more than ever. Add your name now by following the link in our bio to tell your members of Congress to oppose any legislation that would weaken the ESA. #StopExtinction. 📸: Doug Meek

238,370 Likes | 1887 days ago | 1,930

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: This is Elisabetta Zavoli @elizavola taking over the @everydayclimatechange Instagram account this week and sharing my documentary work of the ‘Landfill midwife’ project. . Some men, from Cikiwul village, catch up fishes in the highly polluted muddy waters that percolate from Bantar Gebang biggest dump zone. Banter Gebang landfill receives the waste of about 15 millions people living in Jakarta. Trash pickers need the litter to make a living and the Indonesian society needs trash pickers to recycle all possible materials that otherwise would be just discarded. . Indonesia, is ranked the second largest plastic polluter in the world behind only China with reports showing that the country produces 187.2 million tonnes of plastic waste each year of which more than 1 million tons leaks into the ocean. Recent studies discovered that as plastics decay, they emit traces of methane and ethylene, two powerful greenhouse gases, and the rate of emission increases with time. The emissions occur when plastic materials are exposed to ambient solar radiation, whether in water or in the air, but in air, emission rates are much higher. Results show that plastics represent a heretofore unrecognized source of climate-relevant trace gases that are expected to increase as more plastic is produced and accumulated in the environment. Polyethylene, used in shopping bags, is the most produced and discarded synthetic polymer globally and was found to be the most prolific emitter of methane and ethylene. It’s estimated that over 8 billion tons of virgin plastic have been produced since 1950, making plastic one of the largest man-made materials on the planet, behind steel and cement. Of that volume, more than half was produced in the last 16 years, amid a global boom in single-use, disposable plastic. Current annual production levels are expected to double in the next 20 years. #everydayclimatechange #climatechange #globalwarming #climatechangeisreal #en

208,176 Likes | 1889 days ago | 1,741

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#Regram #RG @sierraclub: The #Atlanta City Council just approved a roadmap for reaching the city’s goal to be powered entirely by renewables by 2035! One of the best parts? The plan’s deep commitment to equity. The transition to 100% #cleanenergy will create new jobs, reduce electricity costs, and benefit all residents -- especially the vulnerable communities historically impacted the most by burning #fossilfuels. #ReadyFor100 #100ATL #ATL

255,313 Likes | 1890 days ago | 1,588

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#Regram #RG @yalenenvironment360: China’s decision to no longer import the world’s recycled waste has left municipalities and waste companies from Australia to the U.S. scrambling for alternatives. In the year since the Chinese ban was implemented, millions of tons of plastics and other recyclables have piled at export facilities, been sent to incinerators, or ended up in landfills. In England, more than half-a-million more tons of plastics and other household trash were burned last year, while communities across the U.S. curtailed collections or halted their recycling programs entirely. But experts say the crisis triggered by China’s ban could have an upside if it leads to better solutions for managing the world’s waste. To read the full story, visit our website. Link in bio. Story by Cheryl Katz. Photo by Ezequiel Becerra/AFP/Getty Images.

443,653 Likes | 1892 days ago | 2,297

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: Reducing plastic pollution in the oceans is a priority issue for us. . Last year: . . 🐬127 countries had adopted legislation to regulate plastic bags . 🐟30 countries charged consumers fees for plastic bags . 🐠63 countries had mandates for producer responsibility on single-use plastics . The push to #BeatPlasticPollution for #CleanSeas continues to gain momentum. . Learn more about our work on our annual report: at www.unenvironment.org/annualreport

187,933 Likes | 1893 days ago | 1,224

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This #InternationalWomensDay I’m celebrating the work of @1millionwomen, an incredible organization building a lifestyle revolution to fight the climate crisis. Link in bio to learn more.

348,493 Likes | 1894 days ago | 1,936

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: “Our territory is our life. Without our territory, without our forest, we cannot exist. We hope that our rights and lives will be respected. Our forest is not for sale!” A powerful and historic moment for indigenous rights and the rights of nature has just happened in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Chanting songs about defending the forest and carrying their spears, on Wednesday the Waorani people marched towards the Provincial Court of Pastaza where they filed a lawsuit to demand the respect of their collective rights and to protect their lands from oil extraction. The Waorani were joined by other indigenous nations from the north and south, including Siona, Kofan, Secoya, Kichwa, Achuar, Sapara, and others, who expressed their solidarity and affirmed their alliance to protect their rainforest homes. Show your support for #WaoraniResistance by helping them reach 100,000 signatures on their petition. Please share to your network! waoresist.amazonfrontlines.org/action #amazon #ecuador #indigenous #indigenousrights #frontlines #tribes #survival #climatechange #environment #forests #amazonia #waorani

381,428 Likes | 1895 days ago | 1,976

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#Regram #RG @washingtonpost: Of climate change’s many plagues — drought, insects, fires, floods — saltwater intrusion in particular sounds almost like a biblical curse. Rising seas, sinking earth and extreme weather are conspiring to cause salt from the ocean to contaminate aquifers and turn formerly fertile fields barren. A 2016 study in the journal Science predicted that 9 percent of the U.S. coastline is vulnerable to saltwater intrusion — a percentage likely to grow as the world continues to warm. Scientists are just beginning to assess the potential effect on agriculture, East Carolina University hydrologist Alex Manda said, and it’s not yet clear how much can be mitigated. If farmers in coastal areas have any hope of protecting their land — and their livelihoods — the first step is to disentangle the complex web of causes that can send ocean water seeping into the ground beneath their feet. “We spend a lot of time and money to try to prevent salt,” farmer Dawson Pugh says. “I worry what the future is. If it keeps getting worse, will it be worth farming?” Read more at washingtonpost.com. (Photos by Eamon Queeney/for The Washington Post)

249,360 Likes | 1896 days ago | 2,672

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Young people striking from school over climate change have issued an open letter ahead of a global day of action on 15 March. Students across 50 countries are expected to participate and nearly 500 events are listed to take place on the day. Janine O’Keefe from FridaysForFuture.org hopes to see "over 100,000" participating in the day of action. The letter was written by a global coordination group of 150 students, including the first youth climate striker Greta Thunberg.

384,314 Likes | 1898 days ago | 1,925

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Today is #WorldWildlifeDay2019 and this year's theme is #LifeUnderWater. Through our @SharkConservationFund, we're working to halt the overexploitation of the world’s sharks and rays, preventing extinctions, reversing declines and restoring populations. Follow the link in bio to read more about SCF's projects.

504,817 Likes | 1898 days ago | 2,341

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The Leuser Ecosystem must be protected for the wellbeing of the many species that call it home and for its powerful effects on climate, as it stores vast amounts of carbon. Join the movement to protect this landscape and answer @stellamccartney’s challenge to participate in the #THERESHEGROWS campaign. For every person that dedicates a tree, the Stella McCartney Cares Foundation will make a donation to @canopyplanet, a not-for-profit that works to protect the Leuser Ecosystem. Link in bio to learn more. #LeuserEcosystem #LovetheLeuser #Forests #rainforests #ancientandendangered #Conservation #Sumatra #Indonesia #Climate #Sustainability

505,803 Likes | 1899 days ago | 2,459

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Teachers staged a protest in front of the Department for Education in London to demand that the climate crisis is made part of the curriculum. Organisers @extinctionrebellion say students will only hear climate change mentioned in fewer than 10 lessons out of approximately 10,000, and believe that it should be made an 'educational priority'. Students also joined the protest. The demonstration comes as young people across the world participate in school strikes to urge politicians to take action. Photos: Jonathan Watts/Guardian + Extinction Rebellion

534,873 Likes | 1900 days ago | 2,415

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions can recover with sufficient investments to protect them, their prey species, and habitats. This is why we are proud to announce the latest round of projects we are funding to support the impressive conservation work of our partners in the field. Over the next week, we'll be sharing more information about each of these six new projects and how they are working to protect lion populations in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Gabon. Click the link in our bio to learn more. Photo credit: Steve Mandel

383,448 Likes | 1901 days ago | 1,890

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#Regram #RG @world_wildlife: The Arctic Refuge is one of the world's most important protected areas, providing vast, intact habitat for wildlife to roam freely. In 2017, Congress approved opening up parts of this national treasure to allow for oil and gas drilling. This move, which is now being fast-tracked, would disturb the species we cherish and destroy tundra and wetland habitat. We have very limited time to make our voices heard! Sign our letter and oppose oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: follow the link in our bio!

486,022 Likes | 1903 days ago | 2,863

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#Regram #RG @bbcearth: #EarthCapture by @georgetheexplorer Meerkats are the ultimate survivors. They thrive in some of the world's most hostile environments, where daytime temperatures can reach 50c by day and freeze overnight. Incredibly, they don't even drink water and instead absorb it from their prey - primarily insects - an amazing desert adaptation. This particular colony is one of two groups habituated on the edge of the Nwetwe Pan in Botswana, right outside Jack's Camp. Researchers and film crews from all over the world have visited these babies' ancestors, making them a very famous family! Sadly, recent reports have stated that the global meerkat population hangs in the balance, with a new scientific model giving them about 50 years before the species faces complete extinction in the wild due to the impacts of climate change. . . . . . #africa #meerkat #animals #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #bbcearth #earth #planetearth #earthwonder #nature_briiliance #amazingplaces #wonderfulplaces #amazinganimals #climatechange #extinction #conservation #animallovers #cute #baby #babyanimals #naturephotography #liveauthentic #savetheplanet

317,808 Likes | 1905 days ago | 1,876

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#Regram #RG @350org: A historic gathering of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people coming together from every state and territory in Australia to take action to protect water and songlines from greedy corporations and #climatechange. Follow @SeedMob for more #WATERISLIFE action info [Photos from @seedmob]

93,364 Likes | 1906 days ago | 1,048

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#Regram #RG @theeconomist: Our cover this week focuses on the oil industry. In a year blighted by wildfires and polar freezes, climate change is becoming hard to ignore. Yet demand for oil is rising and the energy industry is planning multi-trillion-dollar investments to satisfy it. No firm embodies this strategy better than ExxonMobil, the giant that rivals admire and green activists love to hate. It plans to pump 25% more oil and gas in 2025 than in 2017. If the rest of the industry pursues even modest growth, the consequences for the climate could be grave. #TheEconomist

421,390 Likes | 1907 days ago | 2,563

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#Regram #RG @mongabay: Illegal traffickers want animals by any means necessary, even if they are endangered or if they suffer in transit. More than 380 wildlife species (211 birds, 101 mammals, 47 reptiles, seven amphibians and 17 invertebrates) were illegally traded from across Peru to meet worldwide demand between year 2000 and 2015. The drivers of this trade vary: people want these animals for companionship, for their beauty or for scientific or ornamental purposes, among other reasons. Read about it on www.mongabay.com #animals #wildlife #wildlifetrafficking #endangeredspecies #conservation #biodiversity #environment #nature

127,997 Likes | 1908 days ago | 1,247

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@youthvgov continues to break new ground. Link in bio to learn more. #JoinJuliana #youthvgov . #Regram #RG @nowthisnews: 'They said we could never win. And then we started winning.' — These young people from all around the U.S. are taking legal action in the fight against climate change. To learn more, click the link in our bio 🌏

415,763 Likes | 1909 days ago | 2,795

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#Regram #RG @gretathunberg: This picture is from Brighton. This week well over 100 000 school children were on strike for the climate!! British PM says that the children on school strike are “wasting lesson time”. That may well be the case. But then again, political leaders have wasted 30 yrs of inaction. And that is slightly worse.... #schoolstrike4climate #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike

376,520 Likes | 1912 days ago | 4,418

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#Regram #RG @wmo_omm: In a clear sign of continuing long-term climate change associated with record atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 have been confirmed as the four warmest years on record. A consolidated analysis by WMO of five leading international datasets showed that the global average surface temperature in 2018 was approximately 1.0° Celsius above the pre-industrial baseline (1850-1900). It ranks as the fourth warmest year on record. The year 2016, which was influenced by a strong El-Niño event, remains the warmest year on record, followed by 2017 and 2015. “The long-term temperature trend is far more important than the ranking of individual years, and that trend is an upward one, “ said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. “The 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years. The degree of warming during the past four years has been exceptional, both on land and in the ocean.” “Temperatures are only part of the story. Extreme and high impact weather affected many countries and millions of people, with devastating repercussions for economies and ecosystems in 2018,” he said. “Greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate adaptation measures should be a top global priority,” said Mr Taalas. #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climateaction #parisagreement #greenhousegases

233,254 Likes | 1913 days ago | 1,411

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#Regram #RG @elephantcrisisfund: Good news from China where Beijing has agreed to ban all auctions of ivory cultural relics this year. China’s third largest city has developed an ivory policy stronger than that of national government by completely eliminating the cultural relics loophole left behind following China’s 2017 ivory trade ban. ECF partner, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), has been working tirelessly to ensure effective implementation of China’s ivory trade ban and says the move by Beijing is a ‘notable development’ and shows other large Chinese cities that such a decision is possible. #ivoryban #China #NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil #ElephantCrisisFund.

334,076 Likes | 1914 days ago | 1,606

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: Ensuring clean water for future generations of the Amazon is an ongoing dream we share with our indigenous partner Alianza Ceibo. . Working towards this dream, we've already installed 1164 rainwater harvesting systems in over 80 communities - achieving to provide a reliable and safe water supply for families affected by the impacts of nearly half a century of oil exploitation on their ancestral territories. This year, our efforts will be focused on providing maintenance workshops in the communities to ensure the sustainability of this solution and families' autonomy in caring for and repairing their systems over time. Find out more: www.amazonfrontlines.org . #water #amazon #ecuador #colombia #peru #waterislife #indigenous #indigenousresistance #tribes #secoya #waorani #kofan #siona #amazonia

466,870 Likes | 1915 days ago | 1,950

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#Regram #RG @paulnicklen: The salmon that got away. I sat in this blind for two weeks, waiting for one decisive moment to happen. I could hear the wolves back in the forest but I rarely got a glimpse of them. I would enter the blind in the dark at 5am and sit there everyday until dark. To move my hands in the blind was too much movement. I literally could not move a muscle. My goal was to get a shot of a wolf catching a large salmon. If we want to protect coastal wolves then we need to protect salmon which in turn feed on herring. In the coming weeks, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans are encouraging and “mismanaging” the removal of 40 million pounds of herring out of the Strait of Georgia. Most of this herring ends up as chicken feed, fish farm feed and feed for captive marine mammals. We are devastated by the loss of our salmon on this coast, we are devastated by the fact that our orca populations are starving and yet, we allow the removal of the last of the foundation fish that fuels this entire ecosystem. When are we going to stand up and call DFO out? They managed the Atlantic Cod fishery to a complete collapse. They have mismanaged our salmon populations and now they literally driving our herring populations to complete collapse. Please follow along all week as @cristinamittermeier @sealegacy @pacificwild and myself post on this incredibly pressing issue. #biglittlefish #foundationfish #wolf #speakout

133,954 Likes | 1916 days ago | 2,197

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#Regram #RG @cnnbusiness: Morocco is home to the world's largest concentrated solar farm. Built on an area the size of more than 3,500 soccer fields, the Noor-Ouarzazate complex produces enough electricity to power a city the size of Prague, or twice the size of Marrakesh, and saves the planet from more than 760,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. Morocco aims to have 42% of its power come from renewable sources by 2020.

649,496 Likes | 1917 days ago | 13,097

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Every year, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the shark fin trade. Shark finning is a gruesome practice that involves chopping off a shark’s fins and dumping the body back into the ocean to slowly drown or bleed to death. Many are plucked from the ocean, maimed for their fins and tossed back to sea to die. While shark finning is illegal in the U.S., the demand for fins drives this horrible practice, and the U.S. participates in this demand by allowing the buying and selling of shark fins. DO YOUR PART! Tell your representative in Congress to ban the sale of shark fin products in the U.S. to help protect sharks by following the link in our bio. #FinBanNow. 📸: OCEANA / LX

353,854 Likes | 1919 days ago | 2,557

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: When we learn from nature 🐝 we can make a difference for the planet! @studio.ant in India🇮🇳 has created a biomimicry cooling system inspired by the structure of a beehive. The innovation saves energy⚡️& helps protect the ozone layer. Together, we can #SolveDifferent. Copy https://www.unenvironment.org/ into your browser to learn more. 📷 Monish Siripurapu/Ant Studio #ClimateAction #MondayMotivation #climatechange #innovation

505,419 Likes | 1920 days ago | 3,566

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#Regram #RG @cnn: A massive hole two-thirds the size of Manhattan has been discovered growing in an Antarctic glacier, signaling rapid ice decay that has shocked scientists. The cavity — measuring almost 1,000 feet tall — is big enough to have contained 14 billion tons of ice, and “most of that ice melted over the last three years,” NASA said. (📸: NASA/OIB/Jeremy Harbeck)

421,862 Likes | 1922 days ago | 2,079

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#Regram #RG @nytimes: On one side of a barricade in remote British Columbia, the Wet’suwet’en people hoped to stop a pipeline that would cross their traditional land. On the other side were heavily armed police looking to enforce its pre-construction. The 416-mile pipeline would carry gas extracted from the Dawson Creek area of the province to the liquefied natural gas export terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia. The company behind the pipeline, Coastal GasLink, has signed agreements with all 20 of the elected councils representing First Nations people along the route. It also awarded 620 million in Canadian dollars in contract work to Indigenous businesses as part of the pipeline project. But the protests highlight a dual leadership structure among the Wet’suwet’en people. Most of the hereditary chiefs — who collectively claim title to a New Jersey-sized section of British Columbia and represent the traditional governance of the Wet’suwet’en — were opposed. “Money means nothing to us,” said Chief Madeek, one of the hereditary leaders, who also goes by Jeff Brown. By asserting their sovereignty over the land, Indigenous groups have tried to stall, with varying degrees of success, oil and gas projects across the country. The Unist’ot’en camp of the Wet’suwet’en people has become an important part of a broader movement of Indigenous resistance to Canada’s fossil fuel ambitions. Visit the link in our profile to read more. @photobracken shot these photos of protestors; the Unist’ot’en camp; the Unist’ot’en camp spokeswoman Freda Huson speaking with police; and camp supporters standing behind a fire, set to cover a retreat from police.

335,032 Likes | 1924 days ago | 1,949

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The vessels working to protect the last remaining vaquitas are under constant threat of attack by poachers. We must continue to support organizations like @seashepherdsscs that are fighting to keep this incredible species alive. Click the link in bio to learn how you can support their conservation efforts.

249,757 Likes | 1925 days ago | 1,382

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Congratulations to the @seaofshadows team on their @sundanceorg win, and thank you to everyone for bringing the plight of the vaquita to the forefront.

1,021,463 Likes | 1927 days ago | 7,371

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Thousands of teenagers in Belgium took part in another student strike action for climate change on Thursday, following similar protests in recent weeks. A reported 30,000 people skipped classes for the marches held in Brussels, Liege and Leuven, which included primary school pupils. A number of children also demonstrated outside the home of Belgium's environment minister ahead of the event. 3,000 academics and scientists have backed up the protests, saying "the activists were absolutely right." Photos: Paul-Henri Verlooy/Belga via ZUMA Press/REX/Shutterstock

192,835 Likes | 1928 days ago | 1,807

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#Regram #RG @worldeconomicforum: The Orkneys generate 140% of the electricity they need. #wef19 #davos #scotland #renewables #environment

405,866 Likes | 1929 days ago | 2,373

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: Mountains 🗻 are spectacular landscapes which are often called nature's water towers. They cover 24% of the Earth’s landmass and support a wide variety of ecosystems. Human activities can tip the delicate balance of mountain ecosystems, so the challenge is to sustainably manage them. #mountains #ecosystems

1,148,715 Likes | 1930 days ago | 20,044

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#Regram #RG @greenpeace: Last Friday, a mining dam collapsed in a small town in Brazil, releasing almost 13 million cubic meters of toxic mud and leaving behind a trace of death and sorrow. This comes only 3 years after the biggest environmental disaster in the country, when another dam broke off. Enough is enough. Governments and corporations MUST stop putting profits over the lives of people and nature. Aerial shots: Fernanda Ligabue Land shots: Nilmar Lage . . . . #Brumadinho #forçabrumadinho #brumadinhomg #SOSBrumadinnho #Brazil #brasil #Mariana #Vale #semlicençaparadestruir #environment #greenpeace #nature #environmentaldisaster

171,431 Likes | 1932 days ago | 1,154

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Proud to have @seaofshadows, a Terra Mater production in association with Appian Way, showing at #Sundance. Congratulations to the whole team for the incredible work they’re doing to save the vaquita.

555,795 Likes | 1934 days ago | 2,613

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: The link between deforestation and climate change is clear: when we lose forests we lose a crucial ally in keeping excess carbon out of the atmosphere. 🌲 Plus, even more emissions are created when felled trees release the carbon they’d been storing, and what most often replaces the now-vanished forest, livestock and crops, generate massive amounts of even more greenhouse gases. 🌎 Taken together, this emissions triple-whammy accounts for a quarter of all emissions worldwide.⁣⁣ ⁣ That’s why our alliance is working around the world to change farming, transform communities, and protect forests. Join us!⁣

1,927,559 Likes | 1935 days ago | 19,252

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#OnceUponATimeInHollywood @vanityfair

391,648 Likes | 1936 days ago | 1,758

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#Regram #RG @world_wildlife: Unprecedented heat waves, coral bleaching, and more frequent and extreme storms: the impacts of climate change are all around us. By reducing emissions and helping communities prepare, we can prevent the worst impacts. Click the link in our bio to find out what’s at stake if we don’t take action to fight climate change.

442,124 Likes | 1937 days ago | 2,474

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: A family of chimpanzees wanders in the forest at Mahale National Park on Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. Rising eastward from the shoreline, the Greater Mahale Ecosystem encompasses 4.8 million acres of mostly forested landscape. This ecosystem is home to approximately 93 percent of Tanzania’s 2,800 endangered chimpanzees, only some of which live within Mahale Mountains National Park. The Tuungane (pronounced TOO-un-gah-nee, Kiswahili for “Let’s Unite”) project is a collaboration between TNC and Pathfinder International, a global reproductive health organization. TNC and Pathfinder are also engaging other stakeholders to achieve holistic, large-scale impact, including Frankfurt Zoological Society, Jane Goodall Institute, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Tongwe Trust, and the Government of Tanzania. Since it's implementation in 2012, eight new Village Land Use Plans earmark 228,000 acres as village forest reserves to protect key chimp habitat, and 37 forest scouts have been trained and deployed. 🙌 Photo by: @amivitale

654,284 Likes | 1938 days ago | 3,495

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: After two years supporting a consortium of 17 scientists led by UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures, we are proud to announce the release of the @OneEarth climate model published by @SpringerNature, which gives the world a pathway to solving the #climatechange crisis by limiting temperature rise to 1.5C. Follow the link in bio to learn more.

676,982 Likes | 1940 days ago | 3,162

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#Regram #RG @cristinamittermeier: When I slipped into warm waters of the Mexican Caribbean, I was greeted by a massive whale shark plowing toward me - its gaping mouth scooping invisible tunny fish eggs and plankton just below the water's surface. Despite the overwhelming urge to stroke the gentle giant as it passed, I kept both hands on my camera, cognizant of observing new and much-needed regulations in place to protect these sharks. This area in Mexico is a feeding ground for hundreds of whale sharks, which draws tourists who want to swim alongside these gentle giants. Recently, new regulations have been implemented in the area to protect whale sharks and educate both tourists and tour operators. Tip #13 for 2019 is to seek out and support local ecotourism practices and companies when traveling.

308,175 Likes | 1941 days ago | 2,221

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#Regram #RG @franslanting: Photo by @FransLanting For as long as anyone can remember, Monarch butterflies have fluttered from all over the American West to coastal California every fall to overwinter in a few sheltered places. In communities like Pacific Grove and Santa Cruz (my hometown for many years) their annual return has been as predictable as autumn colors are to people on the East Coast. I remember my amazement when I first saw them covering single trees by the thousands. But their wintering sites have become eerily quiet. A recent census by the Xerces Society confirms that the western Monarch population is in the midst of a catastrophic collapse. Their numbers have declined by more than 95% from more than ten million in the 1980s to a mere 20,000 today. The unthinkable is becoming a real possibility. Western Monarchs may go extinct if this trend continues. Researchers have not identified a single cause for this demise, but point to pesticides, habitat loss and drought as factors. Butterflies are barometers for an ecosystem’s health. When they go, we have reasons to worry, not just for them, but about ourselves too. It breaks my heart that a phenomenon that has been synonymous for generations with nature’s enduring cycles may turn into a new symbol for how seriously the balance of nature is being upset in our lifetime. What are your thoughts about this? Follow me @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom as we bear witness to our changing planet. @LeonardodiCapriofdn @Xercessociety @Thephotosociety #Monarchs #Endangered #Extinction #Nature #Butterfly #Santacruz #MontereyBay #California

408,034 Likes | 1942 days ago | 5,748

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: The Rondonia region of #Brazil originally had over 200,000 km2 of rainforest but has become one of the most deforested places in the Amazon. Side by side images shows C. 2006 to 2018. #10YearChallenge

1,815,955 Likes | 1942 days ago | 16,471

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What will the Arctic look like in 10 more years? #ClimateAction becomes more urgent every day. It is my hope that both we, as individuals, and the organizations that represent us treat climate change as the urgent threat that it is. . #Regram #RG @greenpeace: This is the truth about the #10YearChallenge. This is the Arctic 100 years ago vs Today. . . . #10yearschallenge #worldismelting #climatechange #greenpeace #nature #beauty #iceberg #peoplevsoil #environment #photo #photography

562,458 Likes | 1944 days ago | 4,508

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Good news! Proposals have been submitted by India, the Philippines, and Bangladesh to prohibit international trade in smooth-coated and Asian small-clawed otters. These beautiful species are poached across Asia for their skins and for pet trade. Luckily, these proposals will be voted on at #CITES #COP18 in Sri Lanka this May, and hopefully action will be taken to protect otters! For more info, click the link in our bio. _ #weottersaveotters @worldanimalprotectionus @iucn_otterspecialistgroup @traffic_wltrade @speciessurvivalnetwork Photo credit Nicole Duplaix @globalotters

267,455 Likes | 1945 days ago | 4,699

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#Regram #RG @guardian: Joshua Tree national park has been forced to close after vandalism to its distinctive namesake plants. A skeleton staff and volunteers have attempted to maintain the attraction over the 18-day US government shutdown, but found themselves overwhelmed by visitors and sanitation issues. The park's iconic landscape is fragile and could take generations to grow back, officials said. With just eight rangers left to oversee the 800,000 acre park, the gates will likely remain closed until the shutdown ends.

271,284 Likes | 1949 days ago | 2,368

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: Plitviče Lakes National Park is a 295-sq.-km forest reserve in central Croatia. It's known for a chain of 16 terraced lakes, joined by waterfalls, that extend into a limestone canyon. The region’s rivers, remarkably undisturbed and home to a wealth of different species, have earned the distinction of the “blue heart of Europe.” But now, the Balkan region is at the brink of a hydropower development boom of global proportions, with hundreds, if not thousands, of new dams planned and under construction. TNC is advocating for smart renewable energy use in the Balkans without sacrificing habitat. Photo by: Ken Geiger #conservation #nature #thebalkans #waterfall

268,252 Likes | 1950 days ago | 1,445

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by James Whitlow Delano @jameswhitlowdelano on @everydayclimatechange: An abandoned hotel almost at the water's edge due to beach erosion in Talipanan Beach in Puerto Galera. By law, all structures are supposed to be 3 m from the high water mark but unregulated or underregulated rampant development has meant that when stronger storms, due to climate change, have washed away the beach, the land behind the beach, which would allow the beach to be replenished, is increasingly sealed under concrete. Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippine Recently world-famous Boracay Island was forcibly closed for six months of clean up. Puerto Galera, Mindoro along with El Nido, Palawan and Panglao Island off of Bohol Island have been mentioned as possible subjects to similar closure in the future. #climatechange #globalwarming #risingseas #rampantdevelopment #tourism #philippines #mindoro #puertogalera #documentaryphotography #jameswhitlowdelano

467,191 Likes | 1951 days ago | 2,473

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#Regram #RG @action4ifaw: It's no secret that as human population and development expand, the world's wild spaces are disappearing. If we want a world where there is a place for wild animals, we must preserve critical habitats for wildlife—one simply cannot exist without the other. Through protected areas like national parks, safe migration corridors, and ecologically sustainable human communities, we can make this a reality. - © IFAW/B. Hollweg

193,543 Likes | 1952 days ago | 1,869

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: The California Coastal Commission recently urged cities along the Pacific Ocean to prepare for the worst impacts of sea level rise: erosion, frequent flooding, and permanent land loss. Southern California’s beaches won’t just be decimated—many of them could disappear. Act on climate. Save our beaches and coastlines by taking action via our profile link.

183,151 Likes | 1953 days ago | 1,048

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: LDF is proud of our partners at RESOLVE who are unveiling a technological breakthrough for environmental conservation at #CES2019 – the Trailguard camera sensor, which uses the cutting-edge #Movidius AI technology to help monitor and protect wild forests. Follow the link in bio to read more.

211,373 Likes | 1955 days ago | 1,322

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#Regram #RG @undp: Climate change is being felt in this heart of the Amazon in Peru, bordering Brazil. In this remote stretch of river and deep jungle, the temperature🌡can drop to 16°C. The chill is a surprise for visitors expecting tropical heat. For the local people, these changes are worrying and more frequent these days. It's not just the mercury dropping. Food and wildlife are disappearing. To save what remains of nature, 24 indigenous communities teamed up and proposed a conservation area in Peru. Today, they live next to a national park, an indigenous reserve and this latest conservation concession, Yurúa Breu. By protecting the #LungsofEarth, they will also protect some of the world's last isolated people deep in the rainforests between Peru and Brazil. ☝️Tap the link in our bio for a photo story about how we are supporting their conservation efforts. 📷: Mónica Suárez Galindo/ @pnud_peru #unitednations #undp #environment #sustainable #climate #climateaction #globalgoals #southamerica #peru #brazil #indigenous #amazon #rainforest #Ucayali #Yurúa #Asheninka #rainforestdefenders

388,355 Likes | 1956 days ago | 1,946

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: A tower of reticulated giraffe in Loisaba Wildlife conservancy in Northern Kenya. Since the 1990s, reticulated giraffe populations have decreased by 70%. Once almost taken for granted as an abundant animal, now giraffes may be slipping away without public notice. In December 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature moved giraffes two categories down the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species from "Least Concern" to "Vulnerable." To address this, scientists are researching giraffes on two large areas of protected land, Loisaba Conservancy, which TNC helped protect and establish for the Loisaba Community Trust, and Namunyak Community Conservancy, one of 27 conservancies supported by TNC partner Northern Rangelands Trust. In 2017, the partners also affixed solar-powered satellite GPS tracking devices to 11 giraffes to understand their movements. Unfortunately, two of those animals were poached, but the remaining giraffes’ movements will provide valuable data that will help TNC and others develop informed conservation strategies. – Photo by @amivitale #giraffes #africa #conservation #kenya #reticulatedgiraffe #wildlife

268,366 Likes | 1957 days ago | 4,322

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#Regram #RG @yearsofliving: Ireland will be the first country in the world to completely divest from fossil fuels 🇮🇪 #YEARSProject #Ireland #divest #fossilfuel #renewables #climatechange

402,360 Likes | 1958 days ago | 2,202

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#Regram #RG @sealegacy: Photograph by @PaulNicklen // Overfishing, climate change, pollution, and acidification have pushed our oceans to the brink of collapse. But we have the collective ability to make 2019 the most successful year for our oceans yet! For the next 19 days, we are sharing 19 things you can do to save our oceans. Tip #1 is to advocate for fossil-free, renewable energy. Seek out and invest in wind and solar energy options to end our dependency on oil, gas and coal.

282,137 Likes | 1961 days ago | 3,118

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by @mettelampcov A winter snow storm is approaching the Sierra Nevada mountains near Mammoth mountain. According to a new study from Scripps Institution of Oceanography: winter will still be coming to the Sierra Nevada mountain range, but winters will be becoming shorter, and disappearing earlier in the year, which could have implications for state water management and wildfire activity. This is particularly important for California, the most agriculturally-diverse state in the country and which experienced the worst wildfires on record in 2017 and 2018. #climatechange #sierranevada #mountains #snow #landscapephotography #california #water #snowstorm #watertodustphotoproject

175,828 Likes | 1962 days ago | 1,191

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: Protecting the Amazon is much more than saving trees and fighting off extractive industries. If the forest is still standing today, it's largely thanks to indigenous peoples' vast encyclopedic knowledge of the forest, transmitted from generation to generation across millennia. Today, pressures from colonization and industrialization are pushing Amazonian cultures and knowledge to the brink of disappearance. But elders and youth from communities in the Western Amazon are fighting back, and working to recover, document and preserve their traditional knowledge, such as ancient medicinal plant knowledge. ⠀⠀ Join and support this movement to protect the Amazon, for long-term forest conservation and cultural survival! @leonardodicaprio and @leonardodicapriofdn are doubling matching all monthly donations (follow link in our bio)⠀⠀ #amazon #ecuador #indigenous #indigenousrights #frontlines #tribes #survival #climatechange #environment #forests #amazonia

162,875 Likes | 1963 days ago | 1,952

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Entomologists around the world have identified signs of an arthropocalypse, a precipitous decline in the population of beneficial insects like butterflies and bees🦋🐝. The most worrisome part is that there appears to be no single cause. Everything from habitat loss to agricultural practices to climate change contributes to the decline. We need to find a way to get back to symbiosis with the natural world. We can start with these insects. Take action via the link in our profile!

317,016 Likes | 1964 days ago | 2,556

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#Regram #RG @oceana: The federal government has authorized companies to harm marine mammals like #dolphins and #whales with seismic airgun blasting activities in the Atlantic Ocean. These dangerous and extremely loud surveys are used by private companies to identify potential oil and gas deposits deep below the seafloor. Moreover, exploratory drilling like BP Deepwater Horizon, which exploded in the Gulf eight years ago and caused the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, would be the next step they take to confirm the presence of subsea oil and gas. Follow the link in our bio to tell your members of Congress to #ProtectOurCoast and #BlockTheBlast. . 📸: Shutterstock

397,780 Likes | 1965 days ago | 2,001

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: #Didyouknow : Some of the best protected forests 🌳 are those occupied by indigenous peoples! People who have lived in forests for generations recognize the high value of the ecosystem on which they depend for food 🍛, shelter, and water 💧. Studies have also found that tree cover is better maintained in areas where communities have legal rights to forest lands #forests #nature

243,985 Likes | 1968 days ago | 2,802

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#Regram #RG @greenmatters: Milan is the latest city to embrace “going green” in a major way. According to the ‘Associated Press,’ the Italian city revealed plans to plant 3 million trees by the year 2030. Some of their plans to make the metropolis more green include turning a no-longer-operating freight railway network into a series of park, planting trees in more than 2,000 schoolyards, and introducing greenery to 10 million square meters of flat rooftop. If successful, the plans could prove to have major benefits to the city and its citizens: Milan official estimate that increasing the number of trees by 30 percent will absorb an additional 5 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, and could potentially reduce temperatures in the city by 2 degrees Celsius. Click the link in bio to learn more about this project! #learngreen #livegreen #sustainability

408,446 Likes | 1969 days ago | 4,717

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#Regram #RG @cnn: This Swedish teenager stood up to a crowd of global leaders at a United Nations summit on climate change in Poland on Wednesday. "You are not mature enough to tell it like is. Even that burden you leave to us children," 15-year-old Greta Thunberg said, scolding the crowd of negotiators at the COP24 meeting for not doing enough to fight climate change. After two weeks of negotiations, nearly 200 nations agreed on a set of rules meant to help curb global warming, but scientists and even the negotiators themselves say the moves won't be enough to stop carbon pollution from reaching critical levels. (🎥: Connect4Climate)

324,347 Likes | 1974 days ago | 2,376

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions are disappearing across Africa. In fact, we’ve lost half of all lions in just 25 years. But together, we can bring them back. Learn more by clicking the link in our bio. Photo: Steve Mandel #lionrecovery #lions #conservation #Africa #wildAfrica #wildlife

279,393 Likes | 1976 days ago | 1,945

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The Amazon has never been under greater threat, and neither has our climate. But away from the alarming headlines, indigenous peoples are taking action on the frontlines together with two of my favorite organizations: @amazonfrontlines and #AlianzaCeibo. From halting oil auctions to blocking gold rushes and building clean water solutions and solar energy alternatives, their movement is working, and it’s growing. This work is urgent and important, and I’m proud to announce that through the @leonardodicapriofdn we’ll be matching all monthly donations made to @AmazonFrontlines and #AlianzaCeibo - up to $50,000 per month throughout 2019. Click the link in my bio and join me and support this movement to protect the Amazon, indigenous rights, and our climate.

293,798 Likes | 1977 days ago | 1,174

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#Regram #RG @elephantcrisisfund: Encouraging news from ECF partner, @conservation_lower_zambezi who report a number of notable successes including the apprehension of eight suspects, seizure of two pieces of ivory, four firearms, four rounds of ammunition, 30 snares and the confiscation of 197 kgs of bushmeat. The arrests and seizures were made possible thanks to the combined efforts of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) Scouts, Community Scouts, the Chongwe and Luangwa Intelligence Units and ECF-supported Rapid Response Unit and the Dog Unit. CLZ’s crime-busting dog unit is led by a driven and passionate Zambian called Peter Tembo whose life was transformed by wildlife conservation. Read his remarkable story on our ECF website (link in bio). Photo: Francois D’Elbee

128,832 Likes | 1978 days ago | 879

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#Regram #RG @unfccc: In 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines. Joanna Sustento survived the disaster, but her parents, her brother, her sister in law & her nephew were among the more than 6.000 victims. Together with other “climate pilgrims” she walked all the way from Rome to Katowice, to call for urgent #ClimateAction. In the margins of the #ClimateChange conference #COP24 she said: “It’s not easy to live with the consequences of Climate Change.”

123,861 Likes | 1979 days ago | 708

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#Regram #RG @pacificclimatewarriors: “We always talk about taking action now. And standing up and doing something. And I think we did that today.” . “Today was a powerful act of solidarity. It was incredible to see the support from across the whole movement. It was incredible to be there fighting to be heard together.” . These are some of the reflections from Pine and Isaac pictured here. . Today 100 people, led by First Nations people, Pacific Climate Warriors and Climate Strike students occupied the foyer of Parliament House calling on the Australian Government to put an end to the Adani mine and to step up their ambition on Climate Action by committing to a 100% transition to renewable energy. . The people united, will never be divided. . #fightforfuture #fight4future #stopadani

279,170 Likes | 1981 days ago | 1,774

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#Regram #RG @mongabay: According to a study published in the journal PloS One late last year, there has been little attempt to understand the impacts on Amazonian mammals of converting primary and secondary forests into oil palm plantations despite the fact that the areas most likely to be converted to oil palm plantations overlap with areas harboring numerous threatened species of birds and mammals. Read about it on www.mongabay.com #palmoil #amazon #rainforest #animals #wildlife #biodiversity #conservation #environment

579,011 Likes | 1983 days ago | 3,048

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#Regram #RG @wwf: For the last four weeks, we’ve brought some hard-hitting Living Planet Report stories to your timelines. This report hopefully has opened many eyes and raised awareness about the declining health of our precious planet. . . Because of the amazing response we’ve received from you all, we’re re-sharing some of the most powerful images and lessons from our month of coverage. . . Global wildlife populations have fallen over 60% in four decades. . . 90% of seabirds now have plastic in their stomach. . . Biodiversity is in steep decline . . We all depend on nature, and we have pushed it to the brink. But there is hope. We can protect and restore nature - the time to act is now #LPR2018 #ClimateChangeIsReal #NatureMatters #Biodiversity #SaveNature #StopPoaching #SaveOurWildlife #EndangeredSpecies #WildlifePhotographer #Conservation #SaveTheEarth #SaveOurPlanet #SaveNature #NatureFirst #Nature #Nature_brilliance #Nature_photography #Naturegeography #ClimateChange

206,945 Likes | 1984 days ago | 1,504

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Video by @amivitale | Shaba, the proxy matriarch, teaches all the babies to browse in the wild. After her mother was killed by poachers, Shaba was brought to Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) in 2016. Initially wary of the keepers, Shaba is now an instrumental part of the sanctuary, helping to keep order, teaching the young ones how to navigate steep paths and greeting new orphans with a heartfelt and emotional hello. Shaba guides her fellow elephants as they adapt to life at the sanctuary in addition to helping teach the keepers how to better care for their charges. Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) is the first ever community-owned and run elephant sanctuary in Africa. Reteti operates in partnership with Conservation International (@conservationorg) who provide critical operational support and work to scale the community-centered model to create lasting impacts worldwide. Learn more about how you can get involved and help support this vital initiative by following @amivitale @r.e.s.c.u.e & @conservationorg @nrt_kenya @tusk_org @kenyawildlifeservice @sandiegozoo @natgeo @natgeocreative @thephotosociety @nature_africa #elephant #saveelephants #retetielephants #stoppoaching #kenya #northernkenya #magicalkenya #whyilovekenya #africa #everydayafrica #photojournalism #amivitale

293,805 Likes | 1985 days ago | 2,123

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#Regram #RG @sierraclub: Forty-eight years ago on December 2, 1970, the EPA was founded to protect our land, water, air, and climate. Now, Donald Trump has nominated former coal lobbyist and current Acting EPA Admin Andrew Wheeler to head the agency full time. As acting head, he has already fought to allow more pollution and done the bidding of corporate polluters. For a decade, Wheeler has been a lobbyist for the coal industry and has denied the science of climate change. And as Acting Administrator, he has stacked the deck in favor of polluters and against the public by attacking bedrock principles of clean air and clean water, and undermining how EPA calculates health benefits of proposed safeguards. Such a leader at the EPA would pose a threat to the health and safety of everyone in America. The Senate should staunchly oppose any nominee for EPA Administrator that does not put people, our health, our climate, clean air, and clean water before the interests of corporate polluters.

363,625 Likes | 1986 days ago | 2,732

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#Regram #RG @undp: 2018 is set to become the hottest year on record according to the World Meteorological Organization. Nature is struggling to heal itself and we need to take action. We have 12 years to reduce #CO2 emissions by 50% to keep #globalwarming at 1.5°C. Earth's #climate has never changed as rapidly or as extreme as it is now. From overfishing, coral reef destruction, to melting ice glaciers and the chopping down of 🌳🌳🌳, humans are stripping nature and polluting #Earth faster than nature can regenerate. We only have one 🌍; every one of us can help #nature to heal. Over the next ten days we’re meeting with leaders from across the globe at #COP24 in Katowice, #Poland 🇵🇱 to discuss #climateaction and countries' progress toward the #ParisAgreement. Tune in over the next week and a half for updates from COP24. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷: UNDP Moldova l ADA Caption: Drought in Moldova. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #UNDP #ParisAgreement #SaveEarth, #CleanEnergy #Climatechange #Climate2020 #GlobalGoals #SDG13 #SDGs #ParisAgreement #zerocarbon #environment #ecosystems #biodiversity #cleanenergy #climatechangeisreal #sustainableliving #sustainability @UN @UNFCCC @UNEnvironment #COP24 @UNDPClimate @undpeurasia

265,290 Likes | 1988 days ago | 2,219

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by @drewtrush | When I asked Jeff Rasic of @alaskanps what he thought was important about an ecosystem like Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve in Alaska, he said, "Well, all ecosystems are important, but a unique thing about Yukon-Charley is that protected within this conservation unit is an entire (and large) watershed—the Charley River basin—along with a segment of the massive Yukon River, plus a wide range of upland and lowland settings in which there live a full complement of large and small mammals, birds, and fish, predators and prey. All the pieces are there, and largely functioning together as they have for millennia. There are a few chinks—declining king salmon populations come to mind—but this is really intact system and something not to be taken for granted." As a result of his vision, and forward-thinking style, we're working together to show you the life of some of the animals living in this amazing place. Follow along with @drewtrush to learn more. #commonground #publiclands

213,671 Likes | 1990 days ago | 1,766

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: “Our territory is not for sale. Our future is in the jungle. As a Waorani woman, I can say that we will never permit the companies to enter our territory and destroy our lives. We are united to resist and protect our rainforest, which we all depend upon”, affirmed Nemonte Nenquimo, indigenous Waorani spokeswoman and founding member of our indigenous partners Alianza Ceibo, during a meeting with UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, during her current visit to Ecuador. The Waorani of Pastaza are organized to defend their territory, one of the last remaining oil-free, roadless areas which the Ecuadorian State plans to auction off to oil companies. Stand with the Waorani to protect their rainforest home: https://waoresist.amazonfrontlines.org/ #ecuador #amazon #indigenous #forests #indigenousresistance #indigenousrights #unitednations #pastaza #climatechange #tribe #waorani #waoresist

368,366 Likes | 1991 days ago | 1,874

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#Regram #RG @natgeotravel: Photo by @max.lowe // Watching this white bear move across the arctic tundra I stood for a moment in surreal awe, witnessing something I had heard about my whole life and had never been sure I would actually experience in person. We all hear about the threat of climate change when it comes to arctic ecosystems, but polar bears truly are the big white fuzzy canaries in the coal mine. As the apex predators of their world, the slow recession of the sea ice’s development into the winter season has a sharp and direct impact on their wellbeing as they depend on that ice to hunt seals, and have no other food source that can supplement to support their massive appetite. I only hope we can make the change needed so that our children’s children might know these bears as a creature that shares their world as we do. To see more from his time in the Canadian Arctic and Polar Bear country, follow @max.lowe

260,872 Likes | 1993 days ago | 1,788

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#Regram #RG @oceana: The Endangered Species Act has prevented 99% of the species under its care from going extinct. But right now, it’s under attack. ADD YOUR NAME NOW BY FOLLOWING THE LINK IN OUR BIO TO OPPOSE ANY LEGISLATION THAT WOULD WEAKEN THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT! . . 📸: NOAA #ocean #oceans #takeaction #stopextinction

110,401 Likes | 1994 days ago | 1,166

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#Regram #RG @unfccc: The #ParisAgreement gave us a historic plan to act on #ClimateChange and build a better tomorrow for everyone. Now, at #COP24, we need to finalize the Paris Agreement implementation guidelines to turn the agreement into reality & unlock concrete #ClimateAction

274,464 Likes | 1996 days ago | 1,801

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by Charlie Hamilton James @chamiltonjames | A lone male elephant reaches for fresh leaves in the branches in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, last week. We all know about the threats facing elephants and their decline in many parks across Africa. But in Gorongosa, elephant numbers are recovering. Years of civil war wiped out much of the park's wildlife, and poaching persisted until recently. However, increased security and investment into the park and the people who live in and around it have brought life back and now the park is thriving again. The story of Gorongosa will be featured in @natgeo magazine next year.

691,379 Likes | 1998 days ago | 5,798

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The @leonardodicapriofdn & @janegoodallinst apparel line is back for a limited time. Proceeds fund on-the-ground projects ensuring the protection of apes and their habitats. Available through 11.26 - link in bio to purchase.

161,850 Likes | 2000 days ago | 2,261

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#Regram #RG @nowthisnews: Newly-elected representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@ocasio2018) spent her first day on Capitol Hill with climate activists outside House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office. The protesters were calling for Democrats to adopt a ‘Green New Deal’ to reach 100% renewable energy.

372,035 Likes | 2001 days ago | 2,134

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#Regram #RG @action4ifaw: "Having just returned from a visit with the Chinese government, I am delighted to see that they have postponed the lifting of the ban and hope that eventually it will remain in force." - ifaw CEO Azzedine T. Downes responds to China's postponement of lifting the ban on the trade of rhino horn and tiger parts © IFAW-WTI

785,315 Likes | 2002 days ago | 4,835

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Martin Scorsese is not only one of cinema’s most incredible talents, but a personal hero and a friend. It was an honor to celebrate you tonight, @martinscorsese_. @themuseumofmodernart #MoMAFilmBenefit Photo Credit: @bfa @matteoprandoni

145,433 Likes | 2003 days ago | 847

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: A young Kofan filmmaker trainee from Sinangoe uses his camera to document moments from his community's major victory earlier this week, as part of a landmark legal battle to defend one of Ecuador’s largest and most important rivers, and nullify 52 gold mining concessions. "My camera is a weapon", says Nixon Andi, who uses his camera as as a tool to show the beauty of his ancestral land, the richness of his culture, but also the threats, destruction, and violations which his people and rainforest home face. Amazon Frontlines and the Ceibo Alliance are training indigenous youth to tell their own stories and the stories from their nations through video and photography in our Indigenous Storytellers program. Learn more at www.amazonfrontlines.org #ecuador #amazon #indigenous #indigenousrising #indigenousmedia #forests #environment #journalism #indigenousresistance #mining

156,524 Likes | 2005 days ago | 1,040

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Last day to purchase limited edition @leonardodicapriofdn & @janegoodallinst apparel to raise funds for ape conservation projects around the world. Every purchase contributes directly to projects helping ensure the protection of apes. Don’t let them disappear. Link in bio to purchase.

214,930 Likes | 2006 days ago | 1,259

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by Mette Lampcov @mettelampcov for @everydayclimatechange The world’s oceans have been absorbing far more excess heat in recent decades than scientists had predicted - the Earth could be set to warm even faster. Over the past quarter-century, Earth’s oceans have retained 60 percent more heat than scientists had originally foreseen. The world's oceans have absorbed more than 93% of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from fossil fuels, leading to an increase in global ocean temperatures. The warming of the oceans leads to deoxygenation, and sea level rise resulting from the expanding seas as they heat up and increase the melting of sea ice. This will have multiple effects on marine life such as loss of breeding grounds for marine mammals, seabirds and fisheries. Millions of people rely on fisheries and aquaculture for a source of income and protein worldwide. The rise in ocean temperatures are also causing more severe hurricanes, and intensified El Nino events that will have huge socio-economic impact with extreme weather events such flooding and drought - #climatechangeisreal #worldoceans#oceans #wave#documentaryphotography#dronephotography #naturephotography#environment #sciencefacts#protectouroceans #california#globalwarming

249,009 Likes | 2007 days ago | 1,184

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Today’s chimpanzee is constantly threatened by the dangers of poaching, habitat loss, and fragmentation. Don’t let them disappear. Purchase a limited edition @leonardodicapriofdn & @janegoodallinst t-shirt or sweatshirt now through 11/16 and all proceeds will go to conservation projects directly helping ensure the long-term survival of apes. Link in bio to purchase. -- *LDF and the Jane Goodall Institute do not endorse or support any close proximity or interaction with wildlife. To protect humans and wildlife from disease and other threats, only experts should be handling or interacting with wildlife in this way.*

621,641 Likes | 2008 days ago | 3,071

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#Regram #RG @mayorofla: Thank you to the thousands of firefighters, law enforcement officials and first-responders working around the clock to protect lives and property. #WoolseyFire 📸 @danorst - Mayor's Photography Corps

1,001,561 Likes | 2009 days ago | 8,109

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Every species of ape, including gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and 20 species of gibbon, is threatened. If the global community doesn’t take serious action now, we will see some species of apes go extinct in as little as 20 years. Don’t let them disappear. Proceeds from the @leonardodicapriofdn & @janegoodallinst apparel collection go to projects working to protect the future of apes. Available through 11/16. Link in bio to purchase.

1,126,556 Likes | 2012 days ago | 14,384

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Excited to be joining forces with @janegoodallinst to bring you an exclusive range of apparel benefitting ape conservation. Proceeds go to on-the-ground projects helping ensure the long-term survival of apes and their habitats. One week left to purchase - link in bio to see the collection.

273,987 Likes | 2012 days ago | 3,607

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#Regram #RG @guardian: “If there was a 60% decline in the human population, that would be equivalent to emptying North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceania", Mike Barrett, executive director of science and conservation at WWF has said. Recent analyses showed that even if the destruction were to end now it would take 5-7 million years for the natural world to recover. Barrett says that there is a link between the food system and depletion of wildlife, explaining that eating less meat is an essential part of reversing losses. “This is actually now jeopardising the future of people. Nature is not a ‘nice to have’ – it is our life-support system.”

837,190 Likes | 2014 days ago | 5,526

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
It is estimated that orangutans have lost over 80% of their habitat in the last 20 years, largely due to fragmentation from the palm oil and wood pulp industries. @leonardodicapriofdn and the @janegoodallinst have teamed up to develop a line of apparel to raise awareness for ape conservation and support teams on the ground working to save this incredible species. All proceeds will benefit ape conservation work by our grantees. Swipe to see the apparel design - link in bio to purchase. Available until 11/16.

247,269 Likes | 2015 days ago | 2,181

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Election day is here. Let’s mobilize our community to get to the polls and make our voices heard. Post a picture of you after you’ve finished voting using @leonardodicaprio #VoteWithUs so we can see how we all work together to enact change in our country. I’ll be reposting your pictures on my Instagram Stories throughout the day.

137,354 Likes | 2016 days ago | 1,160

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#Regram #RG @kamalaharris: Spread the word: voters in these states have the opportunity to register in person on Election Day.

318,198 Likes | 2017 days ago | 3,827

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To the Spanish speaking community, I urge you to vote on the 6th of November. This is how we can make a difference and change the future of this country. Visit gobierno.usa.gov/como-votar to learn more. @nowthisnews

960,711 Likes | 2019 days ago | 15,114

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
This election might be the most consequential of our lifetime. I urge you all to go to the polls and make your voice heard. Between now and election day, 11/6, visit thelastweekend.org to get involved. Video from @nowthisnews.

132,291 Likes | 2020 days ago | 839

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: A groundbreaking victory for indigenous rights in the upper Amazon!⠀ ⠀ The Kofan people of the Ecuadorian Amazon won a landmark legal battle yesterday to protect one of the most biodiverse headwater regions of the Amazon basin, nullifying 52 gold mining concessions and stopping a gold rush that threatened more than 60,000 acres of primary rainforest in their ancestral lands. This victory is not only important to the wellbeing of a rainforest and river network that thousands of people depend on, but it’s also a precedent-setting moment for indigenous rights in Ecuador with broader implications for protecting rainforests vital to Earth’s climate. ⠀ ⠀ Stay tuned as we continue to share information about this victory, what’s next for the Kofan of Sinangoe and how you can be involved. ⠀ ⠀ #StandWithSinangoe#EarthDefenders#EarthGuardians#Waterprotectors

94,438 Likes | 2020 days ago | 612

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Excited to announce that the @leonardodicapriofdn and @janegoodallinst are partnering to raise awareness about the urgent need to protect apes and their habitats. You can help ensure their future by purchasing our limited edition t-shirts and sweatshirts. Proceeds will support critical ape conservation work around the world. Available until 11/16. Link in bio to purchase.

165,347 Likes | 2020 days ago | 1,729

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#Regram #RG @markruffalo: Florida, it's time to elect a governor who will work and fight for the people. Let's help @andrewgillum bring it home. If you haven't already, get out there and vote for him on November 6th 🗳 andrewgillum.com

56,129 Likes | 2021 days ago | 357

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#Regram #RG @rockthevote: [SWIPE] 👀 There are tons of first time voters heading to the polls on Nov 6th. Check out some informative steps to help make #ElectionDay a breeze! #RockTheVote

233,480 Likes | 2022 days ago | 1,234

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#Regram #RG @nytimes: Climate change is ravaging California’s underwater kelp forests. 5 years ago, assigning wickedness to the purple urchin, a shellfish the size of a plum with quarter-inch spikes, would have been absurd. But when climate change helped trigger a 60-fold explosion of purple urchins off Northern California’s coast, the urchins went on a feeding frenzy and the kelp was devoured. “It would be like one of those beautiful deciduous forests turned into a desert,” said Gretchen Hofmann, a professor of marine ecology at the @ucsantabarbara. “But in the matter of 5 years.” The story of the kelp’s disappearance is the story of an interwoven food system breaking down, and in the process threatening people’s livelihoods. Kelp forests exist along the cooler coastlines of every continent but Antarctica. And they are under threat both from rising ocean temperatures and from what those warmer waters bring. @ga.briella took this photo of purple urchins while @californiadfw did research. Visit the link in our profile to read more.

170,073 Likes | 2022 days ago | 1,314

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It is unacceptable that in 2018, 7,000,000 people will die prematurely due to air pollution. It’s time for our leaders to clean up our air and protect our health. Link in bio to learn more. #EveryBreathMatters @who @wmo_omm @unenvironment @unfccc

234,560 Likes | 2023 days ago | 1,258

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: 🌱 Reforestation, rehabilitation of degraded land areas, and sustainable community forestry are all examples of how we’re fighting deforestation while highlighting the importance of forests in the fight against climate change. ⁣ ⁣Now more than ever, natural climate solutions like these must play a large role in holistic climate action.⁣ 🌲💪 ⁣#RainforestAlliance #ForestsResist #ClimateChange #ActOnClimate #IPCC #TheForgottenSolution @unfccc⁣

69,372 Likes | 2025 days ago | 576

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#Regram #RG @nativegiving: 🔜 WATCH LIVE TONIGHT AT 8PM CT at www.StandNVote.org (link in profile)! #StandNVote

97,659 Likes | 2026 days ago | 594

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#Regram #RG @nativegiving: TOMORROW: Everybody's favorite Auntie Beachress joins the stage with @davematthewsband, @markruffalo, and many more for a FREE #StandNVote concert at Standing Rock’s Prairie Knights Casino! If you can’t make it, tune in at 8pm MT for the livestream on www.StandNVote.org

182,026 Likes | 2026 days ago | 802

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#Regram #RG @africanparksnetwork: Future conservation leaders are on the rise in Africa. Last year, more than 65,000 children from local communities received access to environmental education through the parks under our management. These lessons help build support for conservation and teach children about the reasons and the benefits of protecting and preserving the life-giving resources that the parks bring with them. It’s because of these young people that we are hopeful for a brighter and wild future. 📷 @warren_smart #africanparks #conservation #wildlife #communities #africanparksnetwork #odzala #congo

541,601 Likes | 2027 days ago | 2,840

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#Regram #RG @paulnicklen: While we tend to see ice as a chunk of frozen water, Antarctic species like these Adelie penguins see it as habitat and a refuge from predators. Here, under the ice, they feed on krill, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that form the bulk of their diet. Ice like this is essential to their survival - and it's disappearing quickly, as temperatures are rising faster at the poles than elsewhere on the planet. For decades, I've been photographing the wild spaces and species of Antarctica. Now, I'm excited to share my latest work exploring the rapidly changing environment of the Antarctic Peninsula in @NatGeo magazine’s November issue, available this week. Don't miss your chance to explore the depths of this polar region with me, and follow us @Sea_Legacy to learn how we're continuing our work to protect this fragile ecosystem. With @cristinamittermeier, @andy_mann, @craigwelch and @ladzinski.

70,581 Likes | 2028 days ago | 611

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From Serve America & @sethmoulton: Four. That’s the number of female combat veterans currently serving in the House and Senate. MJ, Abigail, Elaine, Chrissy, Gina, Elissa, Amy, and Mikie have served our country from the Air Force to the CIA. Now they are running to serve, fight for, and protect our country in Congress just as they did overseas. #WomenRising

117,833 Likes | 2029 days ago | 1,364

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#Regram #RG @markruffalo: It’s #TurnoutTuesday and #EarlyVoting has begun in a number of states. If your state is on this list, get out there and vote 🗳

135,022 Likes | 2029 days ago | 727

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#Regram #RG @politico: Early voting started in eight states and Washington, D.C., today with Election Day just 15 days away. A poll worker pictured above opened a voting station in Miami-Dade County, Florida, where voters will cast ballots in two key races with national implications: the Senate battle between Sen. Bill Nelson and GOP challenger Gov. Rick Scott, and the gubernatorial race between Republican Ron DeSantis and Dem Andrew Gillum.🔸 Meanwhile, as it looks increasingly possible that Democrats could take back the House, President Trump is privately distancing himself from a Republican thumping on election day, sources say. And over in the Senate, Democrats have shifted their strategy from winning the upper chamber, to limiting their losses. Link in bio for our race ratings with predictions for every House, Senate and gubernatorial race. 📸 AP Photo

76,683 Likes | 2030 days ago | 593

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California, today is the last day to register online to vote. Go to whenweallvote.org to get registered and ready for ‪November 6th.‬ --------------- #Regram #RG @whenweallvote: Save the Date! #ElectionDay is ‪November 6.‬
You've already registered, but have you found your polling place or seen your ballot? It's all at whenweallvote.org.

270,309 Likes | 2032 days ago | 1,505

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#Regram #RG @Greenpeace: The beauty of the Antarctic is breathtaking. Check the link in our bio to join the movement to protect it. ....#ProtectAntarctic #natureisamazing #wildlife #nature #oceans #Greenpeace

198,481 Likes | 2033 days ago | 1,099

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#Regram #RG @AmazonFrontlines: Ecuador’s national water authority (SENAGUA) has now established a protected zone for the Cofan, Chingual and Aguarico rivers, which the indigenous Kofán people of Sinangoe and many other local populations depend upon. This encouraging recognition also comes at a critical moment in the Kofán people’s struggle for justice: today, a judicial inspection is taking place on site as part of a legal case which the community has won against the Ecuadorian government, demanding the suspension of all mining concessions on and near Sinangoe ancestral territory. “We hope that the judicial visit to the mining zone will help judges to understand the great importance of the rivers and the threat which mining represents for our life as Kofán”, says Mario Criollo, President of the A’I Cofan community of Sinangoe. We stand with the community of Sinangoe in their fight to protect their territory from illegal resource extraction. Join us, sign the pledge to #StandWithSinangoe: link in bio. #waterislife#waterdefenders#amazon #amazonlife#AmazonRainforest #indigenousrights #indigenousresilience#indigenousrising#forestguardians #resistance#indigenousresistance#climatechange#climatejustice #humanrights

447,529 Likes | 2034 days ago | 6,385

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#Regram #RG @SierraClub: Polar bears are facing a new threat -- and it's not climate change. A company called SAExploration wants to start seismic oil testing in critical bear habitat as early as December. Go to sc.org/SAExploration and tell SAExploration: stay out of the Arctic Refuge. Then, tag your friends to make sure they take action for polar bears too! #bears #polarbears #arctic #arcticrefuge

461,448 Likes | 2035 days ago | 1,988

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Just another sunset or the closing credits for Africa’s lions? In the wildlife areas most visited by tourists, lions are a regular sighting. This creates the misconception that lions are doing just fine. The reality is that their numbers have declined by half in the last 25 years or so. The LRF supports a wide range of conservation projects around Africa designed to protect lions, their habitats and prey. Central to our philosophy is the conviction that conserving Africa’s wildlife will benefit the continents people and economies.. Photo @petelindseyafrica

157,993 Likes | 2036 days ago | 718

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#Regram #RG @350org: After the UN's IPCC published its critical report on 1.5˚C last Monday, thousands sprung into action all over the world. Thankfully, many people around the world, not paralyzed, but motivated by the latest science, showed over the past week that they’re willing to step up to this challenge, and take targeted political actions, together, to enact meaningful change. Through a range of tactics, they’ve brought a strong, pointed message to decision makers: 1.5˚C means no more support to the fossil fuel industry, in any form. #1o5c #fossilfree #keepitintheground #climatechange

146,051 Likes | 2037 days ago | 1,039

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#Regram #RG @AmazonFrontlines: Cost is one of the greatest barriers to getting kids into the classroom in the Amazon. Even though public school is free in Ecuador, schools supplies, transportation and uniforms can be a daunting financial burden on families. In indigenous communities, children are invited to wear culturally traditional uniforms to school once a week. Although women have been sewing these uniforms by hand for generations, the government required families to buy these traditional uniforms from outside manufacturers. Moreover, the uniforms don’t reflect cultural differences between one community and another, and often the design itself isn’t accurate. A group of Kofan women decided to take matters into their own hands. They started a women’s sewing cooperative in the community of Dureno and are pushing the government to hire them to produce the traditional uniforms for the next school year. Kofan women have been taking part in intensive sewing workshops organized by the cooperative and have set their sites beyond just producing uniforms for their children— they are beginning to make clothing for the whole community! #amazon #amazonlife##AmazonRainforest #indigenousrights #indigenousresilience#indigenousrising#forestguardians #resistance#indigenousresistance#culture#indigenousculture#culturaindigena#indigenouswomen#womenleaders

349,525 Likes | 2038 days ago | 2,091

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#Regram #RG @wwf: Large amounts of the Arctic are currently covered in ice - whether sea ice or glacial ice - but this will change, with climate change causing the region to become a wetter, warmer, less predictable place... Unless countries take urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions further, the effects of a warming Arctic will continue to be felt around the world. Rising sea levels, changes in climate and rain patterns, increasing severe weather events, and effects on fish stocks, marine mammals and bird populations... Photo by Conservation Biologist @joshuapowell_official for #WWFVoices and with thanks to @poseidonexpeditions

374,878 Likes | 2043 days ago | 4,369

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#Regram #RG @guardian: We have 12 years to limit a climate change catastrophe, a scientific report has announced today. Following devastating hurricanes in the US, record droughts in Cape Town and forest fires in the Arctic, the report makes clear that climate change is already happening and has upgraded its risk warning. At the current level of commitments by world leaders, we're on course for a disastrous 3C of global warming. The authors of the report are refusing to accept defeat though and believe that the increasingly visible damage caused by climate change will shift opinion.

73,711 Likes | 2047 days ago | 771

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#Regram #RG @whenweallvote: Register to vote and get a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. 
Register now and vote ‪on November 6.‬ Text WeAllVote to 97779 or visit ‪whenweallvote.org‬ to get started. #WhenWeAllVote
Bria Smith, Milwaukee, WI (17 years old)
Student & Blogger. Helped register young voters over the Summer.
Sterling Elliot, Newport News, VA (19 years old)
Concert cellist. Second year student at Juilliard, New York.
Tori Streitmatter, Sparland, IL (24 years old)
Comes from a farming family in IL. Currently works with an organization that provides resources to the agricultural community.
Dominic Cavazos, San Antonio, TX (18 years old)
A Special Olympian and Graduate of Alamo Heights High School
Daniel Davila, Encino, CA (22 years old)
Graduate of USC Music, up and coming musician of Puerto Rican descent

253,038 Likes | 2048 days ago | 1,302

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: Did you know that there are rainforests right in the United States? 🌲 The Hoh Rain Forest in Washington state holds a web of interdependence that teaches us a lesson that we at the @rainforestalliance take to heart: We base all our work in the knowledge that everything is connected, and that therefore, protecting forests & improving the livelihoods of rural people benefits us all.⁣ Find out more in my article about the beauty of connection in the magical Hoh Rain Forest by clicking the link in our bio or checking out today’s Stories! ⁣#RainforestAlliance #Interdependence #HohRainForest #OlympicNationalPark #PNW #ExplorePNW #OptOutside #FindYourPark #FollowTheFrog #WednesdayWisdom📸: @lilylandes

385,442 Likes | 2049 days ago | 2,526

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#Regram #RG @earthjustice: Huge victory for #Yellowstone grizzly bears! Safeguards were reinstated, after a judge ruled that the Trump administration’s decision to strip Endangered Species Act protections from the population was illegal. "This is a victory for the bears and for people from all walks of life who come to this region to see the grizzly in its natural place in the world." - Tim Preso, Earthjustice Managing Attorney Grizzly 📸: @thomasdmangelsen #wilderness #wildlifephotography #grizzlybear #naturephotography #nature #adventure #animals #earth #earthpix #nogrizhunt

116,720 Likes | 2050 days ago | 623

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: There are only a few weeks left until governments from around the world meet to decide the fate of the Antarctic Ocean. We need every country at this meeting to agree to create an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary, the largest protected area on Earth. The Sanctuary would create a safe haven for Antarctic wildlife like penguins to recover from the pressures of pollution and overfishing, and help safeguard against growing threats associated with climate change, which all put the future of this fragile region at risk. But it will only become a reality if all governments feel the momentum of a truly global movement calling for Antarctic protection. Photo by @daisygilardini #climatechange #antarcticsanctuary #Antarctic #greenpeace #protectantarctic

165,174 Likes | 2050 days ago | 2,804

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#Regram #RG @cnn: This shocking drone footage shows the devastation left by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia on Friday. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake and 3-meter-high (10 foot) waves killed hundreds.

169,925 Likes | 2050 days ago | 1,674

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
I encourage everyone to take the steps necessary to register to vote, especially if it’s your first time. Link in bio to learn more. #TurnoutTuesday @marchforourlives

259,898 Likes | 2052 days ago | 1,404

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#Regram #RG @conservationorg: Worldwide, the ocean is changing rapidly. The forces of climate change, acidification and overfishing are putting enormous pressure on our oceans — and on the human populations who depend on their resources. The challenge of tackling these changes — which, if left unchecked, will affect us all — is as urgent as it is enormous. But every Goliath has its David. For the threats to our oceans, that David just might be Kiribati — a tiny island nation roughly half the size of London — where former President Anote Tong conceived the Pacific Oceanscape, an unprecedented effort among Pacific island nations to collaboratively and sustainably manage nearly 40 million square kilometers of vital ocean.

334,773 Likes | 2054 days ago | 2,333

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Today is #SaveTheKoalaDay. #Koalas are faithful to their home ranges, which are rapidly being destroyed by urbanization, highway upgrades, mining, deforestation, infrastructure, wildfires, and drought. With a massive increase in immigration sending Australia’s population to 25 million in less than 9 years, coastal native forests, homelands of koalas and other forest-dependent species are being eradicated to accommodate the upsurge in growth. Follow the link in bio to read about their plight and find out what you can do to help.

170,808 Likes | 2054 days ago | 1,385

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Proud to be working with, and being an investor in, @fiaformulae. Pictured is the new car debuting this December at the SAUDIA Ad Diriyah E-Prix. Hoping to be there to see the future of electric racing. @alejandroformulae #sponsored

107,326 Likes | 2056 days ago | 769

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#Regram #RG @reuters: Reuters photographer Lucas Jackson @lucas_jackson_ was perched on a cliff above Greenland’s Helheim glacier, when an explosion broke the arctic silence. More explosions followed. He ran across a muddy tundra to a video camera on a tripod overlooking the glacier and ripped off the trash bag he had used to protect it. He hit record as fast as he could focus. The popping sounds morphed into a low rumble. Over the next half hour, the ice broke apart and a four-mile wide chunk tumbled into the sea in a process called calving - one rarely witnessed on this scale. As a photographer, Jackson has captured erupting volcanoes, the aftermath of hurricanes and tornadoes, and war, but he says he has never felt so small. It was a poignant end to a months-long project examining climate change in Greenland. For both journalists and scientists, climate change is difficult to document. It most often happens imperceptibly - a tenth of a degree increase in temperature, a few less inches of rain, a slowly melting ice sheet. That’s why it was so overwhelming to watch billions of tons of ice collapse at all once, Jackson said. Suddenly it didn’t feel like a small or distant problem. Follow the link in our bio to read more. #reuters #reutersphotos #ice #icecalving #greenland

177,165 Likes | 2056 days ago | 4,423

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Beef is one of the most resource intensive foods in our diet. @beyondmeat is on a mission to take the animal out of the equation. Their plant-based 1/4 lb. Beyond Burger uses 99% less water, 93% less land, generates 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and uses nearly 50% less energy than what it takes to produce a single 1/4 lb. U.S. beef burger. Proud to be an investor in the #futureofprotein. Link in bio to learn more.

155,887 Likes | 2057 days ago | 876

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @michelleobama: Thank you, Las Vegas! It was so much fun to be with you to help kick off @WhenWeAllVote’s Week of Action. Now let’s get working to help everyone we know get registered and ready to vote. I know that there are a lot of folks who think that voting isn’t relevant to their lives. Or they think that it won’t make a difference. Or they think the whole system is rigged. A lot of folks are just trying to get their kids to day care, and get things done at work, and get enough sleep every night. Trust me, I get it. I get being busy, and I definitely get feeling frustrated. But I also know that those frustrations will only get worse if we don’t do something to make it better—and our best chance to do that is by voting and electing leaders who will listen to us, leaders who will take on the issues we care about. 
If we’re going to make sure all of our voices are heard this November, we’ve got to make sure everyone is registered to vote. You can register to vote right now—just text WeAllVote to 97779 or visit WhenWeAllVote.org to get started, and make sure all your friends and family do the same. That’s how we’ll show ourselves and each other that our votes do matter, not just in the election this fall, but in every election.

302,725 Likes | 2058 days ago | 1,932

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#Regram #RG @virunganationalpark: Today is #WorldGorillaDay. Did you know gorillas are the largest primate on earth, and share 98% of their DNA with humans? Virunga is home to around a third of the world's population of critically endangered Mountain Gorillas, a sub-species of the eastern gorilla. You can read more about these amazing animals on our website. #mountaingorilla #gorillas #virunga#virunganationalpark #drc #congo#wildlifephotography

353,596 Likes | 2059 days ago | 2,048

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Nepal has been a leader in efforts to double tigers within its own borders and serves as a model for conservation for all of Asia and the world. I am proud of @leonardodicapriofdn’s partnership with @world_wildlife to support Nepal and local communities in doubling the population of wild tigers. Link in bio to learn more.

256,136 Likes | 2060 days ago | 926

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: In celebration of #WorldRhinoDay, we're highlighting our work with the George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust in expanding the Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary, one of the last refuges of the critically endangered Black Rhino. Follow the link in bio to read more.

479,934 Likes | 2060 days ago | 1,793

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#Regram #RG @franslanting: Photo by @FransLanting A nearly full-grown black rhino calf appears to be hiding behind its mom, who is a formidable adversary for any natural enemy, but she is defenseless against poachers who come equipped with military hardware like machine guns and night goggles. I photographed these rhinos at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, which has ramped up a paramilitary force of its own in response, but many places which harbor rhinos do not have the resources to do so. That is why we need to draw attention to their plight on Sept. 22, which is World Rhino Day. Please, consider supporting the organizations in the links below. They are as determined to act with solutions to the poaching crisis as this rhino mother is to defend her offspring. Follow us @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom to see and learn more about rhinos. @LeonardodiCaprio @LeonardodiCapriofdn @Wildaid @World_wildlife @Lewa_wildlife @WorldRhinoDay #Wildaid #Rhino #AspinallFoundationn #endangered #protection #naturelovers

87,946 Likes | 2061 days ago | 902

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Make your voice heard. Registering to vote just takes a few minutes. Text WeAllVote to 97779 or go to weall.vote/register to get started. #WhenWeAllVote @michelleobama @WhenWeAllVote

283,973 Likes | 2062 days ago | 1,746

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#Regram #RG @natgeotravel: Photograph by George Steinmetz @geosteinmetz Malé, the capital of the Maldives is like a mini-Manhattan in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Built on an atoll, the reef is now dead and unable to grow upwards with rising sea levels. To see more about our response to changing climate, follow @geosteinmetz

324,109 Likes | 2063 days ago | 1,470

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: Patrick Assumpção carries bananas through reforested land in the Mantiqueira mountain region of Brazil. These trees are part of a much larger plan to reforest nearly 3 million acres of land and to take 280 million tons of carbon dioxide out of the air over 3 decades. TNC Brazil is working here to support agroforestry systems, which mix native trees with other species for the production of wood, food, and seeds. These trees can feed communities, protect water sources, and also absorb carbon dioxide, making reforestation a key climate change mitigation tool. - Photo by @felipe.fittipaldi #brazil #reforestation #climate #trees #carbon

458,611 Likes | 2064 days ago | 1,701

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions today face threats such as human wildlife conflict, habitat loss, and lack of wild prey. Their numbers have declined dramatically over the past 25 years—now is the time to reverse the trend. Click the link in our bio to learn about our collaborative approach to work across governments, organizations, and communities to bring lions back. Photo: Tom Stahl #lions #lionrecovery #threatthursday #conservation #wildlife #wildlifephotography #africa

1,037,499 Likes | 2066 days ago | 6,992

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Thank you @jacksonfamilywines, @bankofamerica, and @tiffanyandco for celebrating @leonardodicapriofdn’s 20th Anniversary and for your continued support and efforts to protect our planet. Additional thank you to our art partners: Lisa Schiff of @sfaadvisory, @sothebys, and @invaluableofficial. Photo Credit: Getty.

1,015,448 Likes | 2066 days ago | 5,069

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
Thank you to my friends @janegoodallinst and @markruffalo for coming to @leonardodicapriofdn’s 20th anniversary gala. It is leaders like the both of you that help push for positive change for the planet. Photo Credit: Getty

227,191 Likes | 2069 days ago | 1,316

Leonardo DiCaprio post on Instagram
#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Proceeds from the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Celebration online auction will support LDF's work around the world to build climate resiliency, protect vulnerable wildlife, and restore balance to threatened ecosystems and communities. Artwork curated by Lisa Schiff at @sfaadvisory. Follow the link in bio to learn more. - Photo credits • Wayne Thiebaud • Ai Wei Wei • Matthew Wong • Deborah Butterfield • Jack Goldstein

112,049 Likes | 2070 days ago | 1,543

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: We Oppose Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice. The next Supreme Court justice will likely cast the deciding vote in key environmental and public health rulings—ultimately shaping the health of our planet and children for generations. Brett Kavanaugh is not right for the job. In his 12 years as a federal judge, he consistently put industry interests over people. He has expressed extreme views that would make it harder for citizens to sue polluters and for agencies to make and enforce rules that address emerging threats. We don’t oppose nominees lightly—but there’s too much on the line. We need a justice to enforce the laws that protect us from environmental ruin. Kavanaugh’s biases are already clear. He is not that justice. Take action via the link in our profile. #WhatsAtStake #StopKavanaugh

274,575 Likes | 2073 days ago | 1,748

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#Regram #RG @unfoundation: “Planet or Plastic? On the northern remote beaches of northern Kenya near the Somali border these young men have chosen planet. Saidi Hussein, 30 (left) is the founder, Jilan Yussuf, 22 (centre) and Bashir Ali, 24 (right) are members of the Mwangaza Youth Group, a youth community initiative focusing on turtle conservation. They take weekly shifts on the remote Rubu Island near the Somali border, a known site for turtles nesting, to patrol beaches, collect plastic and trash, and protect turtle nests.”. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Actions to reduce plastic waste help protect life below water and build greater resilience to climate change impacts. Additionally, most chemicals that make plastics are derived from fossil fuels. By reducing use of single-use plastics, everyone can do their part to support healthier, cleaner oceans.. This photo was shared by @ggkenya for @WWF as part of our #EyeOnClimate challenge - a campaign dedicated to raising the profile of #climatechange solutions in the lead up to the Global Climate Action Summit, #GCAS2018.. How is your #EyeOnClimate? Inspire action by sharing the climate solutions you see.. #BeatPlasticPollution #CleanSeas #GlobalGoals #SDGs #ClimateAction #SDG13 #StepUp2018

354,245 Likes | 2074 days ago | 2,961

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#Regram #RG @greenpeace: 100,000—that’s how many orangutans have died in the past 16 years because their homes are being torn down to make way for palm oil plantations. We must protect their habitats. 📸: Bjorn Vaugn....#palmoil #orangutan #orangutans #indonesia #forestfires #forest #rainforest #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #greenpeace #photooftheday

292,620 Likes | 2075 days ago | 1,444

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions are becoming rarer. A century ago there were 200,000 lions roaming earth and today that number has dwindled to an estimated 20,000. Join us in supporting the best ideas to bring lions back. Click the link in our bio to learn more about our 100% donation model—all money raised goes directly to projects to recover the King of Beasts. Photo: @susankmcconnell #lions #lioncubs #cubs #africa #wildlife #conservation #babyanimals #wildlifephotography

185,331 Likes | 2076 days ago | 4,097

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#Regram #RG: @nrdc_org: Donald Trump says he loves clean air and water, but he hates all the rules that guarantee them—rules like the Clean Power Plan, which he’s currently trying to replace. His administration’s proposed Dirty Power Scam wouldn’t just slow our progress on climate change—it could reverse it. The proposal says almost nothing about cleaner, renewable energy technologies. It would increase climate-changing carbon emissions, worsen air pollution, and harm public health. Trump’s EPA is putting polluters and their fossil fuel profits ahead of climate—and our health, safety, prosperity, and future are at risk. Visit the link in our profile to take action!

159,423 Likes | 2078 days ago | 1,723

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We need local innovation to address plastic pollution. Watch this video about a full-cycle approach to clean the streets of Kyebando, Uganda that provides economic incentives for filling plastic bottles with trash and using these "recycled bricks" to build functional structures such as latrines and houses. Learn more at ShadowmanVan.org. @nachsonm #ShadowmanVan

312,979 Likes | 2080 days ago | 1,295

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#Regram #RG @mission_blue: Currently, the one of the most serious threats to the endangered North Atlantic right whale is death or injury from entanglement in fishing gear. Happily, this particular whale was successfully disentangled by a team of trained state and federal biologists! Photo credit to @NOAA News Archive 123110 #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #OceanOptimism #MissionBlue #SylviaEarle #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #ThinkBlue #Ocean

210,971 Likes | 2081 days ago | 1,680

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#Regram #RG @tompkins_conservation: Pumalín National Park, one of Chile’s newest national parks, encompasses 994,000 acres and protects Valdivian temperate rainforests. These wet, ancient forests extend all the way to the sea, something that is increasingly rare worldwide. The story of this park started in 1991 when Doug Tompkins purchased 42,000 acres of vulnerable forest-filled land that was at risk of logging. Today, it not only protects these forests for perpetuity but honors Doug’s legacy with his namesake: Pumalín National Park – Douglas R. Tompkins.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————— El Parque Nacional Pumalín, uno de los parques nacionales más recientes de Chile, abarca 994,000 acres y protege las selvas templadas Valdivianas. Estos antiguos bosques húmedos se extienden hasta el mar, creando un paisaje cada vez más difícil de ver en estos tiempos. La historia de este parque comienza en 1991 cuando Douglas Tompkins decide comprar 42 acres de tierra llena de bosques que corrían el riesgo de la tala. Hoy en día, no sólo protege estos bosques a perpetuidad, sino que también honra el legado de Doug con su nombre: el Parque Nacional de Pumalín - Douglas R. Tompkins. #nationalparks #conservation #wildlife

310,075 Likes | 2082 days ago | 1,480

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: Coal is a dying industry. Sustainable forestry is an industry based on life. 🌲 It is possible to create jobs AND fight climate change and we’re proud to support sustainable forestry projects that are doing just that in the heart US coal country.⁣ . We are working with landowners in the Appalachian mountains on how to plan for the forest's future in terms of generations, rather than years. 🕰 Responsible forest managers balance the needs of the environment, wildlife, and communities—supporting decent livelihoods while conserving our forests.⁣ . #RainforestAlliance #ForestsResist #ClimateChange #NoCleanCoal #CleanPowerPlan #Appalachia #SustainableForestry

165,834 Likes | 2083 days ago | 812

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#Regram #RG @unccd: Healthy source #watersheds are vital for nearly all #cities around the world. #Water funds are a proven, successful mechanism for downstream water users to fund upstream #land conservation, restoration and improved land management practice in #agriculture; in return, they help to secure improved water quality, and in some cases increased supplies. 📸 Drew Kelly/The Nature Conservancy @nature_org

317,655 Likes | 2084 days ago | 1,541

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#Regram #RG @natgeopristineseas: Last week, New Caledonia created multiple marine protected areas safeguarding 28,000 square kilometers of pristine coral reefs in the Coral Sea! 🐠

235,607 Likes | 2085 days ago | 1,296

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#Regram #RG @unfccc: In New York City, heating and electricity in buildings makes up over 70% of the city's greenhouse gas emissions. . The city has just stepped up its #climateambition with a plan that will reduce the energy consumption in the city’s largest buildings by 20% by 2030, as well as to set a framework for increasing the cuts by 40% to 60% by 2050. . The standards are a historic move that can shape building policies around the world! . #stepup2018 #climatechange

414,456 Likes | 2086 days ago | 3,210

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#Regram #RG @greenmatters: Renewable energy played a key role in this achievement, since the biggest emissions reductions were in the electricity sector. Solar power alone grew 33%, while natural gas, an energy source derived from fossil fuels, dropped by over 15%.⠀ ⠀ The California Air Resources Board reported a 13% reduction in carbon pollution since the state’s 2004 peak, even as the economy grew by 26%. The state currently boasts a “carbon intensity” — meaning the amount of carbon pollution emitted per $1 million of gross state product — that’s half the national average!⠀ ⠀ The 2030 target will require California to cut its emissions an additional 40 percent below 1990 levels, a goal that the state is calling “the most ambitious carbon goal in North America.”⠀ ⠀ #learngreen #livegreen #california #climateaction #cleanenergy #solarpower #solar #renewable #actonclimate #greenmatters

291,325 Likes | 2087 days ago | 876

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#Regram #RG @pacificstand: For our indigenous land rights photo issue, @magnumphotos photographer Stuart Franklin went to Borneo where the Malaysian government has routinely put private-sector interests and infrastructure projects ahead of the livelihoods of indigenous people. In this photo one Penan boy cuts another’s hair on the veranda of their longhouse, Long Jaik. Long Jaik is in the midst of a legal land dispute with a company that sells timber and palm oil. Longhouses act as social and political units, and often the longhouse communities are the groups that bring land-rights cases to court, or plan blockades. Experience the essay on our custom built microsite following the link in bio. Project created in partnership with @pulitzercenter Photo: Stuart Franklin

443,685 Likes | 2088 days ago | 2,181

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Experts predict that 99% of seabird species will have ingested plastic by 2050, the result of which can be death. It's time to #BreakFreeFromPlastic, before it's too late. . . 📸: Kristian Bell 📸: Unkas Photo #ocean #oceans #takeaction #birds #seabirds #plastic #plastics

324,661 Likes | 2090 days ago | 1,643

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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Photo by Ashley Crowther @ashleycrowtherorg for @everydayclimatechange: The half frozen lake at the village of Gokyo, Nepal at 4750m above sea level. The Himalayan region is the fastest warming region, excluding the arctic, on the globe due to climate change. This warming is leading to increased extreme and unfamiliar weather patterns such as little to no snowfall over the 2017/2018 winter period. And also slower paced phenomena such as glacier retreat. This region and others in the Himalayas are the source of many of Asia's great rivers that provide water for roughly 1.4 billion people. Without snow recharging glaciers and with glaciers retreating the water security for the entire Asian continent is at risk. -- -- #everydayclimatechange #climatechange #globalwarming #climatechangeisreal #himalayas #environment #southasia #nepal #photojournalism #documentaryphotography #reportagespotlight

130,171 Likes | 2091 days ago | 1,140

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#Regram #RG @africanparksnetwork: Watch: Lions, Africa’s iconic predator, have returned to the plains of Liwonde National Park in Malawi for the first time in 20 years! A total of nine lions have just been reintroduced to Liwonde (from South Africa and from Majete Wildlife Reserve also in Malawi), through a series of translocations to return the species to the park. Five additional lions were also translocated to Majete Wildlife Reserve from South Africa to increase the genetic diversity of the reserve’s pride. Lion populations have declined by over 90% over the last 100 years as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, lack of prey, human-wildlife conflict and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade. Now, fewer than 20,000 lions remain across Africa, and have gone extinct in 26 African countries. But through initiatives such as these, Malawi is providing sanctuary for wild lions and is bringing them home. This extraordinary initiative was made possible with support from the Dutch Government, the @lionrecovery, the @leonardodicapriofdn and @leonardodicaprio. The return of these lions is part of a larger predator restoration initiative for Liwonde, where cheetahs were also reintroduced last year. Since 2015, African Parks along with the DNPW have drastically reduced illegal activity; almost 31,000 wire snares have been removed, wildlife conflict has been reduced and now tourism is on the rise, positively impacting local people. Projects like these show that with determination, political will and community and donor support – we can create a better future where nature’s return benefits both people and wildlife. Click the link in our profile to read the full story.🎥 @warren_smart #AfricanParks #Lions #BigCats #Predators#LionRecovery #Malawi #Liwonde#Wildlife #NationalPark

222,987 Likes | 2092 days ago | 1,110

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Indigenous leaders from across the Amazon Basin met in Bogotá this week, and released a declaration calling for the consolidation of the biggest environmental and cultural corridor in the world to unite protected areas with indigenous territories, recover degraded areas and promote the sustainable use of the forest. Photo Credit: @cesardavidmar / @avaaz_org.

342,408 Likes | 2093 days ago | 1,103

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: Dan Kusnierz, the Water Resources Program Manager for the Penobscot Nation, collects water samples on the Penobscot River near Indian Island, Maine. —Photo by Bridget Besa.. The Nature Conservancy in partnership with an unprecedented array of partners, including the Penobscot Indian Nation, have come together to accomplish the goal of restoring the Penobscot River. This project is part of TNC’s Shared Conservation Agenda: Protecting Land & Water. #science #river #conservation #restoration #sunrise

327,578 Likes | 2094 days ago | 1,910

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Today is #WorldOrangutanDay! LDF has been actively working with @wwf, @frankfurt.zoological.society, and @theorangutanproject to permanently protect 30 Hills, home of #orangutans and the last and largest remaining block of lush, lowland tropical rainforest that earned Sumatra its name – the “Emerald of the Equator." Follow the link in bio to read more. #InternationalOrangutanDay

402,838 Likes | 2095 days ago | 1,683

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#Regram #RG @unfoundation: “Villagers of East End in the Pig Keys plant hundreds of mangrove seedlings in the wake of hurricane Mitch. The mangroves will eventually grow tall and help anchor the shoreline, offering a natural barrier to storm surges. The Caribbean islands off the coast of Honduras and their inhabitants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of #climatechange. As the waters warm, the reefs that have sustained the Garifuna people’s way of life are vanishing from bleaching. As sea levels rise, their humble homes are flooded. And as storms grow fiercer in the late summer, they live with imminent fear. Perhaps more than just a first line of defense, these seedlings symbolize hope and resiliency for a people who face the looming threats of climate change every day.” Mangroves offer a two-for-one solution to climate change by protecting coastlines and absorbing carbon dioxide. Many countries are exploring ways to conserve and restore mangroves to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. This photo was shared by @macstonephoto as part of our #EyeOnClimate challenge - a campaign dedicated to raising the profile of #climatechange solutions in the lead up to the Global Climate Action Summit, #GCAS2018. How is your #EyeOnClimate? Inspire action by sharing the climate solutions you see.

390,509 Likes | 2096 days ago | 2,262

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#Regram #RG @paulnicklen: Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve is home to the largest concentration of brown bears in the world. As many bear populations around the world decline, Katmai provides some of the few remaining unaltered habitats on Earth with bountiful and sustainable populations of wild salmon – a key food source for for these powerful and awe-inspiring creatures. Wild salmon are also the foundation of a nutrient cycle that sustains this entire ecosystem and a tourism industry built on fishing and bear watching. This all could change if the proposed Pebble Mine begins construction nearby. The millions upon millions of fish that come to the region every year to spawn, the largest sockeye salmon run in the world, will be put at risk in the pursuit of gold and copper when an entire infrastructure network of pipelines, roads, and shipping lanes take over the land. #Follow @Sea_Legacy as we take an in-depth look into this region in the upcoming months.

288,494 Likes | 2097 days ago | 1,488

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#Regram #RG @sea_legacy: Photo by @SimonAgerPhotography // Open net Atlantic salmon farms are currently in operation throughout some of the most essential and sensitive marine habitats in British Columbia. These fish farms are full of disease and pollution and have been contributing to a decline in the health of wild salmon. Wild salmon is a foundational species to the health of surrounding ecosystems and a decline in their populations affects all other species which rely on them for survival, including humans. Indigenous people have been fighting, and putting everything on the line to protect this sacred resource for decades. Starting in 2022, fish farm tenures will need to be approved by First Nation communities before they are renewed, initiating the first step in both reconciliation with these communities and protection for wild salmon. In the meantime, by sharing your voice as well as being a conscious consumer, you can help to #GetFishFarmsOut. When purchasing fish, check if it is wild salmon and talk to your vendor about where it came from. In honour of International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, let’s show support to ensure that wild salmon stocks are plentiful both now and for future generations.

286,460 Likes | 2098 days ago | 1,289

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: The best way to protect the world’s forests? Keep people in them. In countries around the world, forests have remained intact precisely because local communities had long managed them effectively. These communities often farm and harvest timber on a very small scale, but keep commercial enterprises and illegal actors out. As we’ve seen in our work in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve, if you hand forests to communities that have an incentive to keep the forest standing, and have a culture of forest-based livelihoods, it has proven to be a more effective approach to keeping the forest standing than traditional, strict protection. #rainforestalliance #followthefrog #guatemala #mayabiospherereserve #deforestation #communityforestry 📸: @sergioizquierdophoto

287,181 Likes | 2099 days ago | 1,355

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#Regram #RG @enricsala: Today, New Caledonia has announced the creation of four fully-protected marine reserves, safeguarding 28,000 square kilometers of pristine coral reefs and surrounding waters. In these lush coral reefs around the remote islands and atolls of the Coral Sea, the fish have seen few divers, and it’s the sharks - blacktips, whitetips, silvertips, gray reefs, nurse sharks, and others - that preside over the reefs, alongside numerous green turtles that nest in the protected Entrecasteaux Islands. Thank you New Caledonia for this gift to the planet. Take a look at our @natgeopristineseas expedition in collaboration with @waittfoundation, which in 2013 conducted some of the first filming and scientific surveys of these remote reefs, informing their protection - link on my profile.

229,386 Likes | 2100 days ago | 849

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by @adamfergusonphoto | Dataka Baibuke, age 18, unloads seaweed grown and harvested near Beniamina Island in the Solomon Islands, June, 2018. Dataka lives in a small community of seaweed farmers who are threatened by rising seas. The surrounding seas have risen about 7 to 10 millimeters per year since 1993, roughly three times today’s global average — and what scientists expect across much of the Pacific by the second half of this century. @adamfergusonphoto #adamfergusonphoto #globalwarming #solomonislands #risingseas #conservation

621,014 Likes | 2101 days ago | 2,900

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#Regram #RG @natgeotravel: Photo by @FransLanting One memorable evening I waded into a water hole in Botswana to capture a perfect reflection of a gathering of elephants at twilight with a rising full moon suspended in a luminous pink evening sky. The image has become a symbol for the primeval qualities of Botswana’s wilderness and the grandeur of elephants. I share it in recognition of World Elephant Day, August 12, to celebrate the majesty of elephants and to draw attention to the organizations that have forged a strong coalition aimed at reversing the poaching crisis that has decimated elephant populations almost everywhere. The @ElephantCrisisFund was established by @SaveTheElephants in partnership with @LeonardoDiCaprioFdn and @WildNetOrg. They support the right people in the right places and they are making a real difference. Check them out and lend your support so they can do even better. And follow us @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom for more intimate encounters with elephants. @ThePhotoSociety @NatGeoCreative #Elephants #Respect #Dignity #Conservation #Wonder #Naturelovers #Botswana

273,704 Likes | 2101 days ago | 1,157

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#Regram #RG @elephantcrisisfund: The most positive news for elephants in the last six months has been the final closure of ivory markets in China and the decision to close the Hong Kong markets over a five-year period. But that doesn’t mean the Ivory Crisis is over. Although the tide is slowly turning, much more needs to be done. A combination of visionary support, collaboration between governments and NGOs and an integrated approach is helping but we still have a long way to go in our struggle to save elephants. As we celebrate World Elephant Day, read how our valiant partners are battling the ivory crisis across Africa and Asia in our new ECF report out today by clicking on the link in the bio. Cover photo: @acsafaris #ivorycrisis #worldelephantday #elephantcrisisfund

353,756 Likes | 2102 days ago | 1,890

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Photo by @FransLanting The bald eagle is a direct beneficiary of the Endangered Species Act. America’s national bird has made a dramatic comeback as a result of the protection it gained under what many people have called the most significant legislation ever passed to protect wildlife. But now the Endangered Species Act is being reviewed in Washington DC for amendments that may significantly undermine its effectiveness to protect other species as well as it did for the bald eagle. That would be a tragedy; for eagles and for us. But it’s not a done deal yet. If you care about this, please inform yourself and support the organizations who are as vigilant as eagles to protect our wildlife. And follow @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom to learn more about the plight of wildlife around the world. @world_wildlife @nrdc_org @defendersofwildlife @sierraclub @leonardodicaprio @thephotosociety @natgeotravel @natgeocreative #endangered #eagle #conservation #wildlife

167,303 Likes | 2103 days ago | 1,181

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: This #WorldLionDay marks the one-year anniversary of the Lion Recovery Fund, which was created by @wildnetorg in partnership with the @leonardodicapriofdn. As we look back over this groundbreaking year, we know that recovery IS possible. Your support has equipped us to fund 28 conservation projects from 20 organizations across 14 countries! Check out the link in our bio to learn more about the dynamic efforts that will bring lions roaring back. Will you join us in this journey to #savelions?

177,230 Likes | 2104 days ago | 785

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: Today on #IndigenousDay, LDF is proud to feature our #IndigenousRights Program. LDF actively supports Indigenous communities who are on the front lines defending their lands, water, people and culture from mounting pressures. This includes Indigenous-led projects to map and monitor native territories, defend land rights, develop sustainable livelihoods, and promote public advocacy efforts. Follow the link in bio to read more about these projects. - Photo courtesy of @amazonfrontlines

403,559 Likes | 2105 days ago | 2,553

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#Regram #RG @nytimes: From @nytmag | In March, Geophysical Research Letters reported that the western part of #Greenland’s ice sheet is melting at its fastest rate in at least 450 years. Some scientists believe that the Arctic hasn’t seen ice melt similar to this in 5,000 years. If the ice sheet melts entirely, sea levels would rise 20 feet, leaving Lower Manhattan underwater. Jason Gulley, a geologist, and Celia Trunz, a PhD student in geology, have been conducting meltwater research by releasing a fluorescent red dye to determine how and why more rivers form on the surface of the ice sheet and what will happen as a result of these new rivers. So far, they’ve found that the rivers lubricate the ice slab, making the sheets move faster toward the coasts — which could cause even more icebergs to calve into the ocean. @geosteinmetz took this #aerialphoto in Greenland while on assignment for @nytmag. This week's issue of the magazine is an unusual one, with just a single story, by Nathaniel Rich: Humans almost saved the planet from #climatechange 30 years ago. Visit the link in our profile to read about how we failed.

159,784 Likes | 2106 days ago | 1,160

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: The Waorani people have a message for the world:⠀ ⠀ “We are a rainforest people, who live far away from roads. We hunt, fish and grow our food, and we heal ourselves with plant medicines. In the coming months, the Ecuadorian Government plans to sell our land to the oil companies. If we don’t act now, our rainforest homeland - where we have lived for thousands of years - will be put on auction and sold to the highest-bidder.”⠀ ⠀ Amazon Frontlines is supporting the Waorani in the defense of their lands and lives. Join us by donating to #WaoraniResistance today: link in bio.⠀ ⠀ #amazon #amazonlife#AmazonRainforest #indigenousrights #indigenousresilience#indigenousrising#forestguardians #resistance#indigenousresistance#climatechange#climatejustice #humanrights

328,793 Likes | 2108 days ago | 1,523

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#Regram #RG @UNFoundation: Kayapo, Brazil @CristinaMittermeier / “A young Kayapo woman carries her baby in the forest. The people of the village of Kubenkrajke are raised to believe that that if they are good to the forest and the river, they will be provided with everything they need to sustain themselves. The Kayapo people live across 46 villages in the southeastern Amazon region of Brazil. Despite threats from deforestation, they have protected over 10 million hectares of rainforests and savannahs. Stopping deforestation is vital for sustaining livelihoods, protecting biodiversity and mitigating climate change. And indigenous people have an essential role to play. @UN’s REDD+ programme aims to safeguard forests globally, by helping developing countries reduce emissions from forested lands and invest in sustainable development. The programme is working to ensure that indigenous voices are heard in this decision-making.”. This photo was shared by National Geographic photographer & @Sea_Legacy founder @CristinaMittermeier, as part of our #EyeOnClimate challenge - a campaign dedicated to raising the profile of climate change solutions in the lead up to the Global Climate Action Summit, #GCAS2018.. How is your #EyeOnClimate? Inspire action by sharing the climate solutions you see. unfoundation....#climateaction #climatechange #SDGs #GlobalGoals #SDG13 #GlobalGoal13 #Brazil #indigenouswomen #deforestation #indigenouspeople #rainforest #kayapo #amazonrainforest

282,479 Likes | 2109 days ago | 1,241

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Niassa National Reserve in Mozambique is one of the last great wild places on Earth and one of the remaining strongholds for the African lion. Lions are disappearing in Africa, so every remaining stronghold for these iconic big cats—like Niassa—are crucial for their conservation. @niassalionproject (NLP) is protecting lions in this area through conservation efforts that focus on lions AND people. By working closely with community members, government officials, reserve management team, and tourism operators, NLP is working to build a sustainable lion-friendly community. Photo: @susankmcconnell #bigcatsofinstagram #lions #africa #lionrecovery #conservation

216,404 Likes | 2110 days ago | 1,827

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Great news! In a big win for the vaquita, the U.S. Court of International Trade sided with NRDC, the Animal Welfare Institute, and the Center for Biological Diversity, and ordered the Trump administration to ban Mexican seafood imports caught with gillnets. Gillnets are the primary threat to the tiny porpoise, and with as few as 15 vaquitas left in the wild, the action comes not a minute too soon. Learn more about this victory in our profile link!

355,151 Likes | 2111 days ago | 2,800

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#Regram #RG @StuartPalley: The Cranston Fire last night shortly after dusk, on assignment for the @latimes. Feeling pretty gutted today about the news from the Carr Fire in Redding where dozens of homes are reported lost and two confirmed firefighter fatalities after the fire created a rotating convective column and possibly unleashed hurricane force winds on the western part of town. Primary reports I received from firefighters and photographers on the ground indicate a literal wall of fire that hit the town last night forcing a retreat focused on saving lives. More high temperatures, low humidities, and winds are predicted for later today at the Carr Fire and the Cranston Fire is facing high temps as well. I’m staying local for the #cranstonfire and monitoring new starts, but thinking of everyone affected by the fires in North Ops and for the firefighters running on little sleep. We are in your debt. @latimesphotos #cafire #calfire #usfs #longexposure #terraflamma #documentary #climate #fire #mountains #summer #us #la #socal #ca #forest @ericmarshfoundationwildland @wffoundation

335,071 Likes | 2112 days ago | 1,995

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: 🐝 There is something about the buzz of bees, that calms the nerves, and reassures the soul. ⁣Because bees are the sole pollinators for a wide variety of plants around the world, and are a critical catalyst in global food production, the natural world would look, sound, and taste like a much different place if they went extinct. Many of our most popular foods would disappear—among them chocolate, apples, tomatoes, and almonds.⁣ We don't want to live in a world where bees no longer exist. That's why we are proud of the sustainable farming methods used on Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. They support the biodiversity that is essential to humans, and the survival of bees too. Visit the link in our bio, to watch our video featuring an incredible husband and wife apiarist/activist team. They are part of a growing movement working to save bees from the global crisis of colony collapse, and have an inspiring story for us all.⁣ Photo by @sergioizquierdophoto ⁣#RainforestAlliance #FollowTheFrog #SaveTheBees #sustainableagriculutire #beekeeping

203,087 Likes | 2113 days ago | 1,263

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#Regram #RG @virunganationalpark: On #WorldRangerDay we celebrate the amazing conservation work of park rangers worldwide. We are so proud of the efforts of our own staff, who continue to show such dedication and resilience, despite the dangers they face in protecting the communities and natural landscapes of Africa’s oldest national park. To support their work, click the link in our bio. #virunga #virunganationalpark #conservation #drc #rdc

383,242 Likes | 2115 days ago | 2,013

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This #GlobalTigerDay, help @world_wildlife and @leonardodicapriofdn save tigers across their habitat — from India and Indonesia all the way to the Russian Far East. Link in bio to learn more.

301,371 Likes | 2116 days ago | 1,578

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photograph by @cristinamittermeier // The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo remains steadfast in opening up parts of Virunga and Salonga National Parks, two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, for oil exploration and drilling. Virunga, Africa’s oldest national park, is one of the world’s most biologically diverse areas and is home to over half of the global population of critically endangered mountain gorillas. Similar in merit, Salonga protects several endemic endangered species and covers a significant part of the Congo Basin, the world’s second-largest rainforest after the Amazon. Allowing drilling in these parks produces nothing positive; large amounts of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere; biodiversity in the area will be lost; endangered species will be put at significant risk; the livelihoods of thousands of traditional farmers and fishermen who rely on unpolluted lands and water will be in peril. #FollowMe at @CristinaMittermier for more photography that helps mend the plight of our planet by sparking dialogues on conservation. #Wildlife #Endangered #Conservation #Gorilla #Oil #Nature

299,292 Likes | 2117 days ago | 3,631

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The Trump Administration failed to meet the court order to reunify all the families separated at the border by July 26. Watch this short video featuring @MarkRuffalo, @Common, parents and children at the border, and humanitarian workers about how kids are still being kept in cages, and parents are being forced to pay thousands of dollars to get them back. Click the link in bio to watch the full video and find out how you can make a difference at ReunifyFamilies.org.

185,504 Likes | 2118 days ago | 1,017

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#Regram #RG @world_wildlife: Mangroves are one of the Earth’s most critical ecosystems. They buffer coasts from storm surges, serve as vital habitat for untold marine and terrestrial species, and provide food and livelihoods for local communities. While these ecosystems cover just 0.1% of Earth’s land surface, they’re a powerful tool against climate change, storing more carbon per hectare than any other type of forest. Fifty percent of the world’s mangroves have disappeared in the past half-century. WWF is collaborating in the Global Mangrove Alliance to support projects that reverse the ongoing loss of critically important mangroves. Follow the link in our bio to learn more about saving mangroves.

349,610 Likes | 2119 days ago | 1,446

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Great report from @leonardodicapriofdn grantee @eyesontheforest as they revealed how palm oil illegally grown inside protected forests in Sumatra – including in the Thirty Hills landscape, home to critically endangered elephants, orangutans and tigers – appears to enter the supply chains of the biggest palm oil producers in Indonesia, eventually filtering its way down into everyday products. Link in bio to learn more.

307,378 Likes | 2120 days ago | 1,474

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#Regram #RG @AfricanParksNetwork: Continued hope for the protection of Zambia’s national parks and wildlife as the Government steps up partnerships with conservation organisations. We commend the Zambian Government as they commit to increasing wildlife conservation efforts in the country to enhance capacity and transfer knowledge, skills and technology. African Parks has partnered with the Government of Zambia and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife since 2003 and has experienced the benefit of these partnerships first hand as we have achieved remarkable results in both @liuwaplainnationalpark and Bangweulu Wetlands, which have been under our management since 2003 and 2008 respectively. Wildlife populations have increased, communities are thriving and tourism is flourishing. However, this would not have been possible without the support of the local communities and wildlife authority. We thank them for their commitment to conservation in Zambia, signalling a brighter future for all that live in these areas. Click the link in the bio to learn more. Photo: @lorenzfischer.photo #AfricanParks #Liuwa #Bangweulu #nature #travel #safari #africa #wanderlust #zambia

603,078 Likes | 2122 days ago | 8,314

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#Regram #RG @algore: Most of us are feeling extreme heat this summer. I’m worried that 2018 will add to the concerning trend where 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have occurred since 2001. Nearly every continent has experienced multiple record breaking heat events this year. This cannot become a new normal. We must use our voice and our votes to solve the climate crisis.

237,574 Likes | 2124 days ago | 1,319

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#Regram #RG @elephantcrisisfund: Our partner, @biglifeafrica, has shared the news that in 2017 its surveillance unit assisted @kenyawildlifeservice (KWS) to confiscate one ton of ivory (2,000 pounds). The ECF supported development of this unit. Although these confiscations are a positive indication that Big Life and KWS are successfully targeting the ivory supply chain, they are a sad reminder that elephants continue to be killed for their tusks. #elephantcrisisfund #Amboseli #Kenya #BigLifeFoundation #antitrafficking. Photo: Axel Fassio

320,725 Likes | 2125 days ago | 2,148

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#Regram #RG @UNFoundation: "The Maasai family, a few kilometers in the bush from Terraat, Simanjiro Region, Tanzania. Since the national grid can't reach these villages, electricity in the 'boma' (small hut) is supplied by a PV panel and Mobisol system, which charges three mobile phones, two radios, and one rechargeable torch. The phones allow the family to stay in contact as they search for places to graze their cattle.” Globally, nearly 1 billion people still lack access to electricity. Off-grid solar energy systems like this one play a crucial role in improving lives while helping to reduce carbon emissions that cause climate change. At the High-level Political Forum #HLPF this week, countries will review progress on access to sustainable energy among other #GlobalGoals.This photo was shared by @marcogarofalophoto as part of our #EyeOnClimate challenge - a campaign dedicated to raising the profile of climate change solutions in the lead up to the Global Climate Action Summit, #GCAS2018. How is your #EyeOnClimate? Inspire action by sharing the climate solutions you see.

473,695 Likes | 2126 days ago | 1,689

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions are an 'umbrella species'—investing in their conservation protects habitats and all of the species living inside those habitats. YOU can help us in this work of turning landscapes into lionscapes at lionrecoveryfund.org (link in bio). Photo: John McCormack #lions #bigcatsofinstagram #africa #conservative #wildlife #wildlifeconservation

246,915 Likes | 2127 days ago | 1,687

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#Regram #RG @lonelywhale: Today, we're proud to introduce our collaborative campaign with @bacardilimited1862 to remove 1 billion single-use plastic straws by the year 2020. Join us, together we will make sure #TheFutureDoesntSuck 👉 thefuturedoesntsuck.org #1BillionBy2020 #StrawlessOcean#GoodSpirited

331,699 Likes | 2129 days ago | 1,663

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#Regram #RG @unccd: A significant proportion of managed and natural ecosystems are degrading: over the last two decades, approximately 20 per cent of the #Earth’s vegetated surface shows persistent declining trends in productivity, mainly as a result of land/water use and management practices. #LandDegradation #Desertification #TakeAction #MakeDifference #BePartOfTheSolution #ActOnClimateChange #SLM #LandDegradationNeutrality #SDG #GlobalGoals #SDG15 #UnitedNations 🌐

162,130 Likes | 2131 days ago | 764

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#Regram #RG @leonardodicapriofdn: LDF is grateful for the support of Jackson Family Wines and @JuliaKJackson, leaders in the wine industry for renewables, on the installation at @LACMA of @johngerrard.inst’s Solar Reserve as part of our art and environment series curated by @sfaadvisory. #LACMA #solarreserve Photo credit: Stefanie Keenan

315,172 Likes | 2132 days ago | 1,430

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#Regram #RG @africanparksnetwork: Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve has had a difficult past. Decades of poaching and lawlessness saw a previously productive 1,800 km2 reserve with 1,500 elephants in the 1990’s reduced to fewer than 100 individuals. Game animals were hunted out. Nkhotakota had become an empty Reserve. With wildlife practically gone, there was no reason to visit Nkhotakota, no revenue, no productivity, and little to no value for the surrounding communities. But African Parks had a different vision for the most extensive remaining wild landscape in Malawi, one that included bringing it back to life. Upon assuming management in 2015, we immediately began preparing Nkhotakota for one of the world’s largest wildlife translocations. By August 2017, over a two-year period, the park received almost 500 elephants and 2,000 other animals. Poaching has been dramatically reduced through the presence of a well-trained and equipped ranger team, tourism has begun to increase, and the birth of new calves born in the park from the 2016 translocated elephants has already been documented. Extreme measures were taken to restore this landscape, and it was an extraordinary collaboration between the Government of Malawi, our donors and the team in Nkhotakota. It is early days, but in only two short years, already this park symbolises possibility and what nature can do with our help if only given the chance. Read the full story by clicking the link in the bio. 📷 @frankweitzer _________________________________________⠀ Our work in Nkhotakota would not be possible without the support of our key partners: the DNPW, @postcodeloterij , @peoplespostcodelottery , Stichting Dioraphte, the Wyss Foundation and WWF-Belguim.⠀ ⠀ #AfricanParks #AnnualReport #Restoration #NaturesReturn #Nkhotakota #Malawi ⠀

134,612 Likes | 2134 days ago | 1,631

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#Regram #RG @defendersofwildlife: A rule change would spell disaster for red wolves. Visit our red wolf action page to learn more & see what you can do to help. (Link in bio). #redwolves #wolves #StopExtinction #DefendersofWildlife #naturephotography #naturelovers #natureonly #natureshots #naturegram #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeaddicts #animals #animallovers #animallover #animalsofinstagram #instaanimal #animalsofig

222,097 Likes | 2135 days ago | 3,302

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Great news for our oceans! Today, #Starbucks announced plans to eliminate plastic straws from its 28,000 stores worldwide! Starbucks distributes more than 1 billion straws a year, so this news is a great step in breaking free from plastic. Learn more about plastic in our oceans, and how you can #BreakFreeFromPlastic, by following the link in our bio. . . . 🎥: Shutterstock #ocean #oceans #plastic #plastics #straws #stopsucking

349,348 Likes | 2136 days ago | 1,667

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Proud to have had a role in producing the upcoming documentary, #Vaquita - Sea Of Ghosts, out early next year. Stay tuned for details. Copyright: Terra Mater Factual Studios

226,957 Likes | 2137 days ago | 1,337

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The #vaquita is the world's smallest and most endangered porpoise, and scientists estimate there’s fewer than 30 of them left on Earth. This International #SavetheVaquita Day, help @LeonardoDiCaprioFdn and @NRDC_ORG fight to protect the vaquita before we lose them forever. Follow the link in bio to learn more.

307,540 Likes | 2139 days ago | 1,670

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: Bees are nature's unsung heroes. 🐝 Not only is their honey delicious and medicinal, but their pollinating prowess makes them essential to the circle of life. In fact, about 75% of the world's food crops depend on bees and other pollinators. Conventional agriculture practices—including the overuse of agrochemicals and habitat destruction—are killing off bee populations around the world, bringing us closer to the brink of a pollination crisis. Yet there is reason for hope; sustainable farming methods used on Rainforest Alliance Certified farms support the biodiversity that is essential to bees, and to humans too. For communities we work with in Guatemala's Petén region, honey production provides an economic alternative, beyond sustainable timber harvesting, that allows them to earn money and conserve their forests at the same time. Photo by @sergioizquierdophoto #sustainability #rainforestalliance #honeyproduction #reforestation #natureconservation

134,628 Likes | 2141 days ago | 1,453

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#Regram #RG @wwf: Great news! Belize is now OFF the @UNESCO in danger list😀👏This was made possible by your continuous support and the collective effort of the Belize coalition. . #DYK that over 11 million people living in and near #WorldHeritage sites depend on them for food, water, medicine and jobs? World Heritage sites belong to all of us, and we must continue to play our part to protect them. #SaveOurHeritage

487,535 Likes | 2143 days ago | 2,743

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We produced the documentary, @VirungaMovie, a few years ago to raise awareness about the need to protect the last mountain gorillas. Recent news on oil threats remind us of the need to remain vigilant in protecting Virunga. @VirungaNationalPark has worked hard to build economic alternatives to oil for the local communities. Any decommissioning of the park would destroy that work, create more environmental damage and threaten the endangered mountain gorillas. Click on the link in bio to find out how you can help. Photo Credit: @sachsel

310,261 Likes | 2145 days ago | 1,695

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#Regram #RG @africanparksnetwork: Nature is being restored across the 15 parks we currently manage across Africa. Our 2017 Annual Report features the range of interventions currently underway, from extreme species translocations and reintroductions to providing security to create safer spaces for both humans and wildlife. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing the stories of these remarkable parks, starting with the first park we assumed management of in 2003, and one of our greatest conservation successes. Over just 14 years, Majete has transformed from a once-empty forest with no employment or tourism and only a few remaining antelope within its perimeter, to a productive and flourishing haven for Africa's most iconic wildlife, generating revenue and benefits for local communities. Decades of lawlessness and poaching had seen the reserve’s wildlife completely eradicated by the 1990s. This all changed in 2003, when African Parks assumed management of Majete, the first park to enter our portfolio. We immediately began to revive the park through a series of species reintroductions. Today, Majete is flourishing, so much so that wildlife is being moved to populate other parks and private reserves within the country. We've maintained a 14-year track record of zero poaching of rhinos and elephants since their introduction; and tourism has increased 14 percent from last year, with over 9,000 visitors, half of whom were Malawian nationals bringing in over US$550,000 to the reserve and communities. Majete is a tale of a park rising from the ashes – living proof of how a park deemed to be a wasteland can be revived and restored and serve as a life-source for wildlife and humans alike. Read the full story by clicking the link in the bio. Photo @pedromcbride ### African Parks success and ability to restore these areas could not have been achieved without the support of our partners: the DNPW, The Wyss Foundation, @wwfbelgium , the @postcodeloterij and the @peoplespostcod

2,193,554 Likes | 2147 days ago | 41,874

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First look. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

244,833 Likes | 2148 days ago | 1,342

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: For Waorani women living along the Via Maxus oil road in Yasuni National Park, the day begins at the crack of dawn, young children in tow and empty buckets in hand, as they wait in the morning mist for the oil company bus that will take them 1 hour up the road to the oil station. There, the company fills their buckets with potable water and the women haul the heavy buckets home. This sequence is repeated again in the afternoon. Every day. These women can no longer collect drinking water from nearby streams, as oil companies polluted the streams over the last three decades. ⠀ ⠀ Now, we are working alongside Waorani technicians to install rainwater catchment systems that will provide these families with filtered drinking water right next to their homes, improving families' health and reducing their dependency on the oil company. ⠀ ⠀ Interested in supporting this vital work? Follow the link in our bio today to help build solutions to oil pollution in the Amazon. ⠀ ⠀ #LessOilMoreWater #waoraniresistance

240,679 Likes | 2150 days ago | 977

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#Regram #RG @algore: It makes me happy when I see evidence that @ClimateReality trainings may be helping to empower inspiring young leaders to make positive change. At only 16 years of age, Climate Reality Leader @Jamie_s_Margolin is leading #ThisIsZeroHour, a youth climate movement helping activists and organizers to take concrete action to address the climate crisis. On July 21, the group will march in Washington, DC to push our leaders to act on climate. http://bit.ly/Zero-Hour

522,017 Likes | 2151 days ago | 2,060

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: The Niokolo-Kobo National Park holds the last remaining population of lions in Senegal with less than 100 lions. Although the species is at dire risk of going extinct in the country, there is hope. With elevated management and law enforcement presence in Niokolo-Koba, the park has the potential of maintaining a population of hundreds of lions. @pantheracats, a grantee of LRF, is working to establish a 656 square mile secure zone—slightly larger than the size of Hong Kong—in the park with plans to gradually expand this zone. #lions #big cats #lionrecovery #wildlifeconservation Photo Credit: Susan McConnell

472,405 Likes | 2152 days ago | 2,264

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#Regram #RG @unccd: Planting a tree is just the first step to achieve #landdegradationneutrality. Did you know that restoring degraded lands reduces inequality and conflict in countries affected? 🌳🌱🌷🤩 #isnotjustatree #climateaction #greenearth #peace #equality #happiness

233,821 Likes | 2157 days ago | 1,326

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#Regram #RG @conservationorg: Called the “Fitbit for the oceans,” the Ocean Health Index assess ocean health on a local and regional scale. And for the very first time a score has been indexed for Hawaii. . For the people of Hawaii, there is a deep-rooted spiritual, physical and emotional connection to the ocean. When the ocean thrives, the people thrive. The Hawaii Ocean Health Index, built on cultural, economic and ecological values, is the first assessment of its kind to give a more complete picture of ocean health regionally, measuring the benefits our oceans can provide now and into the future. This data sets the stage for a new normal when it comes to safeguarding oceans and coastal environments around the world.

383,374 Likes | 2159 days ago | 2,406

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Great news from @leonardodicapriofdn and Tompkins Conservation’s rewilding project. #Regram #RG @tompkins_conservation: A new generation of jaguars is born in Iberá for the first time in decades! Meet the newest additions to Iberá Park in Corrientes, Argentina. These two tiny cubs are the first newborns of our jaguar reintroduction program at Iberá Park and represent the future of their species in the region. The jaguar is the largest feline in the Americas and is currently in critical danger of extinction in Argentina, after having lost 95% of its original distribution. To help avoid the extinction of this species in Argentina, our team has been working urgently in recent years to help bring back jaguar to their native range in the northeastern wetlands of Argentina. The arrival of these cubs marks a historic moment for our rewilding work and for conservation. // ¡Por primera vez en décadas una nueva generación de jaguares nace en el Parque Iberá! Estos dos pequeños cachorros son los primeros recién nacidos de nuestro programa de reintroducción de jaguares en el Parque Iberá y representan el futuro de sus especies en la región. El jaguar es el felino más grande de América y actualmente se encuentra en grave peligro de extinción en Argentina, luego de haber perdido el 95% de su distribución original. Para ayudar a evitar la extinción de esta especie en Argentina, nuestro equipo ha estado trabajando intensamente en los últimos años para ayudar a traer al jaguar a su rango nativo en los humedales del noreste de Argentina. La llegada de estos cachorros marca un momento histórico para nuestro trabajo de conservación. #nationalparks #conservation #wildlife #rewilding

203,215 Likes | 2160 days ago | 892

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Not a single marine mammal has gone extinct in U.S. waters since the Marine Mammal Protection Act was enacted 45 years ago, yet anti-wildlife members of Congress are still threatening to gut it. NRDC won’t let that happen. Our oceans team works hard to protect and strengthen the MMPA, to help these important species recover, and to prevent the endangerment of others. #WorldOceansWeek

344,164 Likes | 2162 days ago | 1,498

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@LeonardoDiCaprioFdn is partnering with Porky Hefer on this project that uses eco-friendly art to bring attention to the issues impacting wildlife. Thank you to @SFAAdvisory and @southernguildgallery for bringing South African artist, Porky Hefer’s work to @DesignMiami/ Basel. Learn more about Porky’s work benefiting LDF’s mission to protect these endangered species. Courtesy of Southern Guild, photos by Antonia Steyn

249,231 Likes | 2163 days ago | 756

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#Regram #RG @ca_waterkeepers: A watershed moment for our Waterkeepers. Vanity Fair features our work as “aquatic superheroes,” who defend clean water from Trump and Pruitt. Check out the magazine on newsstands now and 🔗 in bio.💧 • Photo @danielmanssonphotography @vanityfair @vfphoto. Special thanks @runronrun • #Waterkeepers #BlueResistance #WorldOceansDay #VanityFair

487,834 Likes | 2164 days ago | 1,718

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#Regram #RG @thewcs: Tropical forests are in trouble. Right now, habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to the future of elephants, tigers, and countless other species. The Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA) is an important tool to help combat it. TFCA agreements have saved more than 67 million acres of forest in Botswana, Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, and many other countries. Bipartisan legislation has been introduced that would ensure this program continues, and even expands to protect more areas. If you’re in the U.S., contact your senators via the link in our bio and urge them to support it. . . #asia #forest #elephants #asianelephants #tropicalforests #senate #legislation #speakup #actnow #conservation #habitatloss

164,925 Likes | 2166 days ago | 1,085

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This #WorldOceansDay, @LeonardoDiCaprioFdn partner, Global Fishing Watch is helping bring transparency to global fishing, supporting efforts to improve monitoring and enforcement to stop illegal fishing. globalfishingwatch.org/map

171,105 Likes | 2167 days ago | 640

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#Regram #RG @sierraclub: Over 100 people rallied in Anchorage, Alaska this past Wednesday to oppose drilling in the Arctic Refuge. @mypubliclands is taking comments on its plan only until June 19th -- make sure to add yours at sc.org/Arctic #DefendTheSacredAK #ProtectTheArctic #StandWithTheGwichin

179,763 Likes | 2168 days ago | 1,049

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#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photograph by @enricsala The high seas - marine waters beyond any country’s jurisdiction - cover 64 percent of the ocean’s surface, and are dominated by a handful of fishing countries that reap the biggest benefits of fishing in these global commons. The main types of fishing in the high seas target tuna (like the yellowfin in the photo), sharks, squid, krill, and deep bottom-dwelling fish. But do these countries really benefit from that distant fishing? And who does? A new @natgeopristineseas study reveals that, without large government subsidies, fishing in more than half of the current high seas fishing grounds would be unprofitable. In fact, on aggregate, subsidies to high seas fishing (more than $4 billion per year) are more than twice larger than the profits. These results support the idea of eliminating subsidies that perpetuate overfishing and destruction of the marine environment. For a bolder proposal for conservation of the high seas, watch Enric Sala's TED talk (link at @enricsala profile) @natgeo @globalfishingwatch #highseas

205,880 Likes | 2169 days ago | 1,428

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#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: In February, despite massive protests by indigenous Amazonians, the Ecuadorian government announced the auction of 16 new oil blocks in the Amazon, covering nearly 7 million acres of roadless, primary rainforest. Block 22 overlaps the legal territory of 18 Waorani communities. All 18 communities are united in resistance and launched a global campaign last week in opposition to oil extraction on indigenous lands. They have drafted a petition to oil companies telling them not to bid on Oil Block 22. Their lands are not for sale. ⠀ ⠀ Support the Waorani and help defend the Amazon. Sign the global petition petition telling oil companies that Waorani land, the most biodiverse rainforest on Earth, is not for sale! ⠀ ⠀ Link in Bio. ⠀ ⠀ #WaoraniResistance #resistenciawaorani

577,948 Likes | 2173 days ago | 2,475

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Exactly a year ago, President Trump vowed to withdraw U.S. participation from the 2015 Paris climate agreement. Fortunately, leaders across the country have rejected Trump’s call to walk away from the promise of Paris. That’s why we are proud to join @BloombergDotOrg in announcing the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge: which calls on America’s mayors to lead the way in tackling climate change and join the #WeAreStillIn pledge. Learn more in our profile link.

580,979 Likes | 2174 days ago | 2,149

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#Regram #RG @oceanconservancy: The way all our ocean’s beaches should look 💙 Click the link in our bio to learn about and join our 2018 International Coastal Cleanup and make sure more and more shorelines look like this beautiful photo by @adventures_ofjess! 🌊

277,094 Likes | 2175 days ago | 4,053

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#Regram #RG @everytown: Too many voices have been silenced; ours don’t have to be. On June 1, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, #WearOrange, a color so loud it can’t be ignored. Text ORANGE to 644-33 to find a Wear Orange Weekend event near you.

526,950 Likes | 2176 days ago | 2,371

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#Regram #RG @oceana: TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Right now, Secretary Zinke is working to destroy vital protections for the #Arctic Ocean and the beluga whales that depend on it. Dangerous new oil and gas exploration activities in the Arctic’s Beaufort Sea would effectively sabotage belugas’ ability to communicate and survive. It’s on us to protect these highly sociable marine mammals from President Trump’s catastrophic offshore drilling plans. Click the link in our bio to make your voice heard before the May 30th comment deadline. #ProtectOurCoast . . . Photo Credit: Vicki Beaver (NSB) #ocean #whale #whales #trump #takeaction

298,259 Likes | 2178 days ago | 1,674

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#Regram #RG @unfoundation: Powering the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan is the largest solar plant ever built in a refugee camp. The size of 33 soccer fields, the plant provides 12 to 14 hours of power per day. Before the solar plant, energy was expensive and less reliable, with families only able to use electricity for 6-8 hours a day. . The benefits of the solar plant are far-reaching: allowing children to study at night, families to more safely walk in the camp, food to stay fresh longer, and more. It also cuts carbon emissions (the equivalent of 30,000 barrels of oil) and energy costs, saving the @UnitedNations half a million U.S. dollars per month. The solar plant also creates job opportunities by employing Syrian refugees who live in Za’atari. . This green technology is run by @Refugees, dedicated to building better futures for the millions forced from home. . . . #WithRefugees #GlobalGoals #SDGs #SolarPower . Photo credit: @stuartramson/ UN Foundation

134,927 Likes | 2180 days ago | 1,299

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What does indigenous resistance on the frontlines of oil expansion in the Amazon look like? The Waorani people are showing the world. Watch this video about the Waorani’s movement to protect their rainforest territory from destruction at the hands of the oil industry and then sign the petition telling the oil companies that the most biodiverse place on Earth is not for sale. Link in bio. #WaoraniResistance #ResistenciaWaoran i#Keepitintheground #NoBlock22 #IndigenousRights #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #directaction #deforestation #environmentaljustice #forests #Amazon #rainforest

535,658 Likes | 2181 days ago | 2,270

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#Regram #RG @conservationorg: With a responsibility for 10% of the world’s ocean surface, 23 Pacific countries and territories came together to form the Pacific Oceanscape. This framework was put in place in order to protect, manage and sustain the Pacific Ocean’s cultural and natural integrity. Here at @ConservationOrg, we work hand-in-hand with these communities and governments across the #Pacific to conserve critical habitats in the region, including islands, coasts and the open #ocean.

196,573 Likes | 2182 days ago | 1,275

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If we don’t act now, oil companies will continue to push deeper and deeper into the most biodiverse rainforest on Earth, threatening one of our planet’s most important defenses against climate change and the indigenous peoples who have lived there for millennia. The Waorani people, guardians of this ancient forest, are united in resistance. Stand with them by signing their declaration that their rainforest is not for sale. Link in bio. #WaoraniResistance #ResistenciaWaorani #Keepitintheground #NoBlock22 #IndigenousRights #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #directaction #deforestation #environmentaljustice #forests #Amazon #rainforest

107,082 Likes | 2183 days ago | 545

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#Regram #RG @unbiodiversity: Happy #IntlBiodiversityDay everyone!! This year's theme marks 25 years of safeguarding life on Earth🌍💚 . For the past 25 years, Parties to @UNBiodiversity have been undertaking actions to conserve biodiversity, use it sustainably, and equitably share the benefits from the use of genetic resources. Working hard for a better world! #Biodiversity25Years #IDB2018 More info: www.cbd.int/idb/2018

782,891 Likes | 2183 days ago | 11,401

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We must protect this planet and the incredible species that live here.

381,471 Likes | 2183 days ago | 1,788

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Proud of the great work from the @leonardodicapriofdn and Wildlife Conservation Network initiative, @LionRecovery Fund (LRF). They recently announced six new grants in key lion sites across Africa. Each of these projects shows there is hope for lions to recover. Link in bio to learn about the different projects. Photo Credit: Susan McConnell

446,611 Likes | 2188 days ago | 2,087

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#Regram #RG @oceana: Opening the floodgates to dirty and dangerous offshore drilling is a catastrophe waiting to happen for marine life, coastal communities and our oceans. President Trump’s radical offshore drilling plan puts oil industry priorities ahead of people, ignoring widespread local and state opposition. SPEAK UP! Tell President Trump and Secretary Zinke: No new offshore drilling before our oceans, marine life and communities pay the ultimate price. (Link in bio) #ProtectOurCoast . . . 📸: Shutterstock #whale #whales #ocean #takeaction

285,081 Likes | 2189 days ago | 1,446

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#Regram #RG @conservationorg: A new bill in #Hawaii looks ban companies from selling #sunscreen with two chemicals that damage #coral #reefs. The bill would make Hawaii the first state in the U.S. to enact legislation designed to protect marine #ecosystems by banning sunscreens with such chemicals.

420,195 Likes | 2190 days ago | 1,793

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#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: Lions can benefit people! The tourism industry in Africa is already worth a staggering USD34 billion per year and is set to expand with growing global demand among the world’s public to see species such as lions. Many African countries are currently overly dependent on commodities or agriculture, and nature-based tourism can diversify and grow economies. However, the potential of the tourism industry will ONLY be realised if much greater investment is made in protecting the assets on which it depends. This means more funding for the protection of lions and other wildlife, and for the management of the wilderness areas on which they depend. Perspective from LRF Director, @petelindseyafrica Photo by @neilmidlane #tourism #phototourism #ruraldevelopment #economicgrowth #economicdiversification #sustainabledevelopment #lions #bigcatsofinstagram #lionrecovery #africanconservation #jobcreation #peopleandwildlife #ecotourism

356,019 Likes | 2192 days ago | 1,938

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#Regram #RG @world_wildlife: Results from the largest ever research study of gorillas and chimpanzees in Western Equatorial Africa show population numbers higher than first believed. The bad news is that 80% of these great apes live outside of protected areas. To save them we must address their greatest threats: poaching, illegal logging, and habitat destruction. You can read more about the study by following the link in our bio.

234,499 Likes | 2194 days ago | 1,213

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: Together, we can #BeatPlasticPollution. Join a clean-up or start your own for #WorldEnvironmentDay 🌍🌏🌎 on 5 June - registration link in our bio ⬆️⬆️⬆️ #BeatPollution #CleanSeas 📷 @cyrilvillemain / UN Environment

143,578 Likes | 2196 days ago | 874

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#Regram #RG @AmazonFrontlines: What do you do when the oil industry has poisoned your drinking water? ⠀ ⠀ In the northern Ecuadorian Amazon, indigenous communities are building their own solutions through systems that collect and filter rainwater. ⠀ You can help them reach their goal: link in bio.⠀ ⠀ #LessOilMoreWater

243,131 Likes | 2198 days ago | 2,899

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Proud that Appian Way took part in producing this film. In theaters November 21. #RobinHoodMovie

448,062 Likes | 2200 days ago | 1,935

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#Regram #RG @oceana: The demand for fins is one of the greatest threats facing #shark populations around the world, and fins from as many as 73 million #sharks end up in the global shark fin trade every year. While shark finning is illegal in U.S. waters, shark fins continue to be bought and sold throughout the U.S. Tell your representative to support a nationwide ban on the trade of shark fins by following the link in our bio. #FinBanNow . . . 📸: Shutterstock #ocean #takeaction #shark #sharks

475,719 Likes | 2201 days ago | 3,074

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#Regram #RG @conservationorg: “What is the meaning of our lives, really, if we work and live destroying the planet while sacrificing the future of our children? What is the meaning of our lives if our decision... is to reduce the opportunities for our children or grandchildren?” – French President @EmmanuelMacron, addressing US Congress. Unite in the fight against #climatechange. Act now. conservation.org/climatepledge #PlanetB #Macron

193,232 Likes | 2202 days ago | 1,028

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The inspirational #JaneGoodall at Monday’s philanthropy dinner following the Milken Institute Global Conference.

632,249 Likes | 2203 days ago | 4,203

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#Regram #RG @wwf: Great news for this little guy! For the first time in decades, population of the critically #endangered river dolphins in the Mekong has risen! 22 babies were born in the last two years and there are now 92 Irrawaddy dolphins! They are threatened by #habitat #degradation and fishing nets. But effective river patrolling and the strict confiscation of illegal gillnets has given the species new hope. ❤️🐬 . © Cambodia WWF / Gerry Ryan / WWF-Greater Mekong . . . #mekong #irrawaddy #dolphin #dolphins #river #Thailand #Cambodia #Myanmar #Laos #Vietnam #success #win #biodiversity

309,908 Likes | 2204 days ago | 9,943

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: We don’t remember anyone voting to kill elephants, bears, and whales in the 2016 election, but somehow that’s become part of President Trump’s agenda. These iconic species shouldn’t die in the name of big-game hunters and corporate interests. Take action in our profile link!

301,626 Likes | 2206 days ago | 1,225

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#Regram #RG @nature_org: The Dugout Ranch operated by @nature_utah embodies the vision of conservation minded individuals and the mission of @nature_org. Originally a series of homesteads in the 1880’s it was purchased by @nature_org in 1997 and was expanded to host students and research groups as a research station as well as working cattle ranch. Only with vision like this can we work together securing our planets future. Thank you so much for your hospitality @nature_utah and supporting this project celebrating our public lands!! #earthoptimism #gratitude #rushingthroughutah

452,420 Likes | 2207 days ago | 2,538

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#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: The Desert Lily Preserve is a 2,000 acre protected area of the California Desert that serves as a sanctuary for some of the state's most stunning wildflowers.

343,532 Likes | 2208 days ago | 1,935

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#Regram #RG @unenvironment: The rapid pace of #climatechange, combined with a population explosion in the last century, habitat loss, chemical and other pollution, is causing ecological imbalances and pushing more and more species towards the brink of extinction. #BeatPollution #CleanSeas #BreatheLife

359,260 Likes | 2209 days ago | 1,364

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#Regram #RG @unbiodiversity: Marine and coastal biodiversity are the world’s largest source of protein and under serious threat from pollution. We have to protect these vital systems by reducing marine pollution! Over three billion people depend on it for their livelihoods. #GlobalGoal14 🌍💙🌊 Photo credit: Hermansyah/ Unsplash📸 . . #GlobalGoals #marine #coastal #lifeunderwater #biodiversity #ecosystems #Beatpollution #BeatPlasticPollution #sustainability #water #biodiversity #natgeo #animals #influencer #CleanSeas #SeaLegacy #TurningTheTide #climatechange #marinecosystems #marinepollution #photooftheday #nature #oceans #un #unitednations #wwf

272,587 Likes | 2210 days ago | 1,568

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#Regram #RG @unfccc: On #WorldPenguinDay, we must not forget that #ClimateChange is the most dangerous threat facing these feathered friends 🐧 . A study from the @udelaware found that up to 60 percent of the current Adélie penguin habitat in Antarctica could be unfit to host colonies by the end of the century . A study from the Multidisciplinary Institute in Strasbourg found 70 percent of King #penguins - around 1.1 million breeding pairs - may disappear or be forced to find new homes before the end of the century . The best way to ensure the penguin’s survival? Take #ClimateAction today. #GlobalGoals #SDG13 #SDG15