Abbie Cornish

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@abbiecornish : I love you @thefeelgoodkitchen 💕 #Repost @thefeelgoodkitchen ・・・ “In this process of learning to cook and enjoy real whole foods rather than choosing foods based on convenience, or restricting food in the hopes of getting closer to some false idea of perfection, we gained a connection to some of the most pleasurable experiences in life. We’ve learned something that was once common knowledge—how to bring the bounty from the earth into our homes and turn it into beautiful food that nourishes our body and feeds our soul. Now, as we cook for ourselves and our friends and family, every meal has the potential to be an experience that can connect us to the earth, connect us to the moment, to each other, and dare we say, to the divine. These experiences don’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to be a Michelin- starred chef. Heck, we’ve had them in sweatpants. Think of the last time you ate a piece of grilled sweet corn on a summer day. Or a peach at the peak of ripeness, its juice flowing down your chin. You taste the soil in those bites, you taste the sunshine. It’s transcendent. When you eat food that grows out of the ground, the way nature intended, without transforming it too much, without stripping it of its goodness, using your creativity to enhance it ever so slightly, that’s when you can really start to experience food as the gift that it is.” //Excerpt from Pescan: A Feel Good Cookbook @abbiecornish @abramsbooks// 📷@camraface Link in bio xx
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