Carey Hart

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@hartluck : I’m shocked that people have become this disrespectful and vile. I’ve been trying to figure out why our country is having issues w/ human rights, fire arms, etc; like in this clip. As much as I would like to put it on a few bad apples like these vile little pieces of shit, but this is our country now. I personally think it’s due to parenting #1 and religion #2. I bet 10 bucks the shit heads that are responsible for these little shit heads think nothing is wrong with this or the “Good Book” told them too. My apologies to the veteran and Native American that was involved in this disrespect. Maybe you should have built the wall back in the 1600’s so us assholes wouldn’t get in and ruin your land and way of life. I hope everyone involved (school, staff on trip, these little entitled fuckheads, and their pile of shit parents) get fired, expelled, and shamed. This isn’t about politics or “did you see the whole clip?” Bs. This is about respecting elders, having manners, and having a true moral compass. People, it’s time to look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you a contributor or a leach. Are you raising good humans w/ good morals, or entitled pricks like this. Come on people let’s do better.
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